Op-Ed Boot Camp, October 1st-3rd

Posted by Thomas L. Knapp on Sep 23, 2010 in C4SS Events, Supporter Updates3 comments

Dear C4SS Supporters,

The Center’s mission is to act as a “media center” for the market anarchist movement. That mission breaks down into several areas. We produce op-ed pieces for publication in print newspapers, feature articles for print and web publication, and research studies to inform the public debate. We also provide guests for talk radio and television.

One aspect of anarchist media that the Center can’t … well, centralize … is grassroots activism. That’s something y’all have to do for yourselves. But that doesn’t mean we can’t help you, especially in the area of media.

“Op-Ed Boot Camp” isn’t a formal course of study. You don’t have to register, none of the work is mandatory, and it’s not a full-time commitment during the three-day evolution. The goal is to help you research, write and successfully submit your own op-ed piece or letter to the editor over the course of about 48 hours.

Here’s what the “Op-Ed Boot Camp schedule looks like:

- Between now and October 1st, download Writing the Libertarian Op-Ed and give it a once-over. A number of readers tell me that this little e-booklet helped them improve their op-ed/LTE writing (and in a couple of cases, that it helped them produce their first published pieces).

- At 6pm Central on Friday, October 1st, join us for a conference call to get started. We’ll brainstorm op-ed/LTE topics and get you pointed in the right direction to research your chosen topic and find the submission guidelines for the publication you’d like to see your piece published in. I’ll try to answer any “right off the bat” questions you have. Conference Dial-in Number: 712-432-0600; Participant Access Code: 525118#.

- That night and/or the following morning, you’ll research your piece and find the submission guidelines. I’ll be available by email or phone (530-618-C4SS) if you need assistance.

- On Saturday, you’ll write your first draft and post it to the Op-Ed Boot Camp Roundtable (it’s a “Google Group” email list — go ahead and join!). Get it in by 6pm Eastern. Once you’ve posted it, you’ll be able to get advice on improving it from me, from other people here at the Center, and from your fellow Op-Ed Boot Camp participants.

- On Sunday, you’ll put the advice you got at the Roundtable to work to produce your final draft — and submit it to your local newspaper (or other venue of your choice) for publication!

The “Boot Camp” name aside, there’s no pressure here. If you don’t feel like you’re ready to write yet (or if you want to write but not share), it’s okay to lurk. If you’re not happy with your finished op-ed, nobody can make you submit it for publication. The “Boot Camp” metaphor came to mind because the goal is to build, equip and support an “army” of autonomous individual market anarchist editorialists.

If “Op-Ed Boot Camp” proves helpful to its participants, we’ll probably repeat it on a monthly basis — and you’re free to make use of it more than once, or to submit pieces to the “Roundtable” for help in between sessions.

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Media Coordinator
Center for a Stateless Society

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  1. Who is the drill instructor?

  2. [...] idea I mentioned in last week’s update is a go, starting the first weekend in October — see here for more information. If you write, or would like to write, anarchist op-eds and letters to the editor, join us for this [...]

  3. I hope you do this again. This is the first time I’ve seen this, and I’d like to participate in the future. Thanks.

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