Ad Specifications

  • IAB standard ad units: 300×250, 728×90 and 160×600
  • User-initiated expandables, as well as user-initiated audio, is accepted
  • Video pre-roll is accepted
  • In some cases, we can accommodate other innovative creative options (i.e. skins, sliding billboards, corner peels)
  • Sponsored content may be negotiated
  • Trafficking and reporting through DFP (ad testing, geo-targeting, frequency capping)
  • Very soon, we will offer keyword and behavioral targeting

    Rich Media Requirements:

For flash files we host on our CSM servers, we can accept creative as follows:

Please be sure to read these directions very carefully!

You will not need to specify your clickthrough url in your flash file; we will take care of that for you. Feel free to cut and paste any of the sample code below into the button section of your flash file to ensure your ad directs people to your target destination.

  • The button action portion of the flash file must read as follows: on (release) { getURL (clickTAG, “_blank”);}
  • For Flash versions of 7 or greater, the clicktag portion of the file must have the TAG in all caps as follows: clickTAG
  • For Flash files below version 7, the variation is not an issue and any of the following are acceptable: ClickTag, clickTAg, clickTAG, etc.
  • Please specify which edition of Flash you used to create the file.
  • Please be sure to send us as well a .gif version of your ad so that we can deliver your ad to readers who, for whatever reason, can’t view flash files. This ensures maximum reach for your campaign.
  • Please keep file sizes under 65kb.

We’re always adding new options for advertisers. If you need a creative option you don’t see listed here, be sure to contact us to see if we can accommodate your request.


Our standard placement pricing follows:

  • 728×90 Leaderboard (above the fold): $9.00 – $12.00 CPM
  • 300×250 Medium Rectangle, Premium: $8.00 - $10.00 CPM
  • 160×600 Skyscraper: $7.00 CPM
  • Pricing can vary by placement
  • Geo-targeting, Channel advertising and frequency capping are additional.

For more information, please contact us.
