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Entries Tagged as 'Crawley'


October 18th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

If I have been quiet here, and let’s face it I have, there are several good reasons.  Mostly they are do do with an impending house move and several aborted house moves.


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I’ve seen all good people

October 13th, 2010 · No Comments · Life, Music

Last night I went out to see Rick Wakeman and Jon Anderson playing at the Hawth theatre in Crawley.   Rick Wakeman. Jon Anderson.  In Crawley!
This was the second date on their 20-date ‘Anderson-Wakeman Project 360′ tour, coming to a provincial town near you soon, and the ticket was a birthday present from Chrystal which makes [...]


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All this and keepy uppies too!

July 21st, 2010 · No Comments · Life

There was another leaflet that caught my eye at the Hawth tonight, this one produced by Crawley borough council and advertising the Crawley Diego Garcian Society Fair at the K2 leisure centre on Sunday.


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Crawley leadership hustings and vote

July 20th, 2010 · 13 Comments · Music, Politics

Another week, another Labour leadership meeting.  This time round was different for two reasons: as it was my own local party I could actually vote this time, and there was a hustings first.  Oh.  And there is a prog rock angle too.


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The Germans are coming

June 24th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

I see from my local paper that the Germans are coming to Crawley this weekend, from Crawley’s twin town, Dorsten.  According to the Crawley News:
More than 100 people from Dorsten are coming to the town to enjoy 48 hours of sport and music.
What could possibly go wrong?
I think they will all be back home in [...]


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Vote Oxlade

April 1st, 2010 · 10 Comments · Politics

Crawley Labour party met tonight to select its candidate for the general election and at the end of a long evening selected Chris Oxlade to step into Laura Moffatt’s shoes.


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Coming in with a bang

March 31st, 2010 · 1 Comment · Politics

With Laura’s final speech out of the way it is now time for Crawley Labour party to choose her successor, and it will not be an easy decision to make.  Each new letter, e-mail, phone call or visit from a candidate just makes the decision even harder.


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Going out with a bang

March 31st, 2010 · 1 Comment · Politics

During  Parliament yesterday Laura Moffatt made what I guess will be her last speech in a debate.   It was quite a long one, understandable in the circumstances, and covered quite a few topics, so I am not going to quote it in full, but will quote a passage that particularly struck me.


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Election fever

March 27th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Politics

As a member of Crawley Labour party I am getting quite excited about our impending candidate selection.  Alerady I have had emails from two candidates, setting out the reasons why they think they are best for the job.  One of them also sent out the same letter by snail-mail, which must have cost a fortune, [...]


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Question time on civil liberties

March 26th, 2010 · 6 Comments · Politics

I went along to the Civic Hall in Crawley to see how the meeting on civil liberties organised by NO2ID went.  It had been advertised as featuring candidates from all the parties but since then the Labour candidate stood down and a new one has not been selected yet, so there was no Labour candidate.  [...]


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