About Us

The International Queer Solidarity Network is a developing network of collectives and individuals working to strengthen the global movement of queer liberation. IQSN brings to light the injustices faced by the Queer community world-wide, and builds global solidarity with local struggles. IQSN is part of the larger movement building a world that is free from oppression of all people, including queer and trans people.

Points Of Unity:

* Our work thrives to provide a true sense of total liberation for everyone as we desire to live in a world that is free from discrimination, hatred and intolerance.
* We support a diversity of tactics, ranging from web-based and person-to-person education, to electoral/legislative campaigning to direct action and militant resistance.
* We stand in solidarity and support the tactics used by the community most affected.
* We oppose domination and hierarchy in all it’s forms.
* We value the skills and wisdoms possessed by the many different cultures in our world, and support the right to cultural self-determination.
* We believe that governments and institutions are violent and oppressive forces to queer and trans people and other marginalized peoples.
* As part of a global movement towards universal liberation, we recognize the interconnectedness of all forms of oppression. Queer and trans people will not be free until all people are free! and that means you, muthafuckas!!!
* We are in solidarity with all groups and individuals working to end oppression on institutional, socialized, and inter-personal levels.