Egypt: The gathering storm

Written by Hamid Alizadeh and Frederik Ohsten Thursday, 28 October 2010

Egypt: The gathering storm. Photo Nasser NouriThe tensions in Egypt are reaching boiling point. The crisis of the regime is reflected in a number of splits and growing opposition. The emergence of Mohamed Elbaradei on the political scene signifies an important change in the struggle against the regime. Until now, the masses have lacked a national point of reference to connect up the different struggles, but this is now changing. Revolution is developing just beneath the surface.


Privatization of Power Sector in Pakistan: Appeal for solidarity with WAPDA workers

Written by Peerzaada Farhan Suharwardi (Divisional Chairman & Zonal Secretary WAPDA Hydro Union Multan) Thursday, 28 October 2010

Privatization of Power Sector in Pakistan: Appeal for solidarity with WAPDA workers. Photo: Gul Hamaad Farooqi.In Pakistan the crisis in the power sector has affected the whole society for many years. Long power cuts and ever increasing electricity bills have made the lives of ordinary people hell. One of the main reasons for all this was the privatisation of the power generating sector many years ago.


Currency wars: what's next?

Written by Rob Sewell Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Currency wars: what's next? Illustration: LatuffAlthough everyone has claimed that they have learned the lessons of the 1930s, the ruling classes are again engaging in the same policies that proved so calamitous 80 years ago. Deep tensions inside the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have recently emerged over currency manipulation, as countries take action to defend their own national interests against their rivals. Like gangsters, they can divide out the loot in ‘good times’ but are at each other’s throats in times of difficulty.


Iraq: Continuation of the workers' protests in the electricity sector – Basra

Written by Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq- FWCUI Wednesday, 27 October 2010

We received this note from the FWCUI in Iraq about the ongoing struggles to defend the right to form a union. The invasion of Iraq was presented as a way of establishing “democracy”. Well, one fundamental democratic right is the right to form a union!


[Audio] What is Marxism?

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Alan Woods speaking on "What is Marxism?" to a packed meeting of students at the University of London at the ULU Marxist Society. 


France: a general strike needed to defeat the government

Written by Jorge Martín Tuesday, 26 October 2010

France: a general strike needed to defeat the government. Photo: airelle.infoOn Friday, October 22, finally the French government managed to get the pensions reform passed through the Senate. The increasingly unpopular government of Sarkozy, faced with an unprecedented movement of strikes, demonstrations, road blockades, mass pickets and general assemblies, hoped that this, together with the beginning of the All Saints school holidays, would bring the mass movement to a halt. This does not seem to be happening, however.


France: Our leaflet for October 28 - Paralyse the economy!

Written by La Riposte, Tuesday, 26 October 2010

France: Our leaflet for October 28 - Paralyse the economy!The French unions have called another day of action for October 28. Here we provide an English translation of the leaflet that will be given out on that day by the Marxists of La Riposte.


Notes of a traveller in France: “here we go, here we go”

Written by Jim & Hazel Brookshaw Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Notes of a traveller in France: “here we go, here we go”Comrades on holiday in France get a taste of the protests taking place there.


France: Financial Solidarity with Refinery Strikers!

Written by FNIC-CGT Tuesday, 26 October 2010

We are publishing here an English translation of a press release of the Executive of the FNIC-CGT (Chemical Workers’ section of the CGT). Original French text at: Solidarité financière avec les grévistes des raffineries !.


Which way for the Cuban Revolution? - A Contribution to the debate

Written by Frank Josué Solar Cabrales Monday, 25 October 2010

Which way for the Cuban Revolution? - A Contribution to the debate. Photo: ExfordyWe are publishing this article which we have received from the Cuban Communist Frank Josué Solar Cabrales as a contribution to the debate over the future of the Cuban revolution and the changes that are presently being proposed. See also Jorge Martín's article Where is Cuba going?


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Chile: Ni Dios Ni Amo. Reflexiones sobre la epopeya minera de Copiapó

Written by David Rey Thursday, 28 October 2010

Chile: Ni Dios Ni Amo. Reflexiones sobre la epopeya minera de Copiapó. Foto: Alex Fuentes.El rescate de los 33 mineros de San José de Copiapó ha adquirido el carácter de una epopeya. Y no es para menos tras permanecer atrapados 69 días –17 de ellos incomunicados– a casi 700 metros en las profundidades oscuras de las entrañas de la tierra. Cientos de millones de personas en todo el mundo pudieron verlo en directo, emocionadas, a través de la televisión e Internet.


Francia en Lucha: Boletín informativo nº12 de la Asamblea General Interprofesional de la ciudad de Le Havre

Written by l'assemblée générale interprofessionnelle - Le Havre Thursday, 28 October 2010

Francia en Lucha: Boletín informativo nº12 de la Asamblea General Interprofesional de la ciudad de Le Havre. Foto: David Jones.El "Havre de grêve" es un boletín informativo sobre la movilización contra las pensiones publicado por la Asamblea General Interprofesional. Quiere ser portavoz y enlace entre los huelguistas de todos los sectores en lucha y la palabra de la Asamblea General Interprofesional. 


El Salvador: Elecciones internas en el FMLN - Fortalezcamos la democracia dentro del partido

Written by Carlos Alas Wednesday, 27 October 2010

El Salvador: Elecciones internas en el FMLN - Fortalezcamos la democracia dentro del partido. Foto: Celine MassaEste año en nuestro partido, el FMLN, se realizaron las elecciones internas que empezaron en septiembre en las cuales se van a elegir las autoridades municipales, departamentales y nacionales, al mismo tiempo se han realizado asambleas sectoriales de veteranos de guerra, juventud y mujeres.


El Salvador: Celebración de los 30 años del FMLN ¡El pueblo demostró su apoyo al partido!

Written by Luis Valle Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Celebración de los 30 años del FMLN ¡El pueblo demostró su apoyo al partido! Foto: Joseph MorrisDesde muy temprano salió la gente de sus casas para ir a la celebración del partido. Se hizo un gran esfuerzo días antes para garantizar una asistencia masiva y se dieron muchas facilidades a la militancia y población que quisiera asistir. El ambiente en la actividad era muy entusiasta, todo mundo iba muy contento y había mucha camaradería entre todos los compañeros y compañeras.


Francia: Nuestro panfleto del 28 de octubre - ¡Hay que paralizar la economía!

Written by La Riposte Tuesday, 26 October 2010

youth_on_Toulouse_demo-thumbLos sindicatos franceses han convocato otro día de movilizaciones para el 28 de octubre. A continuación ofrecemos una traducción al español del panfleto que será repartido por los marxistas de La Riposte.


Un sindicato Belga llama al boicot del transporte de carburante hacia Francia

Written by Erik Demeester Tuesday, 26 October 2010

La sección flamenca del sindicato socialista de servicios públicos (ACOD) anuncia que llamará directamente a la huelga en caso de trasporte hacia Francia de carburante (vía los ríos Escalda y Lys), con el fin de contornear la huelga de las refinerías francesas. El sindicato había sido informado de iniciativas en este sentido.


La catástrofe de barro rojo en Hungría: ¿Desastre natural o provocado por el hombre?

Written by Nuestro corresponsal en Hungría Monday, 25 October 2010

La catástrofe de barro rojo en Hungría: ¿Desastre natural o provocado por el hombre? Foto: Adam MaraczDurante la noche del lunes 4 de octubre, el mundo ha despertado al conocimiento del proceso de extracción de aluminio de la bauxita, y de su sub-producto: el barro rojo, que devastó varios pueblos, incluyendo Kolontár y Devecser, en el suroeste de Hungría, trayendo una amenaza a largo plazo de contaminación del medio ambiente en varios países.

Youth for International Socialism