Enjoy a post by the skin of my teeth through an intermittent connection, Squarepusher who we would sometimes see posting off stuff at the same post office we used to send off scripts from in Sheffield. Dark atmospheric beats, yummy, Feed Me Weird Things.

Call me crazy or a dreamer, a prophet whose time has yet to come but if you want to build telecoms infrastructure where there are regular storms, gales and fearsome airborne corrosive agents, maybe you could perhaps not put cheap wires up poles, whadya think? Yeah I know, I’m a crazy person.

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Benefits system overhaul ‘to make work pay’

This is not a raft of measures to create a legally mandated living wage or minimum income, pension protection and terms & conditions protections. No, it is spin to cover cutting benefits, attacking the poor, sick & disabled and privatising services while the financial sector and corporations are allowed to evade & avoid tax as they set us up for the next boom and bust whose benefits they will mostly feel and costs we will mostly bear. The only people being ‘regulated’ are the poor, unemployed, students, sick and disabled, and when I say ‘regulated’ I mean fucked over to death.

Four brothers join the army

Or go and work for the ruling class killing obstacles to globalised profit making.

Cue O’Brien (incidentally the maternal side of my family’s name)

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever

Getting real stampy up in here.

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This is a poster wot I done made for Bangor Peace  & Justice’s showing of Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo which is on Wednesday evening (food at 6, film at 7.30, talk after) 17th November at the Blue Sky Cafe Bangor (w/ Occasional Cinema), with a talk and Q&A by co-director Andy Worthington. Don’t miss an essential human rights event for North Wales!

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Bush tries the whining defence, it fails-

Downing Street today dismissed George Bush’s claim that waterboarding is not torture after the former president used his memoirs to play down the brutality of the interrogation technique and claimed that it saved British lives.

The former chair of the Commons intelligence and security committee, Kim Howells, cast doubt on Bush’s claim that it had helped save British lives. “We are not convinced,” said the Labour MP.

Of course when it comes to our own use of torture will the govt. be quite so ready to call a spade a spade? Even so, watching this dry drunk fundie war criminal claim he was doing if for our own good needs to be firmly set in the correct context, the context of -she was asking for it, this hurts me more than it hurts you, but they loved their dear ol’ mum, god told me to do it, etc etc etc.

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After being sentenced, malefactors were usually held in prison for a few days before being drawn by horse to the place of execution, usually on a hurdle, their hands tied. Once stripped of their clothing, they were taken to the scaffold and hanged for a short period, but only to cause strangulation and near-death. They were then disembowelled, and normally emasculated. Those still conscious at this point might have seen their entrails burnt, before their heart was removed. The body was then decapitated, signalling an unquestionable death, and quartered (chopped into four pieces). Each dismembered piece of the body was later displayed publicly, as a warning to others.

On 31 January 1606, Fawkes and three others – Thomas Wintour, Ambrose Rookwood, and Robert Keyes – were dragged from the Tower on wattled hurdles to the Old Palace Yard at Westminster, opposite the building they had attempted to destroy. His fellow plotters were hanged, drawn and quartered. Fawkes was the last to stand on the scaffold. He asked for forgiveness of the King and state, while keeping up his “crosses and idle ceremonies”, and aided by the hangman began to climb the ladder to the noose. Although weakened by torture, Fawkes managed to jump from the gallows, breaking his neck in the fall and thus avoiding the agony of the latter part of his execution. His lifeless body was nevertheless drawn and quartered, and as was the custom, his body parts were then distributed to “the four corners of the kingdom”, to be displayed as a warning to other would-be traitors.

Interrogation Torture techniques at ‘Britain’s Abu Ghraib’ revealed

Bush Makes Clear He Approved Torture

Happy 5/11

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Phil Woolas, the former minister for pandering to the BNP, tabloids & morons (Minister of State for Borders and Immigration the polite Westminster villagers call it) has finally pulled one too many acts of racist demagoguery and the law has finally caught up with him. Now the Labour party are thanking their stars for the weekend and refusing to issue an official statement of their position until Monday but here is my suggestion for a strategy- Drop him like it’s hot. New Labour’s record in government on immigration, Islamophobia and general tabloid shit stirring was shameful and hint- they lost the election- Woolas was the gleeful front man for much of that. This also provides a public record of his bigoted words and deeds, so defenders cannot claim- ah well everyone hypes it in election leaflets, he’s not really a racist. Labour have no need to trawl for votes with the rhetoric Woolas employed as his current trouble demonstrates, he pushed it to extremes and obtained a win by a handful of votes, a win that is now invalidated because of  the hate speech his campaign employed. And I have to tell you Oldham does not need people exacerbating tensions, I lived there for two years, the possibilities for a successful diverse town were always under threat from just the kind of exploitation Woolas employed. He is an opportunist who slipped into race bating with such ease and perpetrated such abominations while a minister that Labour should seize the opportunity to maroon him and the policies he represents. For once the cynical dumping of a formerly leading party figure will not earn any disproval, dump the dodgy bigotry mongering chump like he was shit on a donut, the crowd will cheer. It is also imperative because another election will be held and however fuck dreadful Clegg & the Oranginas are proving to be no sane person would mark an X for a Woolas return victory. If party managers feel bad I’m sure they can make some calls and get him a gig with an overpaid weekly column in a tabloid where he can warn of Islamists under the bed filling in the secret priority council house forms (y’know the ones that exist in the fevered imaginations of racists everywhere along with the secret plans to hand over government to the Marxist Caliphate) in order to spread bomb making cells across Lancashire. Although strictly speaking in a just world he should be sent on a global tour of all the places he forced people to be deported to in order to sample the totally safe and not at all war zone like and risk of torture-y nature of these paradises.

PS. Go on Phil file an appeal then, piss some more money up the wall so that when your inevitable end comes you can add ‘Bankrupt‘ to your list of achievements, just after ‘Has no conception of how much he is loathed (suggested by family)‘ and ‘Really world class shit eating grin‘.

UPDATE: Looks like the stink is too much to hide from, Labour can’t wait the weekend so Harman takes point-

Harriet Harman has just said: “It is no part of Labour’s politics to try to win elections by telling lies… Phil Woolas has been suspended”  She also added that the Labour party would not support his appeal. “We believe in good community relations – in fact that is central to our politics – and Phil Woolas has been suspended.”

Update comment: Of course when in power and absent a court judgement Woolas was part of the cabinet and his hideous career was promoted, I hope this is more than just a pragmatic -dump the lighting rod for bad publicity-, I hope they get the message, this BNP lite bullshit is over, that this is not simply an end of a political career it is the end of that approach to policy.

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Human rights experts have long pressed the administration of former president George W. Bush for details of who bore ultimate responsibility for approving the simulated drownings of CIA detainees, a practice that many international legal experts say was illicit torture. is torture.*

In a memoir due out Tuesday, Bush makes clear that he personally approved the use of coercive technique TORTURE* against alleged Sept. 11 plotter Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an admission the human rights experts say could one day have legal consequences for him.

In his book, titled “Decision Points,” Bush recounts being asked by the CIA whether it could proceed with waterboarding Mohammed, who Bush said was suspected of knowing about still-pending terrorist plots against the United States. Bush writes that his reply was “Damn right” and states that he would make the same decision again to save lives, according to a someone close to Bush who has read the book.

via In new memoir, Bush makes clear he approved use of waterboarding. *Passage corrected against The Washington Post’s torture denial policy.

And as for ’saving lives’ oh the old ego soothing lies to keep the realisation you are the monster far from your mind. So there we have it, he openly admits committing a war crime, abrogating the USA’s treaty obligations on torture in international law and the prospect of him being brought to account for this? In the absence of a functioning legal system to stop such criminals vigilante action, labelled assassination or terrorism, remains a high risk, personally I would resign rather then be a bodyguard for this piece of shit.

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…then I was in Manchester, then I was in Dusseldorf (for 15 minutes), then I was in Prague, I stayed in Prague where such hospitality was lavished upon me by Lucie & Jourik that my lurgi knew its time was up and began sweatily abandoning its occupation.

With apologies to The Clash's Rock The Casbah: Swap The Fatwa

How Tony Blair made ‘A Journey’ there too remains an occult mystery. We worked, we absorbed culture (DOX gallery & Medúza cafe win seals of approval, pix of exhibitions here) we lived in a house designed and built by Lucie’s architect father, thanks and best wishes to both her parents.

2011 may see some intriguing activity in the Eurozone…

Then I was in Zurich, then I was in Manchester, then I was home where I learned about the emergency dash to the vet who diagnosed that Mogwai had been poisoned (looking at you organophosphates) and atropine stat was the order of the day and inpatient observation. Now home she is recovering well.

Apparently some things also happened in the world, can you imagine? No respect some people. En route I ran into the arms dealer woman who wanted the Eurofighter to be used in Afghanistan ‘cos it’s good advertising right? Her historical appreciation of imperialism & colonialism seemed to come from Mel Gibson movie The Patriot, I guess we will have to wait for a Hollywood blockbuster from the side of the Afghan resistance for her to question her career. And there was the Brazilian right winger who was dissapointed at the election result and put anything good down to the Cardoso era and all ills were down to Lula and now Dilma Rousseff (boy she must work fast). Even when the Swiss analyst retorted that his own corporation’s briefings contradicted the rightist’s facts, his enmity towards impure neoliberalism remained.

When wearily traversing through the shiny shopping security tyrannies that many airports are, I recommend this as a soundtrack:

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Clearly a song written this year, what chances could a 24 year old song be so prescient… now where’s my Chaplin mobile…

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