What We Missed

tweet that says: @feministing i think it's fair 4 sarah palin to call herself a feminist but only this weekend. I mean, i'll b calling myself a pirate...LMAO

This tweet has been a favorite today. (via)

California Gubernatorial Candidate Meg Whitman admits that she would have her undocumented housekeeper deported to win the election. It’s hypocritical and heartless.

Lambda Literary has a round-up of ten LGBT books for teens that tackle the topics of bullying and suicide.

Campus Progress reports on a study of college sex columnists.

Some good news: Three months into the Arizona anti-immigrant law, there have been no arrests. The bad news: there has been a lot of fear, intimidation, anti-immigrant sentiment and many immigrants have left the state altogether.

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Sharron Angle Wins Most Racist Political Ad of the Year

Yesterday, Nevada’s Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle pulled slightly ahead of Harry Reid in the polls. But, regardless of what happens on November 2nd, she’s already won one contest—against some pretty tough competition.

Angle’s first two race-baiting, anti-immigrant ads (here and here) made her an early favorite in Salon’s Baity Awards for Excellence in the Field of Race-baiting, but it was this latest video that secured her victory in the category ofBest Attempt at Convincing People That Mexican Immigrants Are Drug-running Cartel Assassins.”

Transcript after the jump.

This has got to be the most overtly racist piece of political shit I’ve ever seen. Waves of scowling Mexican thugs (with tattoos! and bandanas! the horror!) force little white girls, who just want to go to school, to live in fear. Meanwhile, Harry Reid is siding with President Obama and the President of Mexico (two more brown men!) while Sharron Angle sits in the sun and drinks coffee at the kitchen table of home and family and all that is good. She’s even driven home the not-so-subtle point further with a new website called The Harry Reid Amnesty Game with the taglineFun for the Entire Illegal Family.”

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Still looking for Halloween costume ideas?

Last year Ann posted some amazing non-sexist, non-racist Halloween costume ideas. I’m reviving the tradition with today’s post, which includes all of Ann’s suggestions from last year, with a few updates.

2010 edition:

(Warning, I’m not as funny as Ann, but I will try my best)

Constance McMillen (she was the star lesbian youth activist this year, and what better way to commemorate her?)

Constance wearing a rainbow sash

Needed: Rainbow sash, large dark wig, serious bravery. Alternative: Tux to dress as she would have, if she could have gone to prom (like this maybe).
Related ideas
: Any of the brave young LGBTQ folks who tried to go to prom, or be elected prom king/queen this year.

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga with long blonde hair, glasses and red leotard like thing

Needed: Big sunglasses, long blonde wig, spandex, patterned stockings
Related ideas
: Madonna

Mad Men Cast (Group idea!)
Photo of entire cast of mad men

Needed: 60s style clothing, cut-throat attitude, skinny tie, (fake) cigarette, booze in glass on ice
: Cast of Glee, Lost, Weeds

America Ferrara as Dolores Huerta (idea via Bitch Magazine)

America Ferrara holding up a

Needed: Plaid shirt, blue jeans, cardboard with “Huelga” written on it
: Angela Davis, Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug

Rachel Maddow
Maddow at Jay Leno, cowboy shirt and glasses

Needed: Big black glasses, short wig, cowboy shirt
: A slightly more femme version of Maddow (ala TV show), sans glasses, add lip gloss and women’s blazer

For more ideas, check out the #feministhalloween hashtag on twitter.

After the jump we’ve got Ann’s awesome ideas from last year, with a few updates.

Post your costume ideas in comments, including instructions on putting them together.

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Wesley Meredith Wins Most Sexist Political Ad of the Year

Via Feminist Law Professors

I’m sure there are some other close contenders. Leave your pick in comments, and stay tuned for Maya’s version later today with “Most Racist Political Ad of the Year.”

Transcript via Care2 after the jump

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Twitter Responds to #GawkerFAIL on Christine O’Donnell

If you were within a stone’s throw of the interwebs yesterday, odds are you read the piece Gawker ran by anonymous dude (of course, it looks like the race to uncover his identity has already been won) about his (almost) hook-up with Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell.

It was a piece so grossly sexist and sexlessly gross, it forced many feminists, who hate every last thing about O’Donnell’s politics, to not only condemn the article and the decision to run it but also note that it made O’ Donnell seem like a rather sympathetic, relatable figure. Yes, that’s how much this piece backfired.

Twitter also had lots to say about this #gawkerfail. So if you somehow missed the drama yesterday, here’s a little roundup of Twitter reactions that should get you up to speed.

First of all, did someone say “link bait”?

@agolis: The secret reason Gawker thought the world would be better if it published its Christine O’Donnell scoop: http://bit.ly/aRlXr0

So what else is new?

@amaditalks: Oh, Gawker posted some bullshit? It’s a day of the week ending in Y, right? (Why are people surprised?)

My god, this guy is a douche.

@amandahess: worst guy ever, thurs. oct. 28 edition http://gaw.kr/bxxKnY

Oh, hell no, he’s talking about her unshaven…

@studentactivism: On the O’Donnell story: If pubic hair on a woman you’re fooling around with freaks you out, the sexually sheltered one in the bed ain’t her.

Double standards much?

@annfriedman: “When his underwear came off, I immediately noticed that the waxing trend had completely passed him by.” #pullquotesyoullneversee

Further proof that, just like love, slut-shaming is blind.

@jaclynf: #GawkerFAIL gross hit-piece on O’Donnell is proof that slut-shaming doesn’t protect you from being slut-shamed. We’re all in it together.

In the end, O’Donnell was right: she is us!

@elliottjustin: Today, we are all Christine O’Donnell

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