White men still cling to control of tertiary institutions

by Edwin NaiduSouth Africa's tertiary institutions are still run by a white old boys' club - with just a sprinkling of black faces at the top.This is according to a report from the Council on Higher Education (CHE), a statutory body that advises Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande.


Still fanning the flames: An interview with Michael Schmidt and Lucien van der Walt

AK PRESS: There has been quite a buzz around Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism. This is, am I right, volume one of what you call Counter-Power. Can you tell us a bit about what how people have responded to the book?


LUCIEN VAN DER WALT: The response has been overwhelmingly positive. We’re very happy with it. Of course, not everyone agrees with us on everything: that’s only to be expected, and anyway, we make it clear in the opening chapter that we want debate and welcome critique. Some folks, of course, don’t like the book at all—but no book can please everyone! Anyway, we want to stir things up a bit.