UE Freedom
To Organize Campaign

Fliers (PDF)

to Organize

UE Organize
Week Fliers

Free Choice

Print & post! Filers are in Adobe Acrobat  [PDF] Format – download, print, post and distribute!


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Now thru December
The UE Freedom
To Organize Campaign

Support the Employee Freedom of Choice Act

The UE Freedom to Organize Campaign is an aggressive new organizing campaign combined with a union-wide drive to win passage of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). It's a year-long drive to bring a real voice at work to thousands of unorganized workers — a job we hope will be made a bit easier when the right to organize is at least partially restored by Congress.


What's Inside

UE Slideshow Presentation
The UE Freedom
To Organize Campaign

Online Slide show: find out about the UE Freedom to Organize Campaign and why winning back the right to organize is so fundamentally important to working people in the USA.

UE Slideshow Presentation
The Employee
Free Choice Act

If you don't know much about it – or even if you do – here's a good place to check on and learn about the Employee Free Choice Act. Check on the status of the legislation in Congress — and check out an excellent excerpt from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

Tell Congress: Pass the Employee Free Choice Act!
Tell Congress "Pass the Employee
Free Choice Act." We'll Deliver it.

UE Online Campaign — we're still collecting your messages of support! Send an online message of support for the Employee Free Choice Act and we'll deliver it on your behalf to Congress. Your message will accompany the tens of thousands of postcards UE members distributed during UE Action week.

UE Slideshow Presentation
A Recovery For All Of Us
— Not Just Bankers

Our online flier — including a downloadable version — that can be used to promote UE Action Week ... and argues if an economic recovery is to reach everyone (not just the bail out guys), then our right to organize must be restored!

UE Slideshow Presentation
The Employee Free
Choice Act — UE Factsheet

Another online flier — and yes, it includes a downloadable version — that's designed to be a useful factsheet about Free Choice — and what people can do to help get it passed.


UE Regional Organizing Councils
Building UE

The UE Freedom to Organize campaign is a year-long drive to reach thousands or unorganized workers as well as passage of Employee Free Choice. This includes calling on UE members to help build their union in UE Regional Organizing Councils.

We'll be adding more resources and links, too! Keep checking here ...

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