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The threat of bio-terrorism is real

The advances in synthetic biology and the discovery of state-sponsored weapons programs utilizing smallpox, increase the likelihood and concern that the Variola virus might be used as an agent of bioterrorism


The threat of bio-terrorism is real. It is becoming increasingly possible for terrorists to produce and deploy bio-weapons. The fact that we see a movement in interest among non-state actors towards biological weapons usage and the continued advancement of biotechnology increases the availability and weaponization potential of dangerous pathogens, thus increasing the likelihood of a bioweapon attack.

Biological weapons can range in lethality from salmonella, used to temporarily incapacitate, to smallpox which can cause mass casualties. Biological attacks have already taken place and continue to be a noticeable probability for the foreseeable future. However, of greatest concern is the capability to deliver a sizable lethal attack against a large population group.

Smallpox is rated among the most dangerous of all potential biological weapons, with far-reaching ramifications.

Although officially eradicated in 1980, the risk of a smallpox recurrence is real: Natural sources include UN repositories, archived laboratory specimens, mutation of a related poxvirus or resurrection of virus outside labs. Intentional release might result from unauthorized acquisition from UN repositories, offensive state programs or laboratory genetic synthesis; the world has witnessed a knowledge explosion in the life sciences based on an understanding of genes and how they work, e.g. the cost of creating a virus is dropping exponentially. Thus, a researcher could order all the necessary base pairs to create a smallpox virus for between USD 2,000 and USD 20,000 (1).

If smallpox does recur, the consequence of being unprepared would be a global catastrophe. An unchecked epidemic in today's unvaccinated, densely packed urban populations, which are linked by rapid air travel, could kill millions.

The development of effective preventative and therapeutic countermeasures against potential biological weapons is one of Bavarian Nordic's key business priorities. The company strives to establish a biodefence portfolio that offers vaccines against the most threatening biological agents. The most advanced product in the pipeline is IMVAMUNE® which is Bavarian Nordic's third generation smallpox vaccine. In addition, an Anthrax vaccine is in development.

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(1) Hammes, p. 14-23; May-June 2007, Military Review

News on biodefence

Reports on biodefence

World at risk

- The Report of the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism

The Commission believes that the U.S. government should make bioterrorism a higher priority. Only by elevating the priority of the biological weapons threat will it be possible to bring about substantial improvements in global biosecurity.

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Germs go global

The report finds that the US defenses against emerging infectious diseases are insufficient, creating serious consequences for the U.S. health system, economy, and national security

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Interpol guide

- Bioterrorism Incident Preparedness and Response Guide

Interpols Guide provides comprehensive, step-by-step procedures to assist law enforcement in preparing for and dealing with bioterrorism-related incidents

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Biodefense for 21st Century

The US White House Homeland Security Council conducted a comprehensive evaluation of biological defense capabilities and the actions needed to support and strengthen them. The result of that study was "Biodefense for the 21st Century", a blueprint for the US biodefense program, which integrates the national and homeland security, medical, public health, intelligence, diplomatic, and law enforcement communities.

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Atlantic Storm

After-Action Report Navigating the Storm: Report and Recommendations from the Atlantic Storm Exercise

Atlantic Storm portrayed a summit meeting of presidents, prime ministers, and other international leaders from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean in which they responded to a campaign of bioterrorist smallpox attacks in several countries.

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Strengthen American Biosecurity

Biological weapons pose a serious and increasing national security risk. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will work to prevent bioterror attacks and mitigate consequences. The Agenda described how the new US Administration will prevent bioterror attacks, build capacity to mitigate the consequences of bioterror attacks and accelerate the development of new medicines, vaccines, and production capabilities as well as lead an international effort to diminish impact of major infectious disease epidemics.

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