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Danny Postel
 What You Can Do on the National Day of Action Against Wage Theft


Here are several things you -- individually, your organization, your congregation -- can do to participate in IWJ's National Day of Action Against Wage Theft:

• Highlight national anti-wage theft legislation: the Wage Theft Prevention and Community Partnership Act and the Fair Playing Field Act (an anti-misclassification bill)

1. Lead a delegation of workers and faith leaders to your Representative
2. Hold a press conference with your elected leaders

• Highlight local ordinance or state law campaigns or victories:

1. Organize press events with legislation sponsors
2. Lead educational forums


• Actions against Wage Theft perpetrators:

1. Conduct a bus tour of unethical businesses that steal wages
2. Organize a group to confront an employer to pay his workers; flyer the business'customers
3. Hold a prayer vigil
4. Plan an action at a non-union contractor or employer that is stealing wages and undercutting union companies


• Host a "Know Your Rights" educational workshop with workers

• Announce a new initiative against wage theft

1. Attorneys can file a new lawsuit
2. Politicians can announce new initiatives
3. Academics can report on new wage theft survey results

There might be an event already planned in your area -- you can find out by going here.

If you do hold an event, please let us know about it! Post information about your event here.

And contact IWJ Public Policy Director Ted Smukler ( to coordinate or to find out more about IWJ's National Day of Action Against Wage Theft. Together we can put an end to this national disgrace.


Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Danny Postel
 Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is: IWJ Supports Justice for Tobacco Farmworkers


FLOC photoSome of you may know (though some of you may not know) that the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) has has called for a boycott of and divestment from JPMorgan Chase. As FLOC explains the campaign:


JP Morgan Chase is one of the lead banks in a consortium of lenders that provides $498 million dollars in credit to Reynolds American, one of the largest tobacco companies in the US. While Reynolds American and JP Morgan Chase make billions, tobacco farmworkers continue to suffer serious human rights abuses in the fields. Although Reynolds does not directly employ these farmworkers, they determine the terms for contract growers which directly affects the living and working conditions of farmworkers.

Reynolds American and JP Morgan Chase have the ultimate responsibility and financial resources to ensure safe and humane working conditions for tobacco farmworkers.

As a major lender to Reynolds, Chase has the stature and resources to convince Reynolds to improve conditions for tobacco farmworkers. Since May 12, 2010 FLOC has been asking Chase to use their influence to push Reynolds to address farmworker exploitation. To date Chase has refused to take any action.


Heeding FLOC's call, IWJ has sent the following letter to JPMorgan Chase CEO James Dimon:


October 20, 2010

Mr. James Dimon
Chairman and CEO
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017-2070

Dear Mr. Dimon,

Interfaith Worker Justice is currently a business credit card holder with JP Morgan Chase. The organization charges approximately $150,000 a year on its account.

Generally, the organization has been happy with its services from your bank. But recently we were informed by our allies at the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) that JP Morgan Chase is a major lender to Reynolds American, one of the largest tobacco corporations in the country.

Farmworkers endure some of the worst conditions of any workers in our country. The human rights abuses they suffer, especially for such low pay, is a deplorable reality. Reynolds American has the ability to help improve these conditions by requiring contract growers to set standards for safe working conditions in the fields.

As one of the largest banks in the country, you can also help improve conditions for these workers. You have the financial resources to pressure Reynolds American into doing the right thing - working with FLOC to set a new and just standard for farmworkers.

Interfaith Worker Justice is an organization that strives to promote justice in the workplace. Without a responsible response from your bank, we will be forced to consider closing our Chase credit card and looking for a bank that is more aligned with our mission.

Thank you for your consideration of this request from a loyal customer.


Kim Bobo
Executive Director


Stay tuned to find out if IWJ gets a response from Chase. And consider support FLOC's divestment campaign by closing your Chase bank account or by pledging not to bank with Chase.

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Kristin Kumpf
 National Immigration Update!


This past Wednesday, Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2010. The bill retains several elements of former immigration reform bills, including the DREAM Act and AgJOBS in their entirety, increased worker protections, and a pathway to legalization.

On September 15th, hundreds of faith and community leaders gathered in Washington D.C. for a national interfaith forum and lobby day on immigration reform. IWJ network leaders and friends from Florida, Arizona, California, and Kansas City took part in the day’s actions, including sharing testimonies at the forum about how our broken immigration system has separated families and affected working people across the country. Many thanks to those who participated!

Save the Date! IWJ will again be joining with the national New Sanctuary Movement and other faith-based organizations and congregations during the December holiday season to host a National Week of Interfaith Prayer and Action in support of just and humane immigration reform. We invite local congregations and organizations to start thinking about hosting prayer vigils, posadas, or other public events during that time. For more information or resources, or to be involved in any part of IWJ’s immigration campaign, contact Kristin Kumpf, Associate Organizing Director, at

Topics: Immigration
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Danny Postel
 IWJ's New DC Office


IWJ's presence in the national policy arena is about to see dramatic growth. As of October, IWJ now has a new DC office headed up by two veterans of religion and justice work. The Rev. Paul Sherry is Director of IWJ's DC Public Policy Office and Thom Shellabarger is IWJ's Public Policy Associate.

A longtime advocate for economic justice and civil rights, Rev. Sherry is a former President of the United Church of Christ and former Executive Director of the Community Renewal Society. He came out of retirement to be the Campaign Coordinator for the Let Justice Roll Living Wage Campaign, the national anti-poverty mobilization effort sponsored by the National Council of Churches and many other faith-based and community-based organizations. He is co-author of A Just Minimum Wage: Good for Workers, Business and Our Future and the editor of The Riverside Preachers. He holds a doctorate in theology from Union Theological Seminary.

"I'm very eager to begin this new role and help IWJ strengthen its presence in Washington, DC," says Rev. Sherry. "With the unemployment crisis growing ever more severe, it's critical that IWJ's message be heard on Capitol Hill and that the struggles of the unemployed and of low-wage workers in these precarious times not be ignored in the corridors of power."

"No one in the country is more qualified to lead a faith and jobs initiative than Paul," says IWJ executive director Kim Bobo. "He has the right mix of history, relationships, and passion to drive this program." Ted Smukler, IWJ's public policy director, concurs. "Paul is a marvelous leader, a keen strategist with complete integrity. Just as important, Paul makes everybody feel like they're the most important person in the room, and it's genuine."

Thom Shellabarger is the former Policy Advisor for Urban and Economic Issues in the Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the public policy and social action agency of the Roman Catholic bishops in the United States. This work entailed assisting the U.S. bishops in formulating policy on housing, community development, employment and low-wage workers, civil rights, and federal budget issues consistent with the social teachings of the Church, and advocating on these issues with the Congress and the Administration.

"I am pleased to be joining the creative and dedicated staff of Interfaith Worker Justice as we work with people of faith to engage our communities in the struggle for worker rights," says Shellabarger. "I look forward to renewing and strengthening IWJ's presence in Washington, D.C."

"Thom brings 20 years of experience representing the faith community on Capitol Hill," says Bobo. "Like Paul, Thom was a founding board member of IWJ, and like Paul, he brings enormous wisdom and passion to the fight for economic justice." "Thom has been a leader and a soldier for economic justice for decades in his work for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops," says Smukler. "He's a man of deep faith and conviction. Thom's also an organizer and advocate who can move an agenda. He can get an economist to laugh, a politician to vote right, a bureaucrat to act, and a Bishop to issue a statement - tall tasks for anyone."

Rev. Sherry can be reached at Thom Shellabarger can be reached at


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Danny Postel
 IWJ's Second Annual Wage Theft National Day of Action -- November 18


Wage Theft National Day of Action - MadisonInterfaith Worker Justice is organizing another Wage Theft National Day of Action in more than 50 cities across the nation to highlight the ongoing crisis and the need for vigorous local, county, state, and federal initiatives to stop it.

November 18 is one week before Thanksgiving, a time when we celebrate our plenty at feasts throughout the nation. But workers who have had their legal wages stolen will struggle to put turkey on their tables this year.

We're urging worker centers, labor unions and worker advocates throughout the country to organize an event on November 18 and to coordinate with IWJ. To do so, please contact IWJ Public Policy Director Ted Smukler at or 773-728-8400 x39.


Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Danny Postel
+  Join us in standing up against anti-Muslim vitriol


With the wave of anti-Muslim vitriol currently permeating the airwaves and Internet, it is imperative that people of conscience take a stand. As people of faith, we reject this hate. Please join us in ...
Topics: Popular Education
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Keeping Faith in Labor on this Labor Day and Everyday


The US Department of Labor has a blog called "Keeping Faith in Labor." Rev. Phil Tom has a nice post just in time for Labor Day.  He writes, "As a clergy member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), ...
Topics: Labor in the Pulpits | Wage Theft Campaign | Employee Free Choice Act | Popular Education
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Ted Smukler
+  Profits up, workers' wages down


I read an article a couple of weeks ago in The New York Times, which showed that companies are seeing surges in profits through shrinking their workforces. Harley Davidson's profits are triple what they ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Renaye Manley
+  Wage theft law passes in Illinois


Exciting news as the anti-wage theft movement continues to gain momentum. The law is one of the strongest in the nation and will go in effect on January 1, 2011. It allows the Illinois state DOL the power ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Danny Postel
+  Labor in the Pulpits 2010


IWJ has new 2010 resources for Labor in the Pulpits/on the Bimah/in the Minbar ready to be downloaded: A Prayer for All Workers Bulletin Insert Labor in the BimahBy Rabbi Brant Rosen, spiritual ...
Topics: Labor in the Pulpits
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Danny Postel
+  IWJ on the Frontlines in Arizona


Dan Moore of the Cincinnati Interfaith Workers Center (an IWJ affiliate) marching in Phoenix on July 29, the day SB 1070 was scheduled to go into effect, during IWJ's National Weekend of Prayer & ...
Topics: Immigration
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Danny Postel
+  Historic Rest Break Ordinance Passes in Austin!


Wonderful news from the Workers Defense Project/Proyecto Defensa Laboral in Austin, Texas (an affiliate of IWJ's national network of worker centers):Immediately as of July 29th, construction employers ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Huckabee Tone Deaf on Immigration-America is Like Disney World


Great post from The Plum Line- Mike Huckabee was asked whether he supports the anti-immigrant law in Arizona. He dodged the question and then gave a wimpy reference to Disney World. He said "It's not ...
Topics: Immigration
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David Valenta
+  IWJ’s Organizing for Worker Justice Training


Save the Date for IWJ's Organizing for Worker Justice Training!Dates: October 3-7, 2010 Are you a...• board member, leader, or volunteer of an interfaith organization?• organizer with a faith-based ...
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Danny Postel
+  Trying to get by on $8.75 an hour


Last week the Chicago Tribune published an editorial bearing the polemical title "Say 'yes' to jobs: Chicago's City Council must brave union backlash and approve Wal-Mart deal". IWJ board member Rev. ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Union busting techniques at work!


When I worked at a state university a few years ago I saw the raw deal that adjunct professors had. A majority of them didn't hold full-time jobs elsewhere. They weren't hired to teach a single course ...
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Renaye Manley
+  Labor in the Pulpits!


Every year for the past twelve years, Interfaith Worker Justice has joined with thousands of congregations across the country for the "Labor in the Pulpits" , a program that focuses on the plights of ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Push back on the anti-immigration law


The Chicago Tribune religion reporter yesterday blogged that "Clergy condemn anti-immigration law, demand reform." Yet, the religious response isn't enough to overcome the racist, fearful reaction from ...
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Renaye Manley
+  The Faith Community and the Jobs Crisis


Yesterday, policy and denominational staff from faith communities including the United Methodist Church , the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Religious Action Center of ...
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Kristin Kumpf
+  "You look like an illegal"


I had a distressing conversation today with the director of our affiliated group in Phoenix, the Arizona Interfaith Alliance for Worker Justice. Trina (Rev. Trina Zelle, the group's lead organizer) shared ...
Topics: Immigration
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Arizona's awful immigration law


As you can imagine, we have been talking a lot about the racist and draconian new immigration law in California. We knew this was coming...  Ten other states are considering Arizona-style immigration ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Illinois House Passes Wage Theft Bill


The Illinois House of Representatives has passed a measure aimed at strengthening the state's ability to fight wage theft. A recent University of Illinois-Chicago study brought new attention to the prevalence ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Cynthia Brooke
+  How has the economic climate impacted your faith community?


Interfaith Worker Justice has a question for you: How has the current economic climate impacted your faith community? We have developed a congregational survey to answer that question. Please take five ...
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Danny Postel
+  IWJ and Arise Chicago Join Hilda Solis at the National Launch of DOL's New Campaign


Left to right: Fr. Brendan Curran, Pastor of St. Pius V, a Catholic parish in Chicago; Rev. C.J. Hawking, Executive Director of Arise Chicago; U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis; and IWJ Executive Director ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Kim Bobo
+  Pray for the Dead, Fight for the Living


Mother Jones is often quoted as saying, "Pray for the Dead, Fight like hell for the Living." The 25 miners who lost their lives in the Upper Big Branch mining disaster call us to both prayer and activism. We ...
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Renaye Manley
+  No Easy Solutions


Bob Herbert's recent New York Times column "The Source of Obama's Trouble" pointedly addresses the Obama administration's response -- or lack thereof -- to the problem of unemployment and job loss in ...
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Renaye Manley
+  Workers need more rights on the job, not a CBS TV show.


Yesterday, after the Super Bowl, CBS previewed a new program "Undercover Boss." The premise of the program, for those who did not get to see it, is that corporate executives will go "undercover" as regular ...
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Ted Smukler
+  Partnering to Protect Workers: U.S. Department of Labor Reaches Out to IWJ Worker Centers


If you were to ask any worker in the U.S. what the IRS does, chances are most folks would have a good idea and would also know that the IRS goes after people who fail to honestly report their income. ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Renaye Manley
+  Organizing against wage theft and fasting for immigrant rights in Florida


It may be cold outside in southern Florida, but South Florida Interfaith Worker Justice (SFIWJ) is turning up the heat with its momentous work on immigrant rights and wage theft. Yesterday SFIWJ and ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign | Immigration
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Danny Postel
+  Faith Leaders Ask Sen. Nelson to Support Alternative Abortion Language


A group of over two dozen Nebraskan clergy and faith leaders have come together as signatories on a letter to Senator Nelson, asking him to support Senator Casey's proposed alternative language on abortion ...
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Danny Postel
+  Nebraska Faith Leaders Appeal Senator Nelson on Health Care


Senator Ben Nelson440 North 8th Street Suite 120Lincoln, NE 68508Fax: (402) 476-8753   Dear Honorable Senator Nelson: We represent diverse communities of faith from across the state of Nebraska. ...
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Danny Postel
+  40 Events Across the Country on IWJ’s National Day to Stop Wage Theft!


On November 19, workers, allies, faith leaders and public officials in communities from coast to coast mobilized for IWJ's National Day of Action to Stop Wage Theft! In Houston, 40 people rode a Justice ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Kristin Kumpf
+  "We need to get across the finish line!" Reflections from a White House meeting on Comprehensive Immigration Reform


On August 20, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano, along with top DHS and White House officials, held a meeting at the White House with 100 faith, labor, business, legal, ...
Topics: Immigration
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Renaye Manley
+  Progressive "Values Voters"


This article from Politics Daily speaks volumes about the debate going on in our country. What is striking is that the "God Gap" that used to exist between the conservative evangelicals and Catholics ...
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Renaye Manley
+  We look forward to working with the new team at the AFL-CIO


Staff and board members from Interfaith Worker Justice just returned from the AFL-CIO convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We were fortunate to attend the President's address to the delegates, and ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign | Employee Free Choice Act
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Danny Postel
+  A World of Hurt


Bracing column by Bob Herbert in today's New York Times. Now, with the financial sector stabilized and economists predicting that the Great Recession is nearing an end, the sighs of relief coming out ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Obama's health care speech tonight and a death panel of one


The President addresses a joint session of Congress tonight to lay out his plan for health care reform. After months of misinformation and manufactured outrage from right wing Americans, and their puppeteers, ...
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Danny Postel
+  Talking about Labor in the Pulpits


IWJ held a press conference call (or telephonic press conference) this morning about our Labor in the Pulpits/on the Bimah/in the Minbar program, in which more than 1,000 religious congregations across ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Lost Decade for Workers under 35


The AFL-CIO has just released a bracing report revealing a “lost decade” not just for teenagers trying to earn spending money, but for workers 35 and under. The economic crisis has hit these ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Senator Kennedy was Dedicated to Economic Justice


Senator Kennedy was a champion of economic justice. His legacy in the United States Senate was driven by a passion for helping workers by supporting and authoring a long line of legislation that brought ...
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Danny Postel
+  Summer Issue of Faith Works Out


The Summer issue of IWJ's quarterly print newsletter, Faith Works, is out and chock full of good stuff! While the hard copy makes its way to readers in the mail, you can access most of the contents ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  It's Time to Confirm Wage and Hour Division Nominee


Federal Labor Department officials recently announced that they will hire 150 more investigators in the Wage and Hour division to protect against wage theft.  It is important to note that Lorelei ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Cynthia Brooke
 Barney Frank at Town Hall Meeting Discusses Health Care


The misinformation that  has been spread about the health care bill is disheartening. I applaud Congressman Barney Frank for his response yesterday at a town hall forum in Dartmouth, Mass. At one point he asked a woman holding sign depicting President Obama as Hitler "What planet do you spend most of your time on?"


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Danny Postel
+  Labor in the Pulpits


  A joint project of Interfaith Worker Justice and the AFL-CIO, Labor in the Pulpits/on the Bimah/in the Minbar has helped thousands of congregations focus their Labor Day weekend services on the ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Unemployment at Highest Rates Since Great Depression


A recent article in Dollars and Sense magazine reports that according to comprehensive research, the unemployment rate is at its highest since 1931. The official unemployment rate is 9.4% as of April ...
Topics: Popular Education
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Danny Postel
+  Just what the doctor ordered!


Our friends at In These Times magazine have launched a major new group blog on labor. The blog - Working In These Times - is fast becoming a must-read clearinghouse for labor news and commentary in ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  One Step Forward, Two Steps Back on Immigration Policy


Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 The Obama administration’s shifting policy on undocumented workers is cause for ambivalence. In contrast to the brutal ...
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Danny Postel
+  A Construction Worker in Texas Dies Every 2.5 Days


The Workers Defense Project / Proyecto Defensa Laboral in Austin, Texas -- a member of IWJ's national network of worker centers -- has issued a stinging indictment of the appallingly dangerous conditions ...
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Danny Postel
+  The corporate campaign to kill the Employee Free Choice Act


The July issue of Harper's features an important article titled "Labor's last stand: The corporate campaign to kill the Employee Free Choice Act" by the magazine's outstanding Washington Editor, Ken ...
Topics: Employee Free Choice Act
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Jonathan Currie
+  A meeting with Senator Kohl's staff


Earlier this month, members of the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice of South Central Wisconsin met with Senator Herb Kohl's staff in Madison to discuss the Employee Free Choice Act, and to thank ...
Topics: Employee Free Choice Act
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Danny Postel
+  New Issue of Faith Works Out


If you get IWJ's quarterly print newsletter, Faith Works, you probably know that the new issue -- the Spring 2009 edition -- is now out. (If you haven't yet received your copy in the mail, it's on its ...
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Danny Postel
+  Online Forum on Wage Theft in America


This week the TPM Café Book Club is hosting a fabulous running discussion of IWJ Executive Director Kim Bobo's Wage Theft in America. Commenting on the book are Dean Baker of the Center for Economic ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Department of Labor Should Get Increased Resources in 2010


Last week the Obama Administration released its budget request for federal agencies in fiscal year 2010 (beginning October 2009). The Department of Labor, which has been severely under-resourced and ...
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Danny Postel
+  A Treasure of Labor Writing


Congratulations to The Progressive magazine on turning 100 this year, and on the publication, to mark its centennial, of Democracy in Print: The Best of The Progressive Magazine, 1909-2009. What a wonderful ...
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Danny Postel
+  "We're going to be more robust in this area"


Addressing a green jobs summit Wednesday -- just two days out from International Workers' Day -- Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis said she is committed to ensuring that undocumented workers get paid for ...
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Danny Postel
+  Solis Promises Action on Wage Theft


Back on March 26, Occupational Health & Safety magazine ran an article on its website titled "Solis Promises Action on 'Wage Theft'". It was at ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Cynthia Brooke
+  National Faith Groups Write to Congress to Ask for Support for the Employee Free Choice Act


Yesterday, national faith-based organizations and denominational bodies came together in support of workers' rights and the Employee Free Choice Act. Thirty-nine groups from Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, ...
Topics: Employee Free Choice Act
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Kristin Kumpf
+  Unions Come Together on Immigration


Great news for low-wage workers! The two major U.S. labor federations, the AFL-CIO and Change to Win, announced a plan to work together to support major reform of our immigration system. This would include ...
Topics: Immigration
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Danny Postel
+  Building the Interfaith Worker Justice Movement


Over the years, IWJ has gotten its share of press. Members of our staff have been interviewed and quoted in a variety of media. (We archive the coverage of a recent vintage here.) But there's never ...
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Danny Postel
+  Not Our Department


The Nation's outstanding Washington Editor, Chris Hayes, has a piece in the magazine's April 27 issue on the GAO's alarming report on the Department of Labor's failure to protect workers from wage theft. ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Unionization and Wages for Service-Sector Workers


  The Center for Economic and Policy Research has released another great report showing that unionization helps raise wages for service-sector workers. We already know from CEPR that unions help ...
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Danny Postel
+  Mandated inaction? Inept by design?


The GAO's devastating report on wage theft grabbed some headlines (though not nearly as many as it should have), from the New York Times to ABC News and TPM. At, Jonathan Stein bracingly ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  GAO undercover investigation


I just read the transcript of six short calls from the Government Accounting Office undercover investigation into Wage Theft. I can't believe that people from the Wage and Hour Division said things like, ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Danny Postel
+  The Commons


This has to be the best piece of political philosophy ever rendered in animated-video form. The New Press (publishers of Kim Bobo's Wage Theft in America) and (which I'd not heard ...
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Renaye Manley
+  Righteous indignation, anger and just plain ticked off.


Righteous indignation, anger and just plain ticked off. That describes how I felt when I read about AIG's policy to pay out exorbitant bonuses to employees, even though they have received billions of ...
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Danny Postel
+  A New Sheriff in Town


"To those who have for too long abused workers, put them in harm's way, denied them fair pay, let me be clear," our new Secretary of Labor declared at her swearing-in ceremony on Friday, "there is a new ...
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+  Jewish teaching is clear about worker treatment


This past week, I joined a Loyola Alternative Spring Break group to spend a day with Unite HERE learning about the struggles of ex workers from the Congress Hotel. Workers from the Congress Hotel, here ...
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Kim Bobo
+  The Employee Free Choice act would deter wage theft


I've been on the road almost every week since the beginning of the year talking about wage theft. In each and every presentation, I talk about how the Employee Free Choice Act would make it easier for ...
Topics: Employee Free Choice Act
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Cynthia Brooke
 The Job


This video speaks for itself.

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Cynthia Brooke
 Rachel Maddow Explains the Employee Free Choice Act


Rachel Maddow gets it exactly right in this YouTube video. Hyperbolic warnings ---that's for sure.

The Employee Free Choice Act would make it easier for employees to join a union. There are some companies that are against the Act because they want to make the process of joining a union very intimidating for workers.

The Act does not abolish the NLRB election process. As she points out, if employees still want an election, they can still do that. People get a choice.

Topics: Employee Free Choice Act
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Wage Theft Expert Kim Bobo to Deliver Testimony


Kim Bobo, Founder and Executive Director of Interfaith Worker Justice and the author of the recently-published Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid-And What We ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Renaye Manley
+  We stand with the people behind the numbers


Today's unemployment numbers are staggering..... another 650,000 workers have joined the ranks of the unemployed, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics making the "official" unemployment rate over ...
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Cynthia Brooke
+  New website with vital information on rights and protections during a job loss


Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ) has created a website, Can My Boss Do That? (,  which enables workers to understand their rights and protections and advocate for themselves. ...
Topics: Can My Boss Do That?
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Interfaith Worker Justice Calls for an End to All Workplace Immigration Raids


US immigration agents raided the Yamato Engine Specialists factory in Bellingham, Washington on February 24, 2009. The plant employs approximately 100 workers who rebuild Japanese car engines and transmissions. ...
Topics: Immigration
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Renaye Manley
+  Does America Still Need Labor Unions? Take a poll.


How do we counter the unchecked corporate greed that has led us to the point of national economic turmoil? Well, great minds will be considering that question for years to come, however it is important ...
Topics: Employee Free Choice Act
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+  Students have a big impact on justice


"Young people have always changed history. Young people led social change movements in the past. Young people are leading change now." These were Kim Bobo's opening words to more than 2,000 students during ...
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Danny Postel
+  In the Deep Heart's Core


Today IWJ took its wage theft campaign straight to the source, holding an event for Executive Director Kim Bobo's new book on wage theft in the Department of Labor itself. As roughly a third of the book ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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Cynthia Brooke
+  Kim Bobo launches book tour in nation's capital


Kim Bobo's book "Wage Theft in America" was released this week. She will launch her book tour in Washington D.C. November 11. Order your copy of Wage Theft in America HERE. ...
Topics: Wage Theft Campaign
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