Phil Woolas, the former minister for pandering to the BNP, tabloids & morons (Minister of State for Borders and Immigration the polite Westminster villagers call it) has finally pulled one too many acts of racist demagoguery and the law has finally caught up with him. Now the Labour party are thanking their stars for the weekend and refusing to issue an official statement of their position until Monday but here is my suggestion for a strategy- Drop him like it’s hot. New Labour’s record in government on immigration, Islamophobia and general tabloid shit stirring was shameful and hint- they lost the election- Woolas was the gleeful front man for much of that. This also provides a public record of his bigoted words and deeds, so defenders cannot claim- ah well everyone hypes it in election leaflets, he’s not really a racist. Labour have no need to trawl for votes with the rhetoric Woolas employed as his current trouble demonstrates, he pushed it to extremes and obtained a win by a handful of votes, a win that is now invalidated because of the hate speech his campaign employed. And I have to tell you Oldham does not need people exacerbating tensions, I lived there for two years, the possibilities for a successful diverse town were always under threat from just the kind of exploitation Woolas employed. He is an opportunist who slipped into race bating with such ease and perpetrated such abominations while a minister that Labour should seize the opportunity to maroon him and the policies he represents. For once the cynical dumping of a formerly leading party figure will not earn any disproval, dump the dodgy bigotry mongering chump like he was shit on a donut, the crowd will cheer. It is also imperative because another election will be held and however fuck dreadful Clegg & the Oranginas are proving to be no sane person would mark an X for a Woolas return victory. If party managers feel bad I’m sure they can make some calls and get him a gig with an overpaid weekly column in a tabloid where he can warn of Islamists under the bed filling in the secret priority council house forms (y’know the ones that exist in the fevered imaginations of racists everywhere along with the secret plans to hand over government to the Marxist Caliphate) in order to spread bomb making cells across Lancashire. Although strictly speaking in a just world he should be sent on a global tour of all the places he forced people to be deported to in order to sample the totally safe and not at all war zone like and risk of torture-y nature of these paradises.
PS. Go on Phil file an appeal then, piss some more money up the wall so that when your inevitable end comes you can add ‘Bankrupt‘ to your list of achievements, just after ‘Has no conception of how much he is loathed (suggested by family)‘ and ‘Really world class shit eating grin‘.
UPDATE: Looks like the stink is too much to hide from, Labour can’t wait the weekend so Harman takes point-
Harriet Harman has just said: “It is no part of Labour’s politics to try to win elections by telling lies… Phil Woolas has been suspended” She also added that the Labour party would not support his appeal. “We believe in good community relations – in fact that is central to our politics – and Phil Woolas has been suspended.”
Update comment: Of course when in power and absent a court judgement Woolas was part of the cabinet and his hideous career was promoted, I hope this is more than just a pragmatic -dump the lighting rod for bad publicity-, I hope they get the message, this BNP lite bullshit is over, that this is not simply an end of a political career it is the end of that approach to policy.