Exro Technologies Inc.

Exro Technologies Inc. bringing better generators to wind power market (subscription required) Canadian GreenTech | 09.22.09

Wind Technology Trends: Why Small Steps Matter Renewable Energy World | 09.16.09

Scalable Generator Thrives Off Wind Variability enerG | 08.01.09

Increasing the wind power harnessing efficiency RobAid | 06.21.09

A boost for electric cars Canada.com | 06.06.09

Calgary inventor’s ‘Penta Power’ turbine garners big interest Calgary Herald | 05.06.09

Variable Input Electrical Generator Engineering TV | 06.01.09

Beyond Fossil Fuels: John McDonald on Wind Power Scientific American | 04.27.09

Improving Wind Generation Efficiency Global Warming | 04.09.09

Intelligent Revolution

Exro Technologies Inc., a privately held Canadian Corporation based in Vancouver Canada, is the exclusive provider of the Variable Induction Electrical Generator (VIEG), a unique Direct-Drive Permanent Magnet Generator designed specifically for clean energy applications. Initially targeting wind, Exro’s VIEG eliminates the need for a gearbox— which reduces maintenance issues and eliminates system losses. The VIEG also provides additional increases in energy output along with increased fault tolerance, all without a need for a complete turbine redesign. The installation of the VIEG drives down the cost per kilowatt hour by producing a double-digit improvement in a turbine’s annual energy output (kWh per year) and by decreasing the cost of ownership of the turbine over its lifetime. The company has working prototypes and is currently engaged in testing and validation activities designed to quantify the economic value of the technology in a range of applications.

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