Advertise on

Interested in advertising on Add Me, a leading resource for webmasters and small to medium business owners?

Since its 1996 inception, has educated and provided valuable website services to over a million customers. Many have graduated and become today's top website marketers. offers many effective and valuable advertising opportunities:

Banner Advertising
Site Sponsorship (min. 3 months commitment)
Newsletter Advertising
Solo Email Blast

Please select one of the above options, and complete the form below.



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verification image, type it in the box

Leaderboard Banner Advertising

Run of site Leaderboard banner advertising. Amazing value for a 728x90 pixel size banners displayed on the top of every page. Great exposure at an affordable rate. Minimum bookings of 100,000 Impressions.

Leaderboard Banner Advertising Specifications:

  • 728x90 pixels
  • 20K limit
  • No looping or animation
  • Can use tracking click through URLs

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Site Sponsorship

Site Sponsorship is strictly limited to 6 companies that will receive amazing exposure, great value and an extremely targeted audience.

Addme Site Sponsors Receive:

  • One of only 6 available sponsorships
  • Average of 250,000 impressions per month
  • Above the fold, effective 125x125 creative position
  • Delivery on 100% of all page impressions

Site Sponsorship Banner Specifications:

  • 125x125 pixels
  • 10K limit
  • No looping or animation
  • Can use tracking click through URLs

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Co-Registrations on Free Submission Page

View the Free Submission page and look below the form, just above the NEXT button.

We offer a co-registration by adding your checkbox (and a text message next to it), right below the submission form. When users checks the box we can either send your email message to them or communicate their website and contact information to you via a script or weekly text file. This service is used by over 1,000 users per day (some advertisers receive as many as 400 signups per day from this checkbox alone).

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Newsletter Sponsorship

With over 320,000 active opt-in subscribers, sponsoring our newsletters is a great way to generate mass exposure and to spread your message. There is a maximum of 1 dedicated mailout spot per month. These do get booked out months in advance, so don't delay and book the next available spot.

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Solo Email Blast

There is a maximum of 1 dedicated mailout spot per month. These do get booked out months in advance, so don't delay and book the next available spot.

  • Dedicated client advertising email to database of subscribers.
  • Advert should be provided in both Html & Text format.
  • Must not exceed 500kb in size or contain inappropriate text or imagery.
  • 500 words.
  • Limited to 1 advertiser per month.

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