Nathaniel Hansen
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  • portrait
Boston, MA
Stories and storytelling define and inform all people from every culture on the planet. To search out, interpret, and re-tell stories that enlighten and inform, motivate and inspire, humble, teach and ultimately motivate change, is my wildest dream – one I’m happy to be living.

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  • Video comment
    12 hours ago
    Nathaniel Hansen commented on Pat - A Documentary Short

    Thanks Logan! It's coming along. I showed a rough cut to 50 people last week...and I was pleased with the variety of emotions the audience experienced - they ran the gamut.

    I'll keep you posted! And you can follow the site at

  • Video comment
    9 days ago
    Nathaniel Hansen commented on Pat - A Documentary Short

    Thank you Fiona - the rough cut (8-10 profiles) and the website (dozens of portraits) is coming together and I hope to have it wrapped by the end of the year...

  • Video comment
    9 days ago
    Nathaniel Hansen commented on Pat - A Documentary Short

    Thank you! She's an amazing woman if you ever find yourself in Boston you should see her store!

