Discover the best keywords to target on your website

Keyword Discovery compiles keyword search statistics from all the major search engines world wide, to create the most powerful Keyword Research tool.

Over 80% of all online transactions begin with a keyword search.
To compete, you need to target all the relevant keywords.
Keyword Discovery can tell you the search phrases people use to find products and services, as well as the search terms that drive traffic to your competitors.


Optimize website content and
meta tags


Maximize your pay per click campaigns


Take traffic away from your competitors

Features Overview

Full list of features
New recorded tutorial sessions to help users get the most out of KD

Keyword Discovery is the most advanced Keyword Research tool available.
View our pricing and subscription plans


Custom KeywordDiscovery Services

KeywordDiscovery API - Integrate our data into your own tools.
Domain Drop Reports - For Domainers
Keyword Reports - Custom exports of large keyword lists
Industry Keywords - search terms that drive traffic to sites in specific categories

Other Trellian Services

Competitive Intelligence - Gain the competitive edge. - Search Engine Submission and Paid Inclusion
SEO Software - Trellian SEO Toolkit, SubmitWolf, Trellian Webpage
ToolbarBrowser - Free Custom Search Toolbar
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"... my new keyword research tool of choice!"

Jill Whalen,

"... by far the most advanced and accurate keyword research tool..."

Andy Beal,

"... the most comprehensive keyword research tool I've used."

Greg Jarboe,

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