“The Web's most influential climate-change blogger” — Time Magazine A Project of Center for American Progress Action Fund

About Climate Progress

Climate Progress is dedicated to providing the progressive perspective on climate science, climate solutions, and climate politics. It is a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization.

You can send us e-mail at climate@americanprogressaction.org

Center for American Progress Action Fund


Joe RommDr. Joseph Romm is the editor of Climate Progress and a Senior Fellow at the American Progress.  In 2009, Time magazine named him one of the “Heroes of the Environment″ and “The Web’s most influential climate-change blogger.”

Romm was Acting Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy during the Clinton Administration where he directed $1 billion in research, development, demonstration, and deployment of clean energy and carbon-mitigating technology. He holds a Ph.D. in physics from MIT. In 2008, Romm was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for “distinguished service toward a sustainable energy future and for persuasive discourse on why citizens, corporations, and governments should adopt sustainable technologies.”

In 2007, TIME named Climate Progress one of the “Top 15 Green Websites,” writing that “Romm occupies the intersection of climate science, economics and policy…. On his blog and in his most recent book, Hell and High Water, you can find some of the most cogent, memorable, and deployable arguments for immediate and overwhelming action to confront global warming.”  In 2009, Rolling Stone named Romm #88 on its list of The 100 “people who are reinventing America” calling him “America’s fiercest climate-change activist-blogger.”

In March 2009, The New York TimesTom Friedman wrote that Romm is “a physicist and climate expert who writes the indispensable blog climateprogress.org.”  In April, U.S. News & World Report named Romm one of the 8 “most influential energy and environmental policymakers in the Obama era,” writing, “In terms of his cachet in the blogosphere, Joe Romm is something like the climate change equivalent of economist (and New York Times columnist) Paul Krugman.”


Sean Pool is the special assistant for energy and environmental policy at American Progress. While he primarily supports the vice president for energy policy, Sean also contributes to the maintenance, research and occasional writing of Climate Progress. Sean earned his BA in environmental engineering and international studies at Yale University in 2008.


Bill BeckerBill Becker is Executive Director of the Presidential Climate Action Project, an initiative to help the next President of the United States take decisive action on global warming and energy security in his or her first 100 days in office. Read more about his climate and energy-related background on his full bio, here.