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Register for a account

Here's what you get when you sign up for a account:

  • Email address. Your email address will be
  • Web-based email account Like Hotmail or Yahoomail, a account gives members an email address that they can access over the web. Like those commercial webmail providers, is free, but ours has no advertising, no spam, and it's far away from your employer's prying eyes.
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Local number:*
Confirm password:*

To ensure that CUPE's mail server isn't being used by spammers, we have to approve each registration. Make sure you supplied an alternate email address, and we'll send you a note to tell you as soon as we activate your account. If you don't have an alternate email address and you'd like an account, please send us feedback, with a way we can reach you.

Alternate E-Mail Address:*

If you forget your password, you will be asked the question you provide here. You will have to give the answer exactly as you provide it now. It should be something only you know, but that you will easily remember. An example question is “what was my first pet’s name?” The answer would then be “Fido” (or whatever your first pet’s name was).
