• Vimeo now has forums - discuss!

    We added a simple user forum feature to Vimeo. Please go the the forums page and try it out!

  • Subscribe to the Vimeo blog via RSS

    We should have added this feature a while ago, but here it is. The Vimeo Changes & Fixes blog (which you're currently reading) now has an RSS feed.

  • Make a Vimeo badge for your own site!

    It feels good to introduce this: Make a Vimeo badge!

    This page gives you some code so you can put your Vimeo clips right in your blog. Now, your friends don't have to be Vimeo users in order to see your clips. MWAH.

  • Get an SMS when someone comments on your clips!

    I created a fun feature for myself, and I loved it so much that I made it public. Want to get an SMS on your mobile phone whenever someone comments on one of your clips? Now, you can do it - just fill out these fields at the bottom of your "Edit my info" page (which is linked from your home page):

    It's funny - getting a comment sent right to my cell phone, the moment it happens, really makes me feel connected. Now I'll never be alone!

  • Upload Vimeo thumbnails to Flickr

    We added a cool new feature, which several of our users had suggested. If you have a Flickr account, you can automatically post a thumbnail from a Vimeo clip. Take a look at this video; it's really easy!

    View this clip's page

  • Submit by email / add to favorites

    We're pleased to introduce a "submit-by-email" feature for Vimeo. Each user gets a custom, secret email address which he or she can send clips directly to from a mobile phone (or any other email client). Your address is listed on your home page when you are logged in.

    Please try it out if your mobile phone shoots video, and let us know if you have any trouble. We know that Sprint PCS and T-Mobile work, so we're especially eager to hear from people with other carriers. Thanks!

    Also: you can add clips to your "favorites", which can then be viewed at www.vimeo.com/user=your_user_name/favorites ... just click the "Add to Favorites" link under any clip!

  • Weekly limit raised to 20 megs!

    Hi everyone. We made a quick change: you now get 20 megs of disk space each week, up from 8 megs.

    Additionally, some of you were getting "you've used all your disk space" messages even when you were well under your limit. This has been fixed.

  • Search for clips and users.

    We finally added a simple search feature to the site. You can search for clips or users. Give it a try!

