One of my photos

Entries Tagged as 'Art'

Tilt -Shift goodness

September 27th, 2010 · No Comments · Technology

Using Photoshop to immitate the effects of a tilt-shift lens is one of those novelties that has been over-used to the extent that it soon jumped the shark – though I have to confess that I still love it even though it has moved into the realms of cliche.
What is surprising is that nobody thought [...]


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The solution to gun crime?

August 11th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Life, Technology

This is supposed to be art – a sculpture that can turn into a gun, which would appear to owe a lot of inspiration to a certain  James Bond film – but it could be the answer to gun crime.  Just tweak the US constitution so that the right to bear arms means you can [...]


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Ed Hardy: Art for Life

February 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

Last month, when I was choosing things from Amazon’s Vine program to review, I picked a book listed as “Ed Hardy Art for Life: Pop Culture“.  I was in a hurry, saw the title and a thumbnail picture that looked like a roughly square format book and picked it without really reading the description.  I [...]


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The black hole of Southwark

October 14th, 2009 · No Comments · Life

Must be time for another trip up to London – the Tate Modern have unveiled the latest in the Unilever series of artworks for the Turbine Hall: How It Is by Miroslaw Balka. 


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Modern faddy nonsense

October 3rd, 2009 · 2 Comments · Life

Sky Arts’ weekly round-up of the week in Trafalgar Square was a classic this week.  One of the guests in the studio was Brian Sewell.  I have always thought he is a bit of a cock but I have changed my mind now and revised my opinion of him downwards.


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Lucky escape for the Trafalgar Square crowds

September 1st, 2009 · 3 Comments · Life

I received the email today that told me I was not picked for the final tranche of people to take their place on the 4th plinth as part of Antony Gormley’s One & Other.  While I am a little disappointed, that is far outweighed by relief.  I have seen quite a few of the past [...]


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Local boy on the plinth

August 23rd, 2009 · No Comments · Life

I was browsing through the One & Other web site today, looking for the video of the bloke who did a Tony Hancock impersonation.  I didn’t find him, but I did find ‘bobnoxious‘ who looked very familiar…  it is indeed a keen cyclist and photographer from Crawley.  Never met him, but he is one of [...]


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One & Other

August 7th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Life

I watched the Sky Arts roundup of this week’s plinth action tonight because Andrew said there was a good chance of his Thriller dance being on there if they could clear the music rights.  It looks like they couldn’t because he was nowhere to be seen.  On the plus side, Clive Anderson’s place was taken [...]


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More plinthness

August 3rd, 2009 · 1 Comment · Life

A few thoughts about the One & Other project:
I have been looking at a few of the archives of plinthers and it occurs to me that the whole thing has the potential to be like a bite-sized Big Brother.  This is not a bad thing…  imagine being in Big Brother.  It goes on for months [...]


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Zombies in Trafalgar Square

August 3rd, 2009 · 1 Comment · Life

This afternoon I made the short journey up to London to go and see Andrew do his thing in Trafalgar Square as part of Anthony Gormley’s One & Other project.
I went for several reasons: to support Andrew, to support a good cause, to get some use out of my cameras, and because…  well I have [...]


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