“The Web's most influential climate-change blogger” — Time Magazine A Project of Center for American Progress Action Fund

And one of the "top five blogs Time writers read daily"

June 28, 2010

For any first time visitors here, you might start with “An Introduction to Climate Progress.”

From the savvy to the satirical, the eye-opening to the jaw-dropping, TIME makes its annual picks of the blogs we can’t live without

Here’s the full list along with what Time said about Climate Progress [plus a nice video]:

Climate Progress began as a hobby but quickly became a full-time passion for Joe Romm, a physics Ph.D. from MIT who worked for the Rockefeller Foundation during the Cold War, focusing on global security threats, and later at the Department of Energy. After Romm’s brother lost a house during Hurricane Katrina, Romm took it upon himself to research whether his brother should rebuild in the New Orleans region. He has been writing about the topic ever since. Viewing climate change through the prism of national security, Romm analyzes breaking energy news and the relevant research, but most important, he challenges the beliefs and conclusions of the mainstream media on climate-change issues. Go get ‘em, Joe.

Here’s a video of “The top five blogs Time writers read daily”:

This is the full top 25 list:

This post has been updated.

32 Responses to “Time magazine names Climate Progress one of the 25 “Best Blogs of 2010″”

  1. Andy says:

    Now there’s a birthday present for you! Congrats!

  2. Esop says:


  3. LucAstro says:

    ClimateProgress is the first on my list anyway. I check it out a few times a day.

  4. john atcheson says:


    Congratulations and well-deserved!

  5. Jeff Huggins says:

    Congrats But (or And) . . .

    Al Gore and the IPCC get the Nobel Prize. Barack Obama wins “best candidate for President” in November of 2008. Andy Revkin gets a big award from CJR. Climate Progress is chosen by Time Magazine as one of the 25 best blogs of 2010. All the major bona fide scientific organizations in the U.S. join together and write a letter to Senators about the reality and urgent importance of climate change. AND YET . . .

    We are still completely addicted to our use of oil and coal and to the broader status quo! We (all of us) are still largely staying within our comfort zones and not doing the sorts of things that will be necessary in order to bring about wise change wisely and effectively.

    (To be clear, I congratulate Climate Progress and you, Joe, for the great and hard work, and for the well-deserved recognition, and for the clarity you provide to audiences on these important issues. I always look forward to reading Climate Progress and occasionally commenting. But, we aren’t moving the needle nearly as much as it desperately needs to be moved. In the overall mix of things — i.e., the various climate and energy blogs and initiatives and events and stuff — something big is missing. In my view, we all need to “wake up”, ask why our efforts are falling short, and make the necessary changes. Here, I’m talking about the entire combination of things, not focusing on Climate Progress.)

    That said, congrats for the well-deserved recognition, and welcome to newcomers!



  6. Peter Bellin says:

    Congratulations – keep up the good work. No need to qualify the moment.

  7. Time magazine should also note that in addition to your expertise and leadership, you have designed a blog format offering very current news, providing trusted sources, and open to comment and dialog.

    I have learned much. Thanks Joe. Keep it going!

  8. Gary says:

    I repeat…..best blog on the planet?..”Climate Progress!”

  9. Wit's End says:

    Congratulations! Well-deserved for your fearless hard work JR!

  10. Anne says:

    Yup, ditto @Andy, a nice half-century bday gift and well deserved!

  11. Dan B says:

    “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Gandhi

    Climate Progress is just past the “ignore” stage and is being fought but only by a few true believers. When the attacks come from the major players and institutions (Scaife, Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Fox, etc.) the change to winning will be breathtaking.

    Keep getting noticed! Keep on making inroads!!

  12. Steve Bloom says:

    Congrats, and a slightly belated happy birthday!

  13. knoxkp says:

    You guys deserve it! – The rest of the list is a bit iffy however. Congrats. Happy birthday and manny thanks for all your great work!

  14. That’s great! The more people hear about you and read you, the better!

  15. robhon says:

    Hey, not just in the top 25 but almost at the top of the list! Fantastic!

  16. mike roddy says:

    Climate Progress is definitely the best climate blog, and I’m glad Time recognized it. Plus it’s on the most important subject facing all of us.

    You’ve inspired many of us to dig in our heels, study, and keep fighting, which is doing the world- and us- a great service.

  17. paulm says:


    Go Joe.

  18. Michael Tucker says:

    Congratulations for the recognition from Time.

    Thanks Joe, for all your effort and dedication to this blog, it is important and necessary work. This site is my #1 source for global warming news! Happy Birthday too!

  19. Lore says:

    Joe knows! Congratulations, now lets get busy and clean up this place!

  20. jcwinnie says:

    Hey, man, where are your Screaming electronic Yellow journalistic Zonkers, man. I got the Munchies bad, man, and if this is a one-stop shop for Climate Change, then y’know, you gotta have ‘em, man. And, some papers, too, don’t want to run out, y’know what I’m saying.

    [Actually, he was being modest. Climate Progress was in Time's Top 5 for 2010.]

  21. Congratulations Joe. Well deserved for your hard work. I typically read your blog a couple of times a day too.

  22. David B. Benson says:

    Highly deserved honor.

    Well done.

  23. Dan Romm says:

    Way to go, Joe!

  24. Dan Romm says:

    Joe, Time had it wrong, you are #1 in my book, those other two are not in your league.

  25. Prokaryote says:

    Apparently im only aware of the blog filed under the 3rd position. Never heard of the rest :)

  26. Joe1347 says:

    Well deserved award. Congrats

  27. jorleh says:

    Congratulations. Well deserved.

    Only one point, Joe. You must cast away your anti nuclear religion. Our only hope is generation IV nuclear, or IFR, right?

  28. Raoul says:

    Congratulations, Joe.

    I first came here when Time named you one of their “Heroes of the environment” in 2009, and have returned every day since then. Here’s to hoping some – many – Time’s readers will now go the same way!

  29. Leif says:

    Jorleh, @ 28. I do not speak for Joe but to get my vote the cradle to grave costs of Nuclear must be factored into the kW costs. Including insurance. All these years wind has been forced to compete with free dumping fossil. If Nuclear can be competitive great. I also want to see a price on carbon of course. There are small nuclear power plants that might be competitive, (ships, subs), but too much possibility of security breach with hundreds of these around. Plus waste disposal still on the tax payers dime. Just like CO2 from the Fossil Big Boys.

  30. Steven Leibo says:

    And the really nice thing is that it is true! Keep up the good work!

  31. Rebecca Prosino says:

    You set an example for tireless championing. Thank you for carrying this torch and helping me carry it, too. You’re my hero, Joe!