AIG, Arrogance, Incomeptence, Greed, is that true?

•March 20, 2009 • Leave a Comment

As AIG struggles to defend its million dollar bonuses to executives, the U.S. government stands embarrassed and frustrated. Despite the fact that AIG’s CEO Edward Libby should be interrogated and scrutinized, his point that the company had already made legal agreements between AIG and its employees prior to the bailout. “Alex Brill, a former economic adviser to George Bush, the former president, told Al Jazeera that ‘”these contracts were put in place prior to the bailout”.’ AIG’s abuse of tax-payer money is not necessarily a fault of the company’s, the culprit of this mess is Clinton and Bush senior, who had repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 that required banks be regulated by the government. In a quote from an Al Jazeera, “Now the taxpayer has gotten involved, and Washington is involved, they don’t like the agreements on the ground between AIG and its employees, and they’re discovering it right now.”

Discovering it now.
When the agreement to hand out the billion dollar bailout to companies like AIG, the U.S. government failed to properly conduct investigations and make a true assessment of whether the money would be used wisely by companies. Now they are facing the results of an improper assumption that banks could be trusted, and furthermore that by the lack of regulation, stability in the market will occur. Knowing very well that the root of this crisis was the lack of regulation, why did people like Henry Paulson, or Barack Obama allow for these huge bailouts? Because the truth is, they would much rather asser the interest of multinational corporations than protect the rights of tax-payers. The true “arrogance, Incomptence and greed” that Congressman Paul Hodes said about AIG is true of our nation’s government, and its sole purpose is to protect banks and corporations.

It’s too late to point fingers now and cry over spilled money.

New postings to come soon..

•March 5, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Kim and I were considering redoing our theme and look, so we apologize for the lack of content! We promise more soon!

First 100 Days of Obama and Guantanamo

•January 25, 2009 • 2 Comments

The first 100 days of Obama’s administration has promised to be full of hope, change, and full of solutions to America’s woes. This should be the first warning sign of disappointment- As long as Americans essentially give up their rights and rely on one man to fix their problems, nothing will change. The democratic process is based on civic engagement by citizens of a country, ideally the system would work from bottom to top. Currently, Americans keep the system working frm top to bottom, with the latter, not even trying to influence the politicians on top. It’s rather unfortunate, considering this mentality of a one-man-savior is something rather antiquated and almost child-like. What is the point of Americans proudly boasting how great our system is if the don’t even use? Aside from that, my point is that, as long as Americans refuse to question the administration or even force them to listen to the majority of systems, CHANGE WILL NOT OCCUR.

For instance, the issue of “Gitmo” Guanatanamo Bay- a prison center that should have never been constructed, has been ordered to be “shut down”, but not for another year.

Furthermore, what many people are forgetting is the fact that Guantanamo bay should not have existed in the first place, including those who are help captive. Obama’s administration claims that they will “The order also orders that all prisoners held at Guantanamo be held in a manner consistent with the Geneva Conventions until the facility is closed.” Please take this with a grain of salt, considering throughout the existence of the camp, it has been said that those being held captive have been treated according to the Geneva conventions until 2005 when it was published in newspapers that Bush overruled the UN ruling.
Secondly, even if they are now, I mean a year from now, going to be treated better, what will happen to them? Will they be tried through a military tribunal or the American criminal justice system? They shouldn’t be tried in the first place, considering majority are random people that just happen to cross the CIA’s path. As Tim McCormack, professor of international humanitarian law at the University of Melbourne, points out, “that the US government has a challenge in determining the future of some detainees.

There is clearly a majority of detainees who will never be tried because there is insufficient evidence against them,” he told Al Jazeera.

If they are released, where will they go? It seems that some detainees would face the real threat of persecution and even torture if they return to their home countries.”

A positive point is that Obama has banned “the CIA from operating secret prisons, and forbids them from opening any new such facilities.”

But, it does not end the practice of rendition itself, which is ” the secret detention and transfer of “terror” suspects from one country to another.”

The new Attorney General, Eric Holder, will conduct reviews of each case of rendition that has occurred but has not ordered a stop to this horrendous act.

What the underlying implication behind Obama and his decision to “shut down” Guantanamo in the near future, but continue the use of extraordinary rendition as a method to find enemy combatants, means he is continuing the Bush Administration’s use of fear. This was explicit in his inauguration speech when he stated:

“Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. “

“We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.”

In both statements he uses the same tactic of emphasizing and implementing fear in the minds of Americans, to scare them into trusting him. This is no different than Bush, but Americans are not reading between the lines or asking the right questions. Yes, it is a step in a positive direction that Guantanamo Bay is going to be shut down, but, we should not stop there.

Ask the questions How did we allow this prison camp to be in existence for so long? Why are you not stopping the torture of randomly generated people whose names may be “Islamic” and thus are considered terrorists?

Does America truly support Democracy?

•January 17, 2009 • Leave a Comment

While America may claim that it fights to preserve rights and establish democracies throughout the globe– then why is it when a democracy supports a leader through a voting process, America rejects them?

All across the media are the words “HAMAS MUST ACCEPT ISRAEL” or “HAMAS AS TERRORISTS.”

Why should they? First of all, historically speaking, Palestine was a secure and peaceful nation up until the Franco-British invasions of the Middle East. However, leaving that aside, during Woodrow Wilson’s presidency- the Balfour Agreement, which essentially handed Palestine, without the citizens’ consent, to the Zionists wanting to move into the region and create Israel. Politicians within England had opposed the Balfour Agreement, claiming that it would be an injurious and ridiculous move considering the region was so densely populated with Arabs that an ethnic cleansing of the inhabitants would be necessary in order to do as the Balfour Agreement/Zionists wanted- reclamation of Palestinian lands. Woodrow Wilson accepted and pressured the Foreign Secretary of England Arthur James Balfour to sign the agreement in 1917 in order to receive support from the Zionist lobby in America so he could secure a second term as president.

Not because America supported the idea of Jews returning to their homeland, which had always been there. Prior to the Balfour Agreement, Jews or anyone could live in Palestine alongside others safely. Its forgotten that Islam is not the only religion that exists there, but Christianity as well. Christians, Muslims and Jews- yes they have had their fare share of rivalries, but majority of the troubles they face in this century are results of colonialists exacerbating the contentions between the three religions.

More importantly- America supported an agreement purely for political motives. This is again what is happening today.

America invaded Iraq for oil, it is a well-established fact, but it concealed this motive with lies such as “bringing democracy to Iraq.” If that were true, if America truly meant that, then when an election did happen in Palestine, why have we not accepted the results? Hamas was elected by the majority in Gaza. They are the rightful rulers, yet, Hillary Clinton in her Senate Confirmation hearings claims that she cannot negotiate with them because they are non-state actors.”

This was taken from her full statement, which reads: ” When it comes to non-state actors like Hamas, as I said at the very end of the morning session, there are conditions. Hamas must renounce violence. They must recognize Israel, and they must agree to abide by all previous agreements. “

Why should they recognize Israel, when Israel was created illegally, it was created on false pretexts. Both Britain and America assumed they had the right to just declare what happened in a country not their own, and gave the approval for Zionists settlers to violently move in and take over- just as they are doing right now.

Even rigid legalists must understand that all of the arguments against Hamas cannot be justified. They were elected within the legal system that the West enforced on the people there, just because you are unhappy with the victors is not a reason to murder them. Post WWI, when the Treaty of Versailles was constructed, France decided to punish Germany because it was not happy with the results of the war- and what happened?

Rapid inflation, a dissolved government, riots, people were so disillusioned that they fell prey to Hitler.

Who got hurt? Jews. Jews also fell prey to the Zionist lobby which has developed into AIPAC.

Now who gets hurt? The Palestinians. For no reason. What will be their future? Chaos? What will be the fate of those children whose only experience in the world is that at any second their life could be taken away? What will be product of a society whose ears only hear gun shos and bombs shot from Israel?

I know the common answer to that will be- wel they’re hearing their own rockets, because of Hamas.
That isn’t true, just look at numbers of people killed on both sides. Over 1,000 Palestinians have been murdered brutally, but only 13 Israelis- 4 of which died from “friendly fires.” The same 13 that died the first day, what does that mean?

That means the rockets Hamas are shooting and are not even touching the Israeli’s, why? Because they’ have the same power as a firecracker. Where would Hamas get weapons anyway? Water, Food and electricity have all been shut off from Gaza. Hamas was busy providing infrastructure, resources and schools to the suffering citizens, that is why they were elected.

Our legal structure also supports the right to defend, so Hamas’s response using their primitive and rather weak defense such as firecracker-level bombs is justified. Afterall, they were the refugees from the genocide after the Balfour Agreement. They have been struggling to defend themselves since colonial times, but they have never been given a fair battlefield or a fair fight. Even if the West isn’t happy with the election results, at least be diplomatic and deal maturely, not with violence that is completely one side. By flexing muscles, America is only creating a doomed future for themselves. Not only will the citizens in Palestine eventually grow stronger not because they necessarily have access to advanced weapons ( we are the ones using white phosphorous-not them!) but because of their will to exist and revolt against the colonial powers.

The future will stand bleak, as countries like Qatar, Mauritania and Venezula increasingly close ties with Israel, that is also a middle finger to America since Israel is our military base over there. It represents that anyone going against what the West wants will have an Israeli rocket in their face. As it is the prestige that once filled the image of America with dignity is beginning to resemble the mark of shame on Hester Prynne’s chest. Unfortunately, the rest of the world does not have the traditional and strict morality that allowed Puritans to scorn at those who didn’t carry themselves in the most ethical and moral manner- all fingers would be pointing to America. As long as countries begin to cut ties with America, the sinking ship’s turmoil will only continue. How will the deficit be paid off if no one wants to purchase American currency bonds? Or if countries created a blockade against America? It is in America’s best interest to defend its slogan of carrying on rights. Afterall, Arabs have said, they are willing to forgive, if they would just listen to their needs and ensure their right to their own land. For the sake of American values, STOP THESE WARS.

Crisis in Gaza

•January 17, 2009 • Leave a Comment

The crisis has reached its 21st of this uncalled for war on the Palestinian that were restricted to Gaza. For those that may not understand why Gaza is so densely populated, in a short sentence, during the the 1949 Israeli take over of Palestine, thousands were displaced from their homes and fled to Gaza. Upon taking advantage of those seeking refuge in Gaza, it become a contained prison and has been under tight control. Since the summer of 2007, Gaza was under a blockade in which exports of food was cut off, including electricity in water. Despite what Israel may claim as being a defense mechanism against Hamas, since Fatah lost the election to rule in Gaza, it was a planned blockade that would prelude the current crisis.

Watch the current news, notice that despite any attempt at a cease-fire is being dodged, not just by Israel but by Hamas as well– not out of will but because the truth is numerous cease fires have been issued. That is not a solution nor has it provided temporarily relief or security. Contrary to popular belief Israel broke the cease-fire on November 4th, the same day as the U.S. Presidential election night. That is not a coiniidence. Prior to being elected as the nominee for President, Obama had clearly stated his will to invade Pakistan and/or Iran. Olmert and Bush openly wanted to use this current war to somehow begin rocket firing at Iran, drone planes have already been attacking Pakistan for the past year.

Please realize that the current crisis is not meant to be an isolated event but can become a precursor to an unnecessary but very volatile global situation. Post-Iraq invasion, America lost most of its respect and has lost any inkling of it by offering a blank check to Israel. Arab nations may be fearing an American response and thus have chosen not to act aggressively in Palestine’s response, but other nations have:





( I am sure the list continues..)

If we choose to live in ignorance the global landscape will change around us and America will be left as a dying empire, with no allies, nor with any prospects. Even if you do not support the right for Palestinians to exist safely and to be able to return to their land, at least support America from making the biggest mistake of the century. Save it from its already tarnished reputation. Help to restore America.

Please give to United Palestinian Appeal


Israeli Air Strikes: American Tax Dollars at Work

•December 29, 2008 • 1 Comment

As you’ve probably heard, Israel has begun to bomb the world’s largest open-air prison—Gaza—killing 280 people. Most of these victims are civilians, many of them are women and children.

This is happening against the background of an inhumane and illegal blockade, which has left residents of Gaza without food, water, fuel, or electricity. Hospitals in Gaza are (like the rest of the strip) extremely overcrowded and without adequate power supplies; now they are having to deal with an influx of wounded people that can only be expected to increase in the days ahead.

As Americans, we should be aware that these are our tax dollars at work. Three billion American dollars a year subsidize the apartheid state of Israel and its ethnic-cleansing of the Palestinian people:

Israel receives on average about 3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, an amount that is roughly one-sixth of America’s direct foreign assistance budget and equal to about 2 percent of Israel’s GDP. In recent years, about 75 percent of U.S. assistance has been military aid, with the remainder broken down into various forms of economic aid. In per capita terms, this level of direct foreign assistance amounts to a direct subsidy of more that $500 per year for each Israeli.

(Source: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy)

Rather than taking  care of our own citizens, our government would rather send that money abroad to destroy other countries and terrorize their people. The US government’s support of this injustice is beyond shameful—and I include in this indictment President-Elect Barack Obama, and his upcoming administration. Obama’s record on Israel, from his ass-kissing at the Knesset to his Cabinet picks, suggest that while the face of US imperialism has changed, the underlying policies have not.

Malaysia- Man Stabbed for Hogging Karaoke Machine

•December 5, 2008 • 2 Comments

In Malaysia, “a man was stabbed to death for refusing to stop singing and hand over the microphone at a karaoke bar, police say.

Abdul Sani Doli, 23, reportedly angered some of the customers when he hogged the stage at the bar in Sandakan town on eastern Borneo island.”

Wow, I suppose Russell Peters was right about Asians and our passion for DDR and Karaoke-ing… he was lucky that he wasn’t stabbed when he was yelled at in Singapore:

Lebanese Banks Escape Global Financial Crisis

•November 22, 2008 • 1 Comment

Despite global financial turmoil, a small country like Lebanon has shielded its banks, and instead of loosing money has seen its highest financial year in its history. This includes seeing people deposit up “to 500 million dollars in one week, double from what we have seen. People are converting their dollars to the Lebanese pound. ” ( Stated from the Governor of Lebanon’s Central Bank)
BBC News Interviewer: “The financial system is thriving, in Sept as US banks collapsed, money poured in, it is the best financial year in the country’s history..We require little debt and 30% of assets available for each bank, no speculation, and weak banks were forced to merge with bigger banks. ” Lebanon’s banking system has been up against constant political crises, wars, and in general the hardships of being a small Middle Eastern country under constant violence.
Buying and selling toxic debt, loans that have little chance of being repayed the Governor of Lebanon banned all banks from accepting such high risks investments, He said in May 2007 “our policies are built as a reaction to the leveraging taking worldwide, which has been worrying us.”

Here is the article:

One from the Herald Tribune

A large problem though is the national debt of Lebanon, it has the highest GDP debt, and has a slump within its economic growth. However, Lebanon’s position as being a bridge between the West and the East since it is a Christian majority state, offers it protection–the West will not let it dissolve if its national debt became a problem.

The governor’s restrictions don’t seem to be going against market capitalism, so then why didn’t Capitol Hill ban the circulation of toxic debt? Was it work the risk those debts presented, considering unemployment is at the highest its been in 15 years?

A Miracle! America illustrates the Middle East as if there is no hope, nor is there any worth except to exploit their supply of oil. But apparently the Swiss are not the only ones that are prudent when it comes to the handling of finances.

Lebanon, despite its continuous turmoil whether its a Six Day War with Israel, or constant violence within its weakened political state, or its post-colonial progression it has still managed to be resilient in comparison to the dominant Western powers in play. Perhaps instead of constantly criticizing Middle Easterners, American should listen to their tips?

US Automobile Industry set to Crash? Again?

•November 19, 2008 • 1 Comment

Following the recent bailout bill it appears that skepticists which had disagreed with the bill’s ability to truly address the financial crisis have come true. As we are now seeing, Paulson who very strongly defended the bill saying that it will save the crisis has now recently admitted ” the funds ‘were not a panace’ to cure the country’s economic problems.” (Read that Here)

His full quote:
“The purpose of the financial rescue legislation was to stabilize our financial system and to strengthen it,” he told the financial services committee of the US House of Representatives on Tuesday…
“It is not a panacea for all our economic difficulties.”

So as usual rhetoric in this country goes, first you defend and present the situation as if there was no other choice but to give up $700 billion dollars. I recall Obama and McCain fans saying- WE HAVE NO CHOICE! THE WORLD MARKET WILL CRASH!

And now elements of the truth leak out slowly and indirectly, that perhaps that wasn’t really the solution?

Just yesterday, it was official that Japan’s economy is now in a recession…
“The world’s second-biggest economy had previous shrunk by 0.9% in the April to June quarter”
Even more sad:
“Japan’s economy had experienced its longest period of economic growth since World War II until the sub-prime crisis started a year ago.”

That’s a coincidence, WWII, the last time America fought a just war that gave us our credibility and won us global prestige….

As for the car crisis–
The last time in America a huge conglomerate like General Motors sank, we had the GM crisis that affected Flint Michigan, which also caused a sit down strike of residents and employees of GM during that time to create the labor union United Automobile Workers. However, in the 21st century, the power of labor unions no longer exists as they have been bought out by huge corporations or been taken over by conservatives that do not believe union workers should be treated fairly.

The bigger question is, how will Americans organize to fight the corporations that are stripping Americans of our money now? Will we organize together considering that the very idea of gathering has become an anathema in our society? If Americans do not represent themselves, than no one will. It is a shame to think that a country who is considered to be advanced in terms of legal ability and law-making, has cheated its own citizens of the their own rights, such as the right to their own money. The government reaps us with high taxes of 20% and then basically repackages it to corporations like Goldman Sachs on the basis that it somehow helps the poor consumer who just had to give that all up. There is no logic to this.

America’s Health Care System- which Obama supports

•November 16, 2008 • 9 Comments


Note: This post is a more in depth analysis of the healthcare problem, which Kimchi talked about here.

Why is the health care system so bad in America? When and how did it start?  Here is a brief analysis:

This is the pay or die health care system used in America that is supported by both Democrats and Republicans.

The United States currently faces a crisis with the rising costs of health care but lacks a proper solution for its self-induced problem of inflating prices for profit. Because of the country’s emphasis on a capitalist free market economy, non profit hospitals that were once concerned about social services to provide help are now concerned with reaping benefits. Instead of viewing patients as diseased people in need of medical attention, doctors dehumanize them into becoming clients for their business. Such treatment of individuals is a result of the corporatization of Medicine that affected both the attitudes of physicians and the government in terms of restricting access to health care. There has been a shift in the power of who controls the medical system from physicians to businessmen that create policies to extract benefit from increasing the need and cost of medical services prescribed to a patient. In addition to the increase of services, because of modern technologies advancement, newer machines are more expensive, which places burden to patients who must compensate for those new gadgets. In effect, the weak structure of the American medical system which does not concern itself with public or preventative health but rather views health care as privilege has lead to a wide disparity amongst those insured and the mortality rates of those uninsured America must resolve the situation by altering the way businesses dominate the current medical model and the system by moving the power back to health care providers.

Since health care is not treated as an ordained right but an honor for a patient, the access of many citizens to it has been restricted. Critics argue that “our health care arrangements are not considered to be a national health care system in any sense” because it does not attempt to allow admission for services or restrict cost containment or help the quality of care received. (Budrys, 109) Federalist attempts at regulating medical coverage for the poor only resulted in the creation of Medicaid and Medicare in 1965. “The reasoning was that expansion would result in an increased availability of medical care or all who needed it.” (Budrys, 110) Though Medicaid is structured to be a “public health insurance program for people over sixty five plus some categories of younger disabled people” it requires the government to produce the money in order to put into existence such programs. In order to compensate for certain costs, Medicare, a different system not restricted to the poor was created.

“Medicare is a “Medicare has two parts: the hospital portion Part A which is free to enrollees, and the medical portion part B which covers doctors’ fees and requires enrollees to sign up. There is a monthly charge for Part B that is deducted from a person’s social security check. Medicare does not cover all costs. There is a copayment for medical care and no coverage for pharmaceuticals and many other necessities. Accordingly, many people buy additional insurance which as come to be called Med-gap. Private insurance companies sell Medi-gap policices but these are not like other privatized policies. There are ten different plans, labeled A-J., that vary in how much they cover and how much they cost.” (Budrys, 111)

The increasing complexity of the health care system in the United States has created a frenzy in which insurance companies will fund services only if they are profitable and will force a patient to pay for services HMO’s do not think require as much medical attention as perhaps a common disease like diabetes. Many suffer from this decision to include certain diseases because if there is no access to the required health care, many are forced to become bankrupt seeking treatment.

Instead of realizing that health care is a complete system that relies on the government’s support, politicians would rather not risk their popularity for a universal health system, and will only for the sake of speaking, promote a less expensive system. However, “US social policies have no concept much less accommodation for a total health care system. The development and possible effectiveness of social policy are ultimately a political process in which powerful interest groups vie to define their agenda.” (Freund, 254) Recipients of Medicaid are often stigmatized as being abusers of taxpayers money and labeled as “welfare cases” that detract people from wanting to use services that may help them. America’s avarice driven medical care, geared only toward profits “fits the ideal type of a laissez faire health care system only in that health care has become highly commodified, and the drive for profits is, indeed a central dynamic making it even more difficult to control or plan to meet the entire society’s needs.” (Freund,257) Not only does the country’s political ideology cause a problem for providing accessible health care, but because capitalism offers no concern for the populous it neglects to be apart of public or preventative medicine. Western medicine’s weight on the actual disease and not on preventing it “ is itself the political product of the relative muscle of various groups.” Attempts to set a broader agenda for the health of the nation are contested by powerful interest groups benefiting from the present pattern spending of medical care.” (Freund 254) America’s negligence toward creating an equal opportunist society, in which the total population is entitled to medical coverage, has made it susceptible to ravenous insurance companies.

There has been a shift in power from health care providers being in charge of administering medical provisions, to companies whose objective is to reap profit. It is a fact that within a globalized economy, any country “paying for citizen well being reduces corporate profit and international competitiveness.” (Freund, 259) However, even though all nations struggle with this problem to “provide for their citizens well being” the United States stands apart in that, it has never “had an adequate safety net to protect its citizens.” (Freund, 259) Since America is so careless toward its citizens, it almost promotes corporations to feel guiltless when taking power from nonprofit hospitals. This removal of power from physicians and its movement into the hands of business owners has created a “Doctor’s loss of autonomy and control of patients’ care” (Freund, 267). Previously, doctors who lived in communities would charge fees for their services accordingly to their patient’s income. If the patient could not pay, then the doctor would assume that a probono case would increase his respect within the neighborhood, but this social exchange of help for status has declined. (Freund, 264)

Instead, doctors have teamed with insurance companies who now pay their salaries and in turn are beginning to commit white collar crimes such as over billing of patients, perverse incentives and other forms of medical malpractice. The structure used to be that physicians were paid on a fee for service payment but “few contemporary doctor patients relationships are so simple” because majority of physicians are paid “through third parties such as the government or insurance companies.” (Freund, 267) Now physicians inject their fees with “perverse incentives” which are “built in financial encouragements to treat the patient inappropriately by increasing services, overprescribing medications and diagnostic tests, or to choose treatment sites according to physician rather than patient interests” which perpetuate malpractice toward patients which isn’t necessarily regulated. (Freund, 267) The next form of abuse by doctors is receiving “secondary income from the treatment” which happens when physicians own or have investments in a facility such as an imaging company or nursing home, they profit any time they refer a patient to one of those sites. (Freund, 267) While many clinics and hospitals are overpriced, many also reduce the quality of their care in order to gain even more capital. In an example regarding a dialysis center, it “maintained profits by reducing their operating costs, they substituted less skilled staff for RN’s, used dangerously obsolete dialysis equipment, and reused dialyzer fluids on multiple patients.” (Freund, 273) These criminal acts continue because rather than police and place fines on companies that mistreat clients, the government turns its face toward such acts because as long as insurance companies take the responsibility of providing coverage, they also have unrestricted freedom.

There is a need for better management that will not only identify malpractice against patients, but will challenge the current structure that physicians and businessmen have crafted. The fact that it was thought that only doctors could review one another has allowed American medical boards to relax in their system of authorizing disciplinary action against physicians. There is an idea that because only another doctor can comprehend the profession and challenges another one faces, there are no other qualified personnel to oversee the actions of physicians. This idolizing status given to physicians needs to be abandoned, for it is giving doctors special rights to abuse patients. The lack of regulating medical management, has lead to specialists claiming the right to overcharge.

“The oversupply of specialists has not led to competitive pricing. Indeed, rather then competition driving physicians’ fees down” the higher number of physicians has kept prices soaring because they claim the since each has fewer patients, they must compensate by having higher rates. (Freud, 269) Physicians are no longer heroes that society turns to for help, but have become charlatans, who base their prestige on self-righteousness and argue that because of their talents, they have the right to sell themselves at inflated prices to the public.

Other less obvious sources of the increasing health care costs is the rise of technology in producing new medication but also improved better software and machines. In effect, the “proliferation of sophisticated and expensive technologies has” been aimed at purchasing new expensive instruments which are not fully utilized. (Freund, 320) For instance an MRI machine may be purchased by several hospitals and only needed rarely could be shared within an area but since this reduces how the hospital appears; they have to overcharge in order to appear progressive, and as a better prospect for being a primary health care provider. With the rise of new technology, there has also been an increase in the type of drugs that are manufactured. Since insurance companies assume the right to set prices for services, as well as place time constraints on the length of time a physician can spend with a patient. Doctors are pressured to treat their patients with a quick cure, such as a pill that will eliminate symptoms, but not stop the illness necessarily. This has lead to an increase of expenditures for prescription drugs” which rose in “1999 by 19.2 percent, 17.3 % in 2000” only augments the suffering of patients who pay for services and drugs out of pocket but are not actually receiving proper treatment for their illness, and may need to return later.

There needs to be an awakening of the inequality within the medical system, that even with the enormous amount of spending the American government spends on health care, it is not managed as effectively as it should. There should be a standard by which services can be charged, and if it is going to be dependent on health insurance companies, they should not find methods of over pricing. Furthermore, there needs to be less discrimination in insurance companies for those with chronic diseases like asthma or diabetes; it should not be granted only to “healthy people”. There should be a reemergence of nonprofit hospitals that are created in order to assist in the general well being of the public and not for the profit of its staff. It is necessary to deconstruct the power of the current medical structure from being overtaken by entrepreneurs, for health and social services are not of capitalist nature. Though a nationalized health care system has its drawbacks, such as faulty method of administering priority to its patients, the American medical system needs to assume responsibility for its citizens. In a country that requires its workers to undertake any risk and treats them as slaves to the state, it is ironic that it is not willing to extend any concern for the protection of its assets. The power of health insurance companies needs to be restored to that of physicians or at least organizations that are concerned with an egalitarian society that promotes health coverage not as a privilege but as a right in order to erode social inequalities.