Audio clip of the day, 8-17-2010: The Islamic Cultural Center: Political Misdirection

Posted by Mike Gogulski on Aug 17, 2010 in Audio Commentary1 comment

Mike Gogulski: The Islamic Cultural Center: Political Misdirection [mp3, 1:37].

Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.

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  1. I agree. Commenting at Atlasphere on a “ground zero mosque” article I said: (paraphrasing) “We should not be focused on this red herring. The danger is from our government.” They chose not to print my commentary. Sadly, the few Objectivist friends I have see Islam as the more dangerous force. This reminds me of the thought I had as I walked out of the movie “Matrix”: What I just saw was not fiction. It is an analogy for the world I live in, i.e., most people are living in an indoctrinated stupor. They cannot shake off the statist and/or religious mindset.

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