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Driverless Vans Complete Their 8,000 Mile Journey

Driverless cars seem to be all the rage these days. In July, a pair of bright orange fans embarked upon an 8,000 mile journey from Italy to China, with the caveat that these two vans would drive...

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Around the Green Parenting Web: Hyland’s Homeopathic Teething Tablet Recall to Lead in Juice

1. Gaia Health: FDA Bans Hyland’s Homeopathic Teething Tablets The FDA’s goal of making the world safe for Big Pharma is made obvious by their attack on a product for which the possibility of harm is...

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Green Business Blog Carnival #21

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, step right up… it’s time once again for the greatest show in the green business blogosphere: the Green Business Blog Carnival! Each week, green bloggers from...

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Quick Green Reads For The Weekend Volume 187

In the next few weeks, I should be getting started on some raised bed planters for my backyard, and planting some low drought-tolerant ground cover out front. If you have any advice, please be sure...

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Urban Farming: Rice Paddy in a Tokyo Office Building

When office workers at a Tokyo outsourcing firm complete their computer work, they don gloves and boots and get to work in the building's 1,000 square foot indoor rice paddy.

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Road-Straddling Bus Might Come To The U.S.

Like most Americans, I hate traffic. Sometimes though, there just isn’t anyway to avoid it, especially if you commute to a congested city. You would think, with the millions of miles of highway...

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What Record Did The New Chinese Train Break?

China has substantially reinvented itself in just a few decades, going from a closed-off communist bastion to hosting much of the world’s manufacturing capacity. That foreign investment, plus buying...

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sustainablog Approved: Solar Sphere

Regular readers of sustainablog will probably recognize the name Kriss Bergethon, as he’s contributed a number of guest posts over the last few months on topics ranging from off-grid living to the...

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Is This The Toyota Prius MPV?

Toyota has been hinting that it will expand the Prius lineup to include more than just the current sedan. A natural progression seems to be a more spacious, larger family vehicle, not quite a...

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Hank D and the Bee: Baseball’s First Green Baseball Player

Even Hank realizes that comparing what Jackie did to what Chase did is like comparing The Empire State Building to a yurt. Chase Utley’s profile Follow the rest of the Hank D...

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Study Finds Flooring & Wallpaper Contain Hazardous Additives

Researchers known for exposing toxic chemicals in children’s toys have turned their attention to home improvement products, finding ingredients in flooring and wallpaper that are linked to serious...

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First Chevy Volt Commercial Gets The Point Across

I have been waiting with bated breath to see the first commercial from GM regarding the Chevy Volt. Would it be as confusing as the commercials for the EV1? Would it make unsustainable promises?...

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Projects I Am Doing To Save Water At My House

I keep a plastic bucket in my shower. No, it’s not used to give sponge baths, but rather to collect a few gallons of the cold water that comes out when I turn on the hot water to take a shower. In...

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Beer Power to Warm UK Homes

Folks in Suffolk can feel extra good next time they pop into the pub for a pint. Waste from a local brewery as well as food waste from supermarkets, pubs, and hotels are helping produce clean energy.

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TTXGP Season Final at Albacete: End of a Season…Beginning of an Era

Analysis of the TTXGP Championship race. The top five finishers from each regional championship were invited to Albacete, Spain to compete for the crown of TTXGP World Champion.

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