Last updated: November 01, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 8°C - 18°C . Mainly fine.

Melbourne Cup computer sweep

Hunt for cowardly thug


A YOUNG woman has been bashed and left  with serious injuries by a gutless thug who tried to rob her in the city. 

One tragic mistake - and everybody loses


THESE two people died in a crash that left the culpable driver brain-damaged and unfit to stand trial. Can there ever be any justice in a case like this?

Booze more dangerous than heroin, crack


ALCOHOL is more dangerous than illegal drugs like heroin and crack cocaine when the full effect on society is taken into account, experts say.

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Krispy Kreme not making enough dough

Krispy Kreme

KRISPY Kreme stores are losing money with the Australian arm of the US chain now placed in administration.

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Swindler jailed for ripping off boss

Beverley Joy Cadd

A WOMAN who stole $130,000 from her employer to purportedly pay her dying husband's medical expenses has been jailed.

lee westwood

England's Lee Westwood has displaced Tiger Woods as golf's new world No.1 after a reign of 281 weeks.


So You Think will start one of the shortest-priced favourites in Cup history. Little wonder. Even opposing trainers are saying he's unbeatable.

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an home slide - jesinta

Beauty queen Jesinta Campbell admits she's nervous about any backlash from her Barbarella-inspired photo shoot in lads' mag FHM | Gallery 


SARDI scientists who have discovered a rare sea mountain off our coast can't wait to go back and find out what lives there.


Adelaide's latest Thinker in Residence believes the Government is on the wrong track with its planned tramline destinations.

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Win $10k in AdelaideNow SuperStable fantasy racing game. Register now.

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Spring Racing

AN image scrollo spring racing

Check out our Spring racing HQ for the latest fashion, video and pics.

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Economic Update

Economic Update scrollo

Prescott Securities speaks to AdelaideNow Business about the Top Dollar.

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adelaide style fashion forum

Scariest music video winner shock

Marilyn Manson

MARILYN Manson has beaten Michael Jackson to the top of a Halloween-related online poll to find the Scariest Music Video ever made.

Action heroes don't wear undies: Willis

Bruce Willis

DIE Hard actor Bruce Willis says it takes a certain type of man to become an action hero.

Nine closes gap on Seven in news ratings

Man using remote control / File

A DECLINE in viewers tuning into Deal or No Deal in favour of Eddie McGuire's game show could be the reason Nine is catching Seven.

In Depth Features

EducationNow - news from unis and schools


LEARN something new each week with the latest news and features from SA's schools and universities - plus the acclaimed Newspapers in Education site.

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Adelaide's Pandas - Wang Wang and Funi

Wang wang the panda

TWO beautiful giant pandas are living at Adelaide Zoo - click here to meet Wang Wang and Funi via our exclusive videos and photo galleries.

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SA Weekend - all the big reads

SA Weekend promo

ENJOY your weekend with riveting yarns from around the world in Great Weekend and Big Reads, plus plenty more.

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Save The Murray

River Murray

THE River Murray is in crisis. Drastic action is needed now to save it. Get involved in ensuring its survival.

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Don't miss chance to have your say

IN comparison to state and federal government elections, local government polls in South Australia are low-key to say the least.

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That's what happens when your business model has a hole in it.

Sad to see them go Posted at 12:46 PM

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Oct 24 - Nov 22

You are clearing up a lot of confusion. You are righting wrongs, redressing imbalances, compensating for past mistakes and starting to steer a wiser course towards a brighter... Read more

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