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Colonialist court says involuntary manslaughter in Oscar Grant case

"We could not even get six hours of deliberation. My son was murdered! He was murdered! He was murdered!” – Wanda Johnson, mother of Oscar Grant. Full Story

Free Lynne Stewart: Obama regime cracking down on basic democratic rights

Lynne Stewart is a 70-year-old white woman, a lawyer and breast cancer patient who on July 15 of this year was given a 10 year sentence to prison. Full Story

Did you know?

According to syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts Jr, and the Department of Health and Human Services, “9.5 percent of blacks (about 3.6 million people) and 8.2 percent of whites (about 16 million people) reported using some form of illicit drug in the previous month. Yet, though there are more than four times as many white drug users as black ones, blacks represent better than half those in state prison on drug charges.” Full Story

Indigenous Iroquois refuse to use U.S. passports - rejected entry into Britain

NEW YORK - The Iroquois Nationals, the national lacrosse team of the Indigenous Iroquois nation, on July 17, exhausted all efforts, short of denouncing their sovereignty, to enter Britain on legally issued Haudenosaunee passports from the Iroquois Confederacy, their own government. Full Story

Iroquois Nation protects sovereignty - Britian denies entry

African People’s Solidarity Committee (APSC) stands in solidarity with the Iroquois’ struggle to declare their sovereignty. Full Story

“King” James, Oscar Grant & white power

Editors Note: Whether sporting events like NBA Basketball or FIFA Football should be important to the masses of our people is highly questionable. But the fact is that they are. Hence, they deserve some sort of African Revolutionary spin or explanation to them. The effort by to address this question is commendable. Full Story

Darryl Anderson's story

On Thursday July 1, 2010, my brother Darryl Anderson was walking up 52nd Street towards Chestnut, going to the store where officer McGrudy of the 18th District stood. Full Story

videoJuly 6, 2010 Press Conference on Attacks on the Uhuru Movement

Chairman Omali Yeshitela addresses the current State attacks on the African People's Socialist Party... Full Story

video5th Congress of the African People's Socialist Party

Register today! July 10-14 Kellogg Conference CenterFull Story

Resolutions of the 5th Congress of the African People's Socialist Party

Below are resolutions put forward by committees and organizations of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP) for adoption at our 5th Congress, scheduled from July 10 thru 14 this year. Full Story

Black Congress gains international support for Black Power struggle in U.S.!

For the first time since the 1960s, the liberation movement of black people in the U.S. is winning... Full Story

Self-determination for Haiti! Black Congress to fight for African power

As the United States government broadens its military presence in Haiti and foreign non-government... Full Story

Uhuru Communique

A meeting for our own black power and self-determination – forward to Washington, D.C.!

WASHINGTON, D.C. - From July 10 – 14, black freedom fighters and our allies from all over th... Full Story

African People's Socialist Party-USA Constitution

Below is the final draft of the Constitution of The African People's Socialist Party (APSP), to be adopted at our 5th Congress, scheduled from July 10 thru 14 this year. This is the document, through many months of grueling work, that is being put forth by the duly appointed Constitutional Commission of the APSP-USA. Full Story

Black Congress, critical of Obama, to convene in D.C. to set black agenda

As criticisms of President Obama’s war and economic policies mount, the group that first questioned his intentions regarding the concerns of the black community is holding a national Congress to define a black agenda to serve the interests of black people. Full Story

APSP adds clarity on the life and times of Marcus Garvey at Birkbeck College lecture

On Saturday, May 22, African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) members attended the NUS (National Union of Students) Black Student Campaign annual summer conference held in Liverpool. Full Story

On 10th Anniversary: Shaka Sankofa Says "Take it to the Streets”

Sisters & Brothers, Tomorrow, June 22, 2010, will mark the 10th anniversary of the murder of our Brother Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham). Full Story

Justice and reparations to the family of Oscar Grant! Self-Determination to the African and Mexican communities!

On June 10, 2010, the trial of Johannes Mehserle, former Bay Area Transit (BART) cop, opened in Los Angeles. Mehserle shot and killed 22-year-old Oscar Grant. Full Story

Seattle cop assaults African teens: They are still pigs!

SEATTLE — On Tuesday, June 15, millions of people throughout the U.S. and probably the world, witnessed through media reports, a Seattle cop assault two African women. Full Story

Emergency phone campaign; hands off MOVE'S Chuck Africa

The following is a press release sent to Uhuru News for immediate publication. Uhuru News calls on all our readers to support this MOVE initiated campaign to ensure the safety of Chuck Africa, one of many of the MOVE Africa family who have been unjustly imprisoned by U.S. authorities for over 25 years. Free Mumia Abu Jamal. Free Chuck Africa and all MOVE Africa family! Full Story

Oakland’s health disparities in black and white: a real townhall meeting

On Tuesday, May 18, 2010, the Oakland branch of the African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) hosted a forum entitled “Oakland’s Health Disparities in Black and White.” Full Story

From Michael Manley to Christopher Dudus Coke: The struggle against neocolonialism in Jamaica

The U.S. request to get Christopher Dudus Coke, a well known leader of the so-called “Shower Posse gang” with ties to the ruling Jamaican Labour Party (JLP), to be extradited to the U.S. on the alleged charge of gun and drug trafficking, strained, at first, the relation between the U.S. and Jamaican governments. Full Story

Five more Landless People's Movement militants arrested in Soweto

The crackdown on the Landless People's Movement in Johannesburg continues. Two LPM militants have been killed in recent days, and ten are currently in prison following the arrests of five others last night. Full Story

Foreign owned "Oil Gushers" in Nigeria Dwarfs British Petroleum's "Oil Gusher" in the Gulf of Mexico

Editors note: The ruling class media have inundated us with misinformation concerning the irresponsible dumping of millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Although this is truly an environmental castrophy, the dumping of oil and the destruction of the environment in Africa, by greedy multi national oil coporations like British Petroleum, Shell Oil, and ExonMobil, go virtually unreported by a media that acts as if it is concerned about the environment. Full Story

Africans still fighting back from 1921 bombing of Tulsa, Oklahoma

Editors note: In 1921, Africans who had migrated to Tulsa from the U. S.Southern states, in the latter part of the nineteenth century, understood precisely that the question of independence and economic development must be accompanied by respect and human dignity. Full Story

APSP holds African Liberation Day rally in London

Last year, in Washington, DC, the first North American Regional Conference of the African Socialis... Full Story

PFLP condemns the murderous crimes of the Israeli pirates and salutes the heroes of the Freedom Flotilla

Editors note: This article came from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The African People’s Socialist Party and the African Socialist International stand in solidarity with the fighting people of Palestine. Full Story

Forward to D.C.; A Call to the 5th Congress of the African People's Socialist Party

WASHINGTON, DC — This is a call to the leadership and general membership of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) as well as our allies and supporters to mobilize the African working class and all freedom-loving peoples to come to Washington, DC for the 5th Congress of our Party scheduled from July 10-14, 2010. Full Story

Fifth Ward Garden growing by onions and tomatoes

HOUSTON-During the March 14 “Time to Till” event, members of Houston’s All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP) came with shovels, tillers, hoes, rakes, and an assortment of other garden tools. The Fifth Ward Community Garden and Food Co-Op was only an idea of its organizers. Full Story

Raza prisoners and U.S. colonialism

On June 19, 2010, a timely and necessary gathering of Raza activists will take place: Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism. The conference aims to expose the role that police, courts and prisons play and have played in the continuing subjugation and terrorization of the Mexican community and other oppressed nations and peoples. Full Story

U.S. government continues to rob black farmers; they should receive reparations now!

The Black Farmer Land loss is the greatest loss of physical wealth we have had in this country. What most don't realize is that the Politrics/Obama is indeed hustling black farmers again. Truly large amounts of money were handed out white law firms, in the first Pigford case but very little money was deposited to black farmers/black people. Full Story

audioSCLC struggles against police violence in Jefferson County, GA

Host Nyabinga Dzimbahwe will talk live with the President of the Jefferson County, Georgia Chapter o... Full Story

Black is Back Coalition represents major turning point for black liberation struggle

The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations must be given maximum support by African people and especially activists, because it has been a critical development in our movement since the 1960s. Full Story

Maurice Bishop and the Grenada Revolution

Today we remember our slain comrade, Maurice Rupert Bishop, who was born May 29, 1944. Full Story

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Wow. ...
by johannuhuru on 2010-07-23
Good work Jesseuhuru! ...
by omowale kefing on 2010-07-23
Uhuru! Johann, I unite with that! ...
by scottuhurunow on 2010-07-22
Right on Jesse! Pass it on! ...
by johannuhuru on 2010-07-20
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Talk Live with Jazz Pianist Monty Alexamder

on Caribbean Forum 2010-07-24
Video of the Week
Live APSP-USA 5th Congress July 10-14 Black is Back Conference

Saturday July 10 - Wed Jul 14 9am - 6pm US Eastern
AND during the banquet Saturday July 10 evening
Click the following during the event: Live Video

Special Features

Free Diop Olugbala

The story of Diop Olugbala: why he must be set free

South Africa

The killing of Terre’blanche and the struggle for African liberation


Black Congress, critical of Obama, to convene in D.C. to set black agenda


Black is Back marches on Miami in defense of Haiti
audioAmerica Killed Michael Jackson
From , aired Jun 29, 2009
Uhuru Radio director Nyabinga Dzimbahwe is joined by longtime radio host and African music historian Norman Otis Richmond for a special program remembering Michael Jackson and examining the life and struggles of this incredibly talented African man. Michael Jackson, who influenced nearly all performers who came after him, died on Thursday, June 25, 2009, and even after his death the imperialist media attacks him and his family as it does the African community in general. Michael Jackson's talent grew out of the African community, and his torment came from an ideological assault waged against the African community by America that tells African people every day that one’s success is dependent on how white-like he or she is. This 2-hour special features songs by the artist, commentary by Richmond and Dzimbahwe, as well as by callers to the program.
audioLovelle Mixon and African Resistance in Oakland; The Role and Composition of the African People's Socialist Party, 2009-03-22
From , aired Mar 29, 2009
Host Nyabinga Dzimbahwe is joined in the studio by African People's Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela to talk about the political situation in Oakland, California, following the actions of 26-year-old Lovelle Mixon, who resisted police terror by shooting and killing 4 Oakland policemen before he died, having been shot 52 times by the police. Chairman Omail explains the function of the state in enforcing colonial relations and discusses the role and significance of the African People's Socialist Party in the struggle for African liberation.
audioJustice for Darramis Stevenson! African Resistance in Memphis Tennessee.
From , aired Feb 15, 2009
Host Chimurenga Waller will talk live with Linda Edwards (god-mother) and Taneeka Jennings (fiancee) of Darramis Stevenson, an unarmed 26-year-old African who was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee by Yahya Murshed, owner of several parasitic Arab stores in the African community. In apparent response to the murder, Murshed's truck has been torched and the convenience store burned twice. Fodalli Mboge, Uhuru Movement organizer in Memphis will join the interview to discuss the relationship that parasitic merchants have to the African community.
APSP 5th Congress Free Diop Olugbala 2010 Calendar What's goin' on in your 'hood? Shoot photos, video and write for Uhuru News