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Michael Brune - Sierra Club

This Ain't No Farmville

The recent profiles published in the Sierra Club's Compass blog of communities affected by toxic coal-ash waste sites can make grim reading. Some excerpts: Chester, WV: "With no family history ... read more »

Toxic in America

American children are “guinea pigs in an uncontrolled experiment,” according to Senator Frank Lautenberg D-New Jersey who spoke to the Senate Subcommittee on Superfund, Toxics and Environmental Health on October ... read more »
Michelle Hainer - Tonic

Generation Organic - Not Your Grandaddy's Farmer

Who knew organic farming was so cool? These young agricultural leaders are out to show their generation why it's good to go organic. When you hear the word farmer, it's ... read more »

Study Suggests Water Should be Conserved Now

Farmers and horticulturists are being advised to act now in order to survive the years of drought ahead. A recent report commissioned by the Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) ... read more »

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