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Ask Bossy

Is it wrong to sell stuff given to me by my ex?

Kate de Brito

Monday, October 25, 2010 at 08:20am

Dear Bossy: My last relationship ended pretty suddenly(and bitterly) about 6 months ago. While I know I’ve done the right thing in avoiding him, his friends, places he might go and I’ve made sure to end all contact (blocked and deleted him on face book, deleted his phone number). I still feel a little bit haunted.

I have all the gifts and tokens he had ever given me (birthday, valentines cards, tiffany necklace, perfume etc) and even some gifts from his parents and family. Currently, all evidence is safely locked away in a box under my bed but sometimes even knowing they are there makes me feel sick. Sometimes I can’t resist the urge to open that box.

I recently deleted every photo of him on my phone, camera and face book and some friends of mine(and his) noticed and expressed that they considered my actions to be “unnecessary” and made me look bitter. When I asked my girlfriends for advice on possibly selling some of the more expensive gifts currently locked away under my bed, I got very mixed reactions… Generally the people closest to me think it would be a mistake/an “over-reaction”.

I don’t feel bitter . I did once, but not now.

I kind of feel as though I am allowed to do whatever I like but now I feel a bit guilty. I also don’t really want my friends thinking I’m still bitter.

Is it wrong for me to want to get rid of all the evidence? What’s wrong with me making a small profit??? Tiffany isn’t cheap and I’m a little bit broke...

Bossy says: Chuck the lot. Why wouldn’t you? It’s not bitter to get rid of old junk. It’s space saving. It’s getting rid of the old to make way for the new.

There’s also no reason you shouldn’t gain financially from any of these objects. Presumably they were gifts, so they belong to you. Do your friends really think it’s healthier to keep them locked away under your bed rather than just finding them a new home?

Sentimental attachment is fine. Most of us keep items from our past. But why keep something if you can’t use it, and feel no sentimental attachment? Why keep something if it makes you sick?

This isn’t some reality TV program where you see how much discomfort you can bear. There is no $2 million prize for keeping this stuff gathering dust under your bed.

The4se things are pretty simply really. It’s your life and it is entirely up to you what to do with it. You are not hurting anyone by getting rid of it. You no longer even have any contact with this man. It it will make you feel freer and better able to move on to get rid of it then you should just dump the lot.

The reason people keep mementos is because they make them feel good. They enjoy looking at them and the memories they bring back. But these things from your ex don’t make you feel good. They remind you of heartbreak. So toss them. You are not obligated to keep photos or gifts from people just because they were once part of your life.

Many people find it liberating to get rid of “stuff”. It’s not some act of revenge to discard his things. It’s about moving on. Why not make a profit at the same time? Get yourself on eBay and relinquish the past.


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I think you should sell the jewelry and then invest the money in a hydroponic setup so you can grow tomatoes. And then you can sell the tomatoes, make tomato cookies and make dried tomatoes which I think are the best.

potatoes (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:27am)
just a suggestion replied to potatoes
Mon 25 Oct 10 (10:46am)

yes, agree. I prefer the semi-dried.

Michi replied to potatoes
Mon 25 Oct 10 (11:13am)

I like your thinking potatoes. Never had tomato cookies. Do you know where I can find these?

gb replied to potatoes
Mon 25 Oct 10 (12:14pm)

ill get an 8th of dried tomatoes please. dont have the cash now, but you know im good for it..

Pete replied to potatoes
Mon 25 Oct 10 (01:32pm)

I would sell them outside comedy clubs.

Blackadder replied to potatoes
Mon 25 Oct 10 (03:20pm)

She should grow potatoes… tongue laugh

Heather replied to potatoes
Mon 25 Oct 10 (03:49pm)


Just get rid of the lot.  Part of the process of moving on is getting rid of all things that remind you of the past.

If you miss something, then find it in ten years, you may look back with a semntimental affection.  Now is not the time for that though, just dump the lot, sell it, or give it to tha Salvos.

Shane of Sydney (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:39am)
BeenThere DoneThat replied to Shane
Mon 25 Oct 10 (11:29am)

Agree - a few years after my divorce, I was told to get rid of all the things I still had that were related to my ex (including things that he hadnt “got around to” picking up) as it wasnt helping me move forward in my current relationship.

It helped me clear my head, and finally feel like I had a fresh start.

“some friends of mine(and his) noticed and expressed that they considered my actions to be “unnecessary” and made me look bitter.”

As they say, opinions are like arseholes—everybody’s got one.

Try not to worry about that crap. Take Bossy’s most excellent advice and do whatever it takes to get over that guy and erase him from your life until you are left with only the fond memories.

You’ll get there eventually.

Sell, Sell, Sell !!!

It was given as a gift, it’s yours to do with as you please. There’s hardly a thing in my house left from my ex wife, it’s all gone, sold or given away and I don’t feel an inch of shame about it. Think of it as a purification exercise and burn some incense while you’re listing the good stuff on Ebay.

Best of luck,


Al of Vic (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:44am)

The whole hock trade is based on the selling of trinkets from broken relationships, without that they would go bust. It’s also handy for tight arses that want to skimp less on an engagement ring and tell you it’s an heirloom.

Have fun, don’t spend all your wad at the bowling club though, save some for at least buying the next potential partner ONE drink.


Dr. Opkick of Planet Zero (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:45am)

You start off bossy by saying to chuck the lot and then end with making a profit - im a little confused. Regardless, she’s right, chuck the crap and sell the expensive stuff, esp if you could welcome a little extra cash.

But this issue is a little more fundamental then selling or chucking out some material possessions. Six months? Feeling sick? Justifying to the online world that you are no longer bitter?

He may have cheated on you, or dumped you horribly, or ended up being a closet fag - who knows. But in my opinion, one to two months is enough time to start seeing the good in how it evidently unfolded, to forgive, and to live and let live. After all, him, you, and everyone else on this planet has to put up with THEMSELVES for the rest of their lives....

pdaddy of the bra (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:47am)
Mahhrat replied to pdaddy
Mon 25 Oct 10 (01:48pm)

I’m liking your work, pdaddy.  Six months is about three longer than any of that.  I remember giving my wedding band to the bridesmaid (who’s now not even an acquaintance) about a week after we broke up.

Holding onto material possessions that you don’t enjoy is just dumb.

I would offer to return the goods - they were gifts and to me profiting from them is tacky - but hey, if you’re more interested in the money than the feelgood, only God can judge you.

GG replied to pdaddy
Mon 25 Oct 10 (06:43pm)

Am I the only person who thinks it might take longer than 2 months, especially if it were long and ended badly? It took me longer than that to get over my ex-boyfriend - I suppose I lost bitterness fairly early but there was still pain and confusion there. I’ve known two people who have taken a whole year to properly get over partners! And those people I do know who “move on” within 2 months usually find their next relationship ends soon and they’re still upset. More power than you if it doesn’t take that long for you, I just don’t think 6 months is that long a time (if the relationship was longer than, say, more than 2 years).

Sell the expensive stuff and BURN BURN BURN BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN the sentimental lovey dovey lies that you had been fed, ie: every card saying that he loves you and all that jazz to maintain the status quo of sex whenever he felt like it. Fire is a powerful tool which isn’t used enough in todays society. It should be used to purge rapists, vegetarians, peadophiles and fat netball refs who commit acts against common decency with their horrendeously fat legs and short white skirts as per their uniform requirements.

Also it saves you explaining or lying about things down the path, ie: nice necklace where’d you get it. Sell that shit.

As for your friends reactions, I guess they’d like someone who’d buy them a tiffany necklace and some perfume because they’re women and women like sparkly things and stuff that hides their true self such as make up, perfume, push up bras, heels etc, so they just don’t understand and you should just disregard their opinion.

Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:47am)
Semiotic replied to TOMATOR
Mon 25 Oct 10 (11:46am)

around my area those same Netball refs are dressed in figure hugging lycra!!!

Shifter replied to TOMATOR
Mon 25 Oct 10 (12:30pm)

There’s something about cleansing with fire that is really gratifying.

jhm replied to TOMATOR
Mon 25 Oct 10 (03:11pm)

But the refs make the players look so much more attractive, TOMATOR. That’s why ref uniforms in most sports are so fucking ugly.

Mr Subramanian replied to TOMATOR
Mon 25 Oct 10 (03:35pm)

Oo - Tomator seems to have attended official Saturday afternoon association netball games in pursuit of his favourite pasttime…

Quite simply it is no one elses business what you do with the items.  They are gifts, they are yours and you can do what you want with them.

If they don’t make you feel good or remind you of good times it is better that you get rid of them.  Don’t hang on to things that hold you back from moving on.

Reality Check of Sydney (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:50am)

I agree with Bossy!

It’s not use holding onto things that you will never use again.

When an ex and I broke up I got rid of EVERYTHING. Photos, jewellery, perfume, gifts, momentos, letters etc. I also deleted any photos I had of him off my computer and social network sites.

It felt liberating and empowering.

It’s noone else’s business but your own, so I say go for it!

Sassy (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:51am)

It’s your stuff, you can do what you like with it.

Blossy of Canberra (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:54am)

Selling the gifts is fine. I doubt your friends will have an issue with this really. Deleting the photos was unnecessary, your friends are right.

When you went to extremes by deleting those photos it is like you are attempting to excise that portion of your life and pretend that it never happened. It did happen, it’s now over and you shouldn’t feel bitter about it but reflect on what it has helped you become as a person. It might make you a little sad and still hurt if it is only 6 months ago but the aim is to go forward, you are still lingering on the past.

You need to cull the box under your bed. Sell what you want, throw out valentines cards etc and only keep what you can’t bear to part with. Then move what is left to an innaccessible location (top of wardrobe etc) to it is not reminding you by its constant presence. Revisit the box in a years time and you will probably chuck the rest as well.

Semiotic (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (08:55am)
Donna Martin Graduates! replied to Semiotic
Mon 25 Oct 10 (12:46pm)

Where do you get off saying the friends were right when they opined it was “unnecessary”?

It obviously was a necessary thing for her to do in her steps towards getting over her ex.

Although I concede you do make a good point about learning from the experience, she doesn’t, however, need painful & constant reminders for that process to happen.

Kimberley replied to Semiotic
Mon 25 Oct 10 (03:14pm)

What’s the difference between photos and the stuff? She doesn’t want the photos, they belong to her, why can’t she get rid of them?

Facebook is a place to show off aspects of your life. If you aren’t happy about a time in your life, why should you display it? It’s your choice what you want the public to see and if looking at them upsets you, then get rid of them. Who says you need to display something just because it happened?

If she doesn’t want to keep the photos for her own collection or keep them online, it’s her right to delete them. They are hers.

I get rid of ex stuff too, OP.  Photos, cards, presents, texts, emails - the lot.  It makes mefeel better.  We all deal in our own way.  Your friend are being judgy-wudgy.

Hell yes, sell it.  I’d say spend the money on something for yourself though, don’t put it towards something boring like bills.  But whatever makes you happy.

Good luck. smile

Elphaba of The Western Sky (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (09:01am)
Paul replied to Elphaba
Tue 26 Oct 10 (10:33am)

wont that be the same?  spend it on bills so you forget.  If you buy something else its basically from him?

How about you give the expensive things back???

I recently purged most of the jewellery my ex husband gave me.  Engagement ring, bracelets etc.  Awesome feeling, didn’t want or like the stuff anymore. Like bossy said, I didn’t have any emotional attachment to it, it was just gathering dust in the drawer. I got a few hundred dollars back for the stuff to boot, which went towards something I really wanted.  Go for it girl.... and don’t look back!

RaniGirl of LaLaLand (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (09:01am)
Robbity replied to RaniGirl
Mon 25 Oct 10 (12:36pm)

*Like* LOL

What RaniGirl, Elphaba and Bodacious Bossy all said OP....

I say sell the lot. If you arent going to use any of it then why let it rot away under your bed when you could sell it!

Spring (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (09:08am)

Loose the guilt. It is your property. You may do whatever you wish with it. If it had been a family heirloom then I could understand people discouraging you from selling but this is just jewellery from a failed relationship.

Sonrahjacksar of Here (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (09:12am)

Do what makes you feel better and forget them.

Gem (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (09:13am)

Agreed Bossy. Get rid of the lot. Start fresh!

Amy of Stars (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (09:16am)

I think you should sell the stuff you can sell and burn the rest.

MM (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (09:21am)

God yeah!  Sell it for a tidy profit and take a trip to Phuket.  I would.

Skaramoosh (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (09:26am)

It’s absolutely liberating once those memories are put away forever at the bottom of a wheelie bin. But who doesn’t like making a few hundred bucks of junk you don’t need?

That guy of Brisbane (Reply)
Mon 25 Oct 10 (09:29am)

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Kate de Brito

Kate de Brito

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