Stephen Colbert

The Only Presidential Candidate With Truthiness: The Top 10 Stephen Colbert Moments

In honor of today's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in Washington, D.C., TIME brings you the top 10 Stephen Colbert moments. Read More

Jon Stewart

From Crossfire to Cramer: The Top 10 Jon Stewart Moments

In honor of today's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in Washington, D.C., TIME brings you the top 10 Jon Stewart moments. Read More


Web Rage: Was an Online Game Behind an Alleged Child Murder?

A Jacksonville Fla., woman has pled guilty to second-degree murder charges in the January death of her three month old infant after allegedly shaking the child. But police say the incident happened because the baby interrupted the mother's playing of a game on Facebook. Read More

NOW President talks to Alan Simpson in Washington

"[T]he tabloid website Gawker published an anonymous piece titled 'I Had A One-Night Stand With Christine O'Donnell' that takes the routine sexual degradation of women candidates to a disgusting new low. NOW repudiates Gawker's decision to run this piece. It operates as public sexual harassment."

--TERRY O'NEILL, the president of the National Organization for Women, coming to O'Donnell's defense over the Gawker piece, despite officially endorsing her opponent, Chris Coons. (via NOW)

Wood fired oven

History Fires Back: World War II Bullet Fires From Tree, Injures Couple

Police in Germany are saying that a surprise attack on an elderly couple came from an unlikely source--a tree log. Read More

David Brooks, a Columnist at the New York Times, speaks during a taping of "Meet the Press"

"Culturally, [Obama] will have to demonstrate that even though he comes from an unusual background, he is a fervent believer in the old-fashioned bourgeois virtues: order, self-discipline, punctuality and personal responsibility."

—DAVID BROOKS, New York Times columnist, in a sentence that Esquire argues is "either frankly racist or frankly forgiving of racism."

Four-year-olds like this one are now fair game for negligence suits

Get Your Lawyers, Toddlers! 4-Year-Olds Can Still Be Sued

The emotional distress cases alone should get NewsFeed a cool $3 million. Read More


How Political Victory and Porn Are Connected

While it might not be the most obvious way to celebrate your political party winning an election, research shows that victorious voters look at more online porn. Read More

China Prepares For Halloween

Instant Halloween Playlist, All Free: Enjoy Your Monster Mash-Up

So you've offered to sacrifice your place for the Halloween bash this year--good for you! Now all you have to do is sit back and hope your place doesn't get trashed, right? Wrong! Read More

These women are scared of ghosts — because they are women

What Do You Believe: The Demographics of Superstition

NewsFeed believes in Bigfoot. Sorry, haters. Read More