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Mario's Bike

What's his subject, the in-focus stair case or the blurry biker?
Seems to me the subject of the whole picture is movement (downwards). Pitching down the stairs or rushing down the hill on a bike. Either way the contrast of the static position of the photographer and the solidity of the buildings with the movement is what makes this picture great for me.
Mario's Bike by André Rabelo.
A deleted Cartier-Bresson picture. Could anyone believe that?

Bigger size here

Note: This picture was submitted to the deleteme pool without any mention to the original author. After a dozen or so "great" comments its was revealed.
This whole experience shows several things. You are welcome to take your own conclusions. After all, art is some kind of mirror. 
This photo has notes. Move your mouse over the photo to see them.


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Digital Blue says:

When everything is blurred you cannot convey the motion of the bicyclist. On the other hand, if the bicyclist is not the subject-- what was?

-voted as "deleteme" (from the Delete me! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Gianni D.  Pro User  says:

I like very much this picture. I like the atmosphere, the movement and the perspective.

-voted as "saveme" (from the Delete me! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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beyond the pale says:

hard to tell at this size but is everything meant to be moving in this shot, all seems blurred

-voted as "deleteme2" (from the Delete me! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Agata...(exumbra) says:

Why is the staircase so "soft"? Camera shake? Like the angle though.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Agata...(exumbra) says:

-voted as "deleteme3" (from the Delete me! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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dalbergaria says:


How can you guys talk about photography if YOU NO NOTHING ABOUT IT!?!?!?

DCP, Infinite_vest, AgataL, you have NO idea how stupid you look now!

Thats F*#&#^%ing awesome!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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carolyn_in_oregon  Pro User  says:

so small

so blurry

to better show a sense of movement SOMETHING has to be in sharp focus

-voted as "deleteme4" (from the Delete me! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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carolyn_in_oregon  Pro User  says:


I think you're funny

Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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leolecal says:

our master is "shaking in the grave".

so shame on you 'deleteme ppl'..
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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dalbergaria says:

Deleteme pepole... YOU GUYS ARE NUTS!!! PLEASE! Stop that...

"to better show a sense of movement SOMETHING has to be in sharp focus" WHO TOLD YOU THAT CAROL???

Someone should write a book about this... Its unbelievable...

- voted as DELETE the Deleteme people! ahahah
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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carolyn_in_oregon  Pro User  says:

please don't post to this pool if you can't deal with criticism

read the front page of this pool
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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dalbergaria says:

Im can deal with criticism...

But cant I criticise STUPID criticism?

Now you are not dealing very well with my criticism... I guess.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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beyond the pale says:

oh, hang on now I get it, it's not a problem with the shot, it's our opinions which are lacking, this photo is of such an intrinsically high quality that there could be no other explanation.
Dalbegaria - you seem very attached to this photo or poster, but when it is submitted to a public group for criticism, then, well you get what you pay for. None of us claims to be an expert but our opinions are valid here,
feel free to post a comment detailing why you like this shot...
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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wilkiecoco  Pro User  says:

Nicely composed, but blurry

-voted as "deleteme5" (from the Delete me! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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CarlosBravo says:

This photo is pure art.

-voted as "saveme3" (from the Delete me! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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dalbergaria says:

infinite: Patient you need to be. And the force with you will be!

Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Gary Lindquist  Pro User  says:

This looks contrived, which is not a bad thing. If this is a planned shot, it just didn't come out right. If you can round up Mario, I would do it again. This time put the camera on a tripod and use the smallest aperture possible to get the best DoF. What I would hope for is that the railings are sharp and that mario on the bike shows a blur. Must have the foreground sharp, though. Without that, the image will never fly.

-voted as "deleteme6" (from Deleteme! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Bukutgirl  Pro User  says:

yeah and?

grey, blurry, small, odd crop

-voted as "deleteme7
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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sparty lea  Pro User  says:

I very much like the crop and all the wierd angles in this, the patchwork of textures in the street is great, I like the grey grainey look it has but I'd like to see it much bigger
Cant vote on this size
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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davidharding  Pro User  says:

Ha Ha, very funny ;-)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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paddysat  Pro User  says:

Nice form, AR. You have fished out all the reasons I dont come around hyeres any more.

How could I not save this!?!

I claim masterpiece!

-voted as "saveme4" (from the Delete me! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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okrahoma says:

a lot of winking going on here... was this shot by another André?
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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dElay says:

perfect !
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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dalbergaria says:

Poddysat got the point!

Good job man!


Lets go... No balls for the deleteme9 and 10?

Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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André Rabelo  Pro User  says:

Im almost crying. My poor digital photography, adjusted with photoshop is deceiving...

Nobody loves me...
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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jam-L  Pro User  says:

great catch!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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MiniTar says:

Ok, I'm not a photography expert.
Ok, I'm very into lomography.
Ok, I'm very very fan of colors.

But I just can't delete this photo, cause I can see the beauty of an unsharp shot, the movement of it and I'm able to rebuilt this momment in my head.

So, just like paddysat said:

I claim masterpiece!

My whish is to save this photo, but I wont.
I want that you guys delete it, cause it will just prove my theory: you guys know nothing about good photoshography, you just care for very regular photos. you are nuts and patethics!

PS. Besides, I know a little bit of the history of photography :)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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igilmour  Pro User  says:

bit too blurred to be worth a save from me

-voted as "deleteme10" (from the Delete me! group)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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dvcz  Pro User  says:

Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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felmagalhães  Pro User  says:

this is the day deleteme has entered the history of photography as the worst (not in terms of being mean, but in terms of being mis-informed, mis-educated, un-cultured, and all other things that can be summarized by the word STUPID) critics this art form has ever seen. you guys have just proved that all your votes aren't worth the least of all considerations. thinking that deleteme criticism will improve the way we photograph is BULLSHIT. it'll just turn us into advertising/stock photographer wannabes, gadget show-offs that only care for the technicalities. you guys are full of yourselves (in other words, full of shit!).
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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CarlosBravo says:

Felmagalhães and Minitar:

As I said before: This photo is pure art.

Also is on the explorer page right now.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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felmagalhães  Pro User  says:

thanks for all this fun, andré! i'd thought about doing something like this before, but didn't want to go through the hassle. it was definetely worth it! made our monday a lot more fun!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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sylvieop  Pro User  says:

lots of fun here! :)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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AndrewNZ  Pro User  says:

Brilliant. Well done.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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dalbergaria says:

BigFrank... I agree with you in some points.

But what I hate here is that people dont care about what they see but in how it was made... And I dont care about the tech as I care about the soul of an image.

Got it?
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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The Ludt Family  Pro User  says:

I like the composition. I hate the blurry biker. You may call the works of this photographer "masterpiece," I disagree.

I'd delete if it was still in play.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Damiao Santana  Pro User  says:

Uma desgraça!!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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paddysat  Pro User  says:

You were right with your first guess, Hashim.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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TNT Studio  Pro User  says:

This is just too damned funny. Talk about hoist on your own petard!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

soundtemplar [deleted] says:

yep they are morons over there sometimes
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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carolyn_in_oregon  Pro User  says:

RIP Henri

next time use a tripod

Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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idogu  Pro User  says:

I like it - and forget the blurred, tripod etc. comments. It's just very dynamic.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Digital Blue says:

It's just very awful

deleteme 11 through 28
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Zuiko_Addict  Pro User  says:

Laugh/pee pants, OMG some of the comments are freakin' unbelievable!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Elinesca  Pro User  says:


Let the idiots be
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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*omnia*  Pro User  says:

if that guy had a seagull flying into his head, and there were neon blurry lights all over the place, with no sense of style or composition at all - it would be 10 straight saves

(check the safe ...)

this really shows how skill at composition is easily overlooked and irrelevant "technical" factors can over ride appreciation of true art
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Hughes Léglise-Bataille  Pro User  says:

Cartier Bresson is the guy on the bike ?!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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kamoriaha  Pro User  says:

As "amazing" as this is, I don't really find it all that appealing. Besides, technology has gotten better, the chance to take perfect pictures is much better.

Heck, look at something completely different than photography, video games. Kids around the ages of 13-15 think that the video games of the generation not even 10 years older than them are a joke and have absolutely no quality, while the people of the former generation could play pong for hours and be completely content. Times change.

Had Cartier-Bresson had the technology we do now he would have probably taken a completely different shot, especially knowing the audience he was shooting for.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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CarlosBravo says:

I was the only one that said that this photo is pure art. Im saved.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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sparty lea  Pro User  says:

Ha ha very funny,
I think deleteme has it's uses too though, it's interesting to hear what people honestly think of your stuff, even if you dont agree.
Who gives a toss whether you get into the safe or not anyway?
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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dragfyre  Pro User  says:

omgroflol. this is gold! I love it. (the shot too, but mostly the bait)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Mylens*  Pro User  says:


This one made my entire day:)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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loungerie  Pro User  says:

perfect for:
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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André Rabelo  Pro User  says:

kamoriaha: technology is not art. You could have an amazing 1 Giga pixels camera and still have mediocre photographs.
Another thing, a great photo is different from a great subject. A sunshine shot with a great background is something everyone can take.
Make the difference is the key point.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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wit  Pro User  says:

Damn shame I missed on deleting this, its a blurry photo with limited tonal range that thrives on the name of its photographer. The day you save this just because of who took it is the day you may as well throw out all your critical faculties because your not using them. Even the greatest artists made some mistakes, the problem is folks treat it as art just because of the name.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Gianni D.  Pro User  says:

Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Anton Leroy  Pro User  says:

Lol... congrats to André. Nice work.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

j s p [deleted] says:

André for president :-DDD
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Ed Siasoco (aka SC Fiasco)  Pro User  says:

HCB tripped on the stairway going down and his 35mm leica went off. A totally accidental shot, even in his own words. He voted deleteme on his own photo - I consulted with a spiritual medium. HCB said 'shame on you Andre.' don't mock the dead.

Any artist can be a photographer, but not all photographers are artist - not do they claim to be - and anyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - keep voting your own opinion in DM!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Zuiko_Addict  Pro User  says:

kamoriaha: That's a totally different question. You can't step in the same river twice. Truth is, this was a moment in time, and HCB caught a decisive moment, as was his wont. The photo should be appreciated on its own, for what it is. I have always loved this photo as a photo, technical aspects aside. Others may not care for it, which is their prerogative. I don't feel it's HCB's "best", but I still like it.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Jingles_97 says:

I am new to flickr and this is my first comment. Your guys are hilarious. I was browsing through the daily "interesting" photos, and after pages and pages of non-descript but techinically perfect pictures, I saw this one. "Wow, great capture!" It looked familiar, so at first I thought someone was trying to imitate HCB. I guess the joke was me. But then when I read the comments, now I know really the joke is on you! Haha. Personally I love this image, one of the best on Dec. 5 2005!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Plaubel Makina  Pro User  says:

When Cartier Bresson, Andre Kertesz, Robert Frank and many other photographers advanced the "snaphot aesthetic" they faced the same criticism from the pictorial photographers - junk photos, fuzzy, grainy, poor composition, etc. Fast forward fifty years and this photograph is criticized on the same grounds. The scary thing is that while Bresson's photographs maybe more than 60 years old to the amateur photography savage trapped in the backwater of pictorialism they still represent the incomprehensible and the avant-garde.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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André Rabelo  Pro User  says:

Jingles: Welcome to Flickr!

Makina: Perfect!!!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Imapix  Pro User  says:

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."
-Henri Cartier-Bresson
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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i am your hero says:

"Deleteme" on technicality. Pfft!

This is a nice piece of "ART"!!!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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zamario  Pro User  says:

You are a genius!!! Thanks!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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zamario  Pro User  says:

I mean:
-personal opinion: this is a masterpiece: mixing in a single moment the stillness of the stair and the movement on the bike, making a single vortex pushing down the man is simply magnificent.
-common sense: maybe knowing a little of history of photography would be of some help in understanding pictures, and commenting them (and getting to know this picture would have needed really little knowledge)
-bs: saying that a masteriece is not such a masterpiece after some time in art is complete nonsense: this would say that the colosseo, or the Nike of samotracia or the spring of botticelli are not masterpieces anymore just because today the instruments are better...come on!!!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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robherr says:

I agree! Good job this exposes alot! Not to get into the politics of the Deleteme group, but it seems stacked against POSITIVE comments in general.

I shamelessly here plug the

Positive / Negative Pool

if you want both comments please join and check it out
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Lost in New York? says:

"But what I hate here is that people dont care about what they see but in how it was made... And I dont care about the tech as I care about the soul of an image.

Got it?"

Then join a different group and quit your bitchin
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

The Chorizo Warrior [deleted] says:

I can't believe some of the comments I'm reading here!

Photography is art. Art is expression. This photo expresses a mood that very few photographers can capture.

The photo is stronger BECAUSE of the slight shake. I feel as though it's a still from a film-where we are the eyes of the character.

Cartier Bresson was a unique talent, he was a genius, and no one will ever take photos in the same way-maybe equally great? but never the same.

When you have a strong enough idea of what you want to express-and enough talent to go with it- then 'the look' to your photos will be strong enough to be individual.

Any great painter has a unique, and very recognisable 'look' to their respective works. Think of Van Gogh, Gaugin or Piccaso.

So when I see comments from people that have posted a thousand sunset shots! (wow really unique!??) or manipulate their work with filters and photoshop, and who's work is so technically 'perfect' but who simply do not even have enough talent to be original, then I ask WHO WILL REMEMBER A PERFECT SHOT SET UP IN A STUDIO OF A F*%^ING TOMATO IN 50 YEARS TIME?!!??

Delete the 'delete me' group. Unlike CB they contribute nothing to photography, culture or enlightenment in general.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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idogu  Pro User  says:

I didn't read the comments when I posted here first, but aren't we all so extremely clever and important?

"technology has gotten better, the chance to take perfect pictures is much better." LOL! Does that mean that Shakespeare would write better stories just because he now would own a computer instead of ink and pen?

See, I have no clue about "good" or "bad" photography, I have no clue what is "right" or "wrong".
That's why I so much enjoy this debate. Thinking about it, for me two things are relevant (as in most forms of communication (and photography is a form of communication too): What do I hear/see, what is the effect on me? Did the picture evoke something, a reaction, a question, a sentiment etc. And secondly, even more interesting: what did the person behind the camera see or say? Why taking this picture? What was his/her intention, feeling, reaction? What made this shot special for him/her? Why even posting it?

Then, the question of "good or bad", "save or delete", "sense and nonsense" gets a completely different tone ...

It's a fine difference between judgment and feedback, I prefer feedback ...
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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idogu  Pro User  says:

btw: in this context, take a "delete me" as a "I don't like it" and not as "It is not good". And for "save me" vice versa. Very simple.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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okrahoma says:

on the comment "It's a fine difference between judgment and feedback, I prefer feedback":
-- that would be a saveme10, take it to the safe :-)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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bluespeedy says:

The deleteme members' comments on this photo will serve to be their defining moment IMHO, and pretty much serves as the reason why my membership of the deleteme group was brief.

If the height of your creative awareness and abilities can only lead you to state that this cyclist is 'blurry' or to say you find the bit-over-there 'distracting' or to ask 'what's it about?' ... go and join the deleteme group - you'll find them in the pub, sitting in armchairs, and shouting at the television.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Dustin@DLimage says:

holy crap they deleted Bresson that would be a sin at my school. next they will delete Weston or maybe Stieglitz
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Lenia ♥  Pro User  says:

oh my god!! i cant believe it... this is Cartier-Bresson you guys.. are we serious now?
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Vincent Boiteau  Pro User  says:

it is, by today's standard, an inferior creation! All in all, it's just a hyped up picture, it's really boring, technically weak, and shallow, passed the woah effect (similar to looking at esher drawings) it falls short.
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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schani  Pro User  says:

I feel so much better now about my deleted photos! :-)
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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Saulo Lisboa  Pro User  says:

André, congratulations! Very nice job! Adorei, cara, muito bom! Bolão dentro!
Posted 53 months ago. ( permalink )

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güneş in wonderland  Pro User  says:

one may always prefer contemporary stuff, that is totally understandable but denying the genius of older masterpieces is far beyond being smartass. one does not have to like something but appreciation is whole another subject. I almost felt devastated reading the previous comments, this is Bresson for god's sake, the man who made most people start taking photos (at least true for me!!!)... so sad :(
Posted 52 months ago. ( permalink )

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felmagalhães  Pro User  says:

can't believe this is still going on! the dm crowd really cannot have enough of themselves...
Posted 52 months ago. ( permalink )

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Tobyloc (again)  Pro User  says:

Art is subjective, if I was to vote on this now (even knowing it was Bresson) I'd be about 50:50, because I don't think it's amazing. For me the fuziness of the railings hurts and distracts my eye, as wonderful a composition as it is. That's my opinion, just because it's not yours and you've read more books on phtography, doesn't mean it's any less valid. Get over it.

To be honest I think the most moronic comments on this photo are from those who knew and know this to be Bresson. And, once again, that's my opinion.

The day I stand in front of a Picasso with my eyes shut, and know it's perfect before I'd opened my eyes, and laugh at people with their eyes open who don't like it, is a sad day.

Happy Christmas all!
Posted 52 months ago. ( permalink )

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Max| says:

Me he divertido mucho.
Lo que sucede en el grupo deleteme es terriblemente común. La crítica es fácil, y sobre todo en internet: pinchas aqui, miras un par de segundos, te gusta o no te gusta, y tras un análisis ínfimo (o nulo), escribes lo que te parece y te vas a otro sitio.
Estoy seguro de que yo lo he hecho muchas veces también.
Sería bueno poder ver en las estadísticas, no sólo cuántas veces ha sido vista cada foto, sino cuánto tiempo se han parado a observarla.
Personalmente, valoro mucho los comentarios positivos, porque me indican cuando estoy yendo por un buen camino. Valoro el silencio, porque supongo que no estoy expresando lo suficiente. Y finalmente aprecio los comentarios sobre cómo podría ser mejor, compositivamente, si vienen de alguien con experiencia.
Los comentarios del estilo "me falta aire por aqui", "me sobra aire por alla", "tal cosa me distrae", me suelen parecer completamente estúpidos. Si te falta el aire abre una ventana y si algo te distrae concéntrate. Si algo no está completamente en foco, quizas sea porque la nitidez no es lo importante de la imagen. Seguramente la nitidez sea fundamental para ver el cutis de Penélope C., pero tiene por qué ser el elemento fundamental de una composición, sino mas bien los colores, volúmenes, geometrias, movimiento, luces, sombras, perspectivas...

Si la piedra del rincón tiene sentido para ti, si intentas decir algo con esa piedra, da igual que venga alguien a decir que esa piedra le distrae. Y mucho peor, que vengan a proponerte que cortes tu foto. Que vayan a decirle a Miguel Angel que le corte las piernas a David, porque le quedaron cortas. O a Leonardo: "corta la Gioconda por debajo, que me distraen las manos".

English version now. I hope it will be understandable:
What happens in the deleteme group is terribly common. Criticism is easy, and mainly in Internet: you click here, look a few seconds, you like it or not, and after a very small (or null) analysis, you write what you think about it and go away to another site.
I am sure that I have often done it also.
It would be good to been able to see in the statistics, not only how many times a photo has been viewed, but how long they have been stopped to observe it.
Personally, I value the positive commentaries, because they indicate to me when I am going by a good way. I value silence, because I suppose that I am not being enough expressive.. And finally esteem the commentaries on how it could be better, if they come from somebody with experience.
The commentaries of the style "I need more air here", "too much air there", "such thing distracts me", usually seem completely stupid to me. If you need more air open a window and if something distracts you, try to concentrate.
If something is not completely in focus, maybe are because sharpness is not the important thing of the image. Surely the sharpness is fundamental to see the skin of Penélope C., but it not have to be the fundamental element of a composition, but the colors, volumes, geometry, movement, lights, shades, perspective...

If the stone at the corner has sense for you, if you try to say something with that stone, is superfluous if somebody comes to say that the stone distracts him. And much worse, propose you to cut your photo. Go say to Miguel Angel to cut the legs of David, because it had left short. Or to Leonardo: "cut the lower part of Gioconda, that the hands distract to me".

Posted 52 months ago. ( permalink )

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jadziajadzia says:

oh my bloody god. what's going on here? i can't believe that and won't try to. i've read all the comments and it's really grotesque. it's not even funny. deletemegroup - shame on you, guys. Andre Rabelo, thanks for reminding me what's art and what is not.
Posted 51 months ago. ( permalink )

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flyzipper  Pro User  says:

I faved it for the debate, not the photo.
Posted 51 months ago. ( permalink )

cristina: [deleted] says:

this made my day :D
Posted 51 months ago. ( permalink )

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Grevel says:

grande andré!
way to fight the deleteme organized crime!
Posted 50 months ago. ( permalink )

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Gabriel M.A.  Pro User  says:

This is hilarious.
Posted 48 months ago. ( permalink )

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*Maurizio* says:

This show how stupid and IGNORANT are those of the delete me group. BLAME ON YOU BLAME ON YOU
Posted 48 months ago. ( permalink )

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stroboscopic says:

Just stumbled upon this one thinking someone was stealing from The Master. It turned out to be so ironic it hurts.

What's next? Delete Van Gogh because he got the colors all wrong?

I find some comments too harsh (on both sides).

It's easy to say it's a great picture just because you happen to know it's a classic, but do you really know what makes classic a classic?

As for the sharpness-obsessed people: I pity you, because you're looking but not seeing.
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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Findo  Pro User  says:

What I'm seeing here is all the anti-deleteme people feeling good because DM deleted a real artist's shot, because somehow, that validates their own 'art' that was deleted. But the problem is, the playing field is different. The image was being judged as a recent photograph, not one taken ages ago. When we look at old paintings, we realise that cracked canvases are par for the course, but new paitings shouldn't be cracked. When we watch old films we realised that dust and scratches on the film are normal, but we expect new films to be pristine DVD quality. When we listen to recordings of Carouso they are crackly, but we expect the latest Juan Diego Florez dsic to be perfectly clear.
Are the old artists inferior? No. But we judge old art differently from new art.
We judge today's photography by today's standards. So what if most of the people on DM didn't recognise a HCB, most of us have day jobs. If HCB had a blurry street pic, it was probably because of the limitations of his equipment. If one of us has a blurry picture, it's because we aren't as good as we'd like to think.

[edited months and months later: geez... what a load of crap I was saying! This shot is superb, and equipment has nothing to do with it... Deleteme just can't see the forest for the trees]
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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Water Foul Photographer  Pro User  says:

Photography is a skill as well as a medium for art. deletme is really useful for me, because, I don't have the skill to take a 100% technically perfect picture yet, or even 90% - I always overlook something and its great to have a forum that will give you that instant feedback.

I don't expect deleteme to foster anyone's talents as an artist anymore than an editorial course would enable you to write great poetry, but if you want to improve your photography skills and you're not too precious about what people say it's very useful and good fun.
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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raizans says:

lol. i guess we now know who to ignore...
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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jannx [カメラマン]  Pro User  says:

BTW BiG Frank, Citizen Kane is still riveting. Go get a copy and watch.
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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oohp says:

Hilarious. This is art "criticism" over the Internet. By visually uneducated people. I wonder who's next. Salgado? Adams?
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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JanneM  Pro User  says:

OK, can people get a grip on this? So it's Cartier-Bresson - does it necessarily mean it really is a great image? Not everything even a master makes is great, and things don't become great just because a master has produced them (expensive, yes, but not great).

oohp, do you mean that once a "name" has produced something that it is automatically wrong (or uncultured, or declassè) to not to like the result? If so, you're the bigger fool here.
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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Manuel Wesser says:

deleteme has a problem

all scoring/ voting groups has a problem

only main stream things can win

group main stream pictures :-)

one group will vote the technical score (often this fails... take a look to scoreme!)

one group will try to vote based on the personal mind about something (like deleteme) not only one part of the composition

but photography is a kind of art

that means you can say something about and suggest improvements. but the one and only important rule is: the picture is made from a person and looks like it has to be. because he/she created it!

in my mind the picture above is a great work. because i have to think about! what is the message? what is the subject? why is it looking blurred? should it be like this?

sometimes art is nothing to look at and understand. sometimes you have to think about the contend.

Go out and have fun!
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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howlin' moon says:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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Absolut Alex  Pro User  says:

Actually, I'm not all that interested in the subject of photography. Once the picture is in the box, I'm not all that interested in what happens next. Hunters, after all, aren't cooks. - Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908 - 2004)

This is, perhaps, the best thread I have come across on Flickr. I think the main reason people dwell on this so much is because the "critiques" are often coming from people with rubbish photos in their own streams. Rubbish defined as lacking either artistic vision, technical expertise or both. Hence the bitterness. It is hard to take criticism from a person with too many cat snapshots in their stream. No?

Art while it may go in and out of fashion is timeless. Age doesn't invalidate or make it bad by today's standards. Saying that HCB would have taken a "better" photo given today's tools is falling in the fallacy that is so persistent among too many "photographers" today that the tool used to take a photo is more important than the photographer. By now we should all realize that the "tool" behind the camera is more important.

The only positive aspect to this is the fact that people are actually being open about their feelings about art. Regardless of the person who has created it. However, these opinions are of "the gutter level" since the people in question have no merit themselves. In a sense that while everybody can be a critic, not everybody can be a critic that anyone would listen to. The difference is not often subtle and is aking to calling a photo underexposed and crap as opposed Michelangelo-ish (Caravaggio, not Buonarroti).
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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askme2flashu says:

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.
Ansel Adams (1902 - 1984)

It hurts my head to think that someone believes that, if Henri Cartier-Bresson had a better camera his picture wouldn't have been so blurry.

Part of being a great artist is knowing what pieces to show. It's not that they never make a poor piece of art, they just don't post them on flickr.

Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. - Ansel Adams
Posted 46 months ago. ( permalink )

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