Last updated: October 31, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 9°C - 16°C . Shower or two.

Gillard aware of minister's 'antics'

POLITICAL instability has struck Prime Minister Julia Gillard's ministry over allegations about inappropriate behaviour by a Cabinet minister.

The allegations are being treated as future leadership manoeuvring.

In the first sign of trouble for the minority Labor Government that has been in power for just two months, the campaign to undermine a senior minister has hit fever pitch in Canberra over the past two weeks.

The minister strongly denies the behaviour, but persistent allegations prompted one backbench MP to alert the Prime Minister's office to what was being said about the minister over a long period of time.

The concern was raised a month ago after the MP heard persistent allegations about the minister's behaviour.

The MP, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he had been surprised by the scope of the rumours and thought it prudent to raise the issue.

"I raised it because if you hear things like this you should make the leadership group aware of what is being said," the MP said. The MP added that the Prime Minister's office indicated it was already aware of the allegations.

The Prime Minister Julia Gillard today dismissed the reports "idle gossip".
"Look, I'm not going to comment on idle gossip," the Prime Minister said on a visit to the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi.
Ms Gillard did not specifically answer whether any Labor MPs had raised questions with either her or her office.
And asked if it was destabilising for the Government for ministers to be undermined, she stuck to her line: "Idle gossip is just that, idle gossip". 

But behind the scenes the issue has been discussed at the highest levels of the Gillard Government in the context of a campaign to undermine the minister.

The minister himself has strongly denied any wrongdoing and said the allegations were untrue.

"I have a categorical denial for you," he told The Sunday Mail's sister newspaper, Sydney's The Sunday Telegraph.

"If you name me, I will sue."

It is understood that Ms Gillard's office is treating the allegations as political manoeuvring by future leadership aspirants in a bid to discredit the minister, whose political star has been on the rise.

The internal stoush is a serious political concern because any disunity in the party's highest ranks would be destabilising at a time when the fledgling minority Government needs unity.

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  • wilma Posted at 4:23 PM Today

    I wondered why our political manipulators in the media have been fixated on Howard for the past couple of weeks.

  • MG of Adelaide Posted at 3:01 PM Today

    Anyone can start a rumour. If there is any strength in the rumour name names if not this should not have seen the light of day. I for one am fed up with trial by media

  • SueP Posted at 2:57 PM Today

    I can accept that you can't tell us "who" is behaving badly without getting sued, but surely you can tell us "What" the alleged bad behaviour is? Behaving badly could be seat sniffing, staff bashing, alliance seeking, drug taking, associating with unsavoury characters, embezzlement, fraud or excessive gambling...all of which have been committed by various MP's in the past.

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