Edinburgh University Anarchist Society


EUAS Events 09.03.11-

The week in the Anarchist Society:
19:00 - Social in the Forest Cafe
12:00 - Free School Alternative Education class, Chaplaincy
14:00 - Direct Action Meeting in the Chaplaincy
15:00 - Writing Group meeting in the Chaplaincy
15:00 - Art group. 1/4 West Richmond St
17:00 - Free School Autonomous Theory Class, Teviot Writing Room
19:00 - Free School Ecology Class, Teviot Writing Room
14:00 - Reading Group, Teviot Lobby- This Week's Reading

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EUAS Film Nights

Open to all and any to come along. EUAS Film Nights happen bi-monthly at 7pm Banshee Labyrinth.

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Wednesday 23rd February

Anarchist Society Events: Please Come Along

Thursday 24 Feb: Architectural Survey - 10am - Meet outside David Hume Tower
Thursday 24 Feb: Universities Scotland Demo - 12noon - Meet Bristo Square
Thursday 24 Feb: What is Anarchism? - 6pm - Teviot Committee Room
Thursday 24 Feb: Anarchist Social - 7pm - Cask and Barrel
Friday 25 Feb: Direct Action/Propaganda Group Meeting - 12pm - Meet outside Teviot
Friday 25 Feb: Bike Powered Radio - 3pm - Bristo Square
Friday 25 Feb: Critical Mass - 5:30pm - Meet outside National Gallery
Friday 25 Feb: Critical Mass Film - 7:30pm - Banshee's Labyrinth
Saturday 26 Feb: Art Group - 3pm - 1/4 West Richmond Street
Saturday 26 Feb: No Globe: Party Music Without Borders - 10pm - Forest Church Hall
Monday 28 Feb: Anarchist Stall - 10-2pm - Outside Library
Monday 28 Feb: Reading Group - 2pm - Teviot
Monday 28 Feb: Zaptista Event- 7pm - Chaplaincy Centre
Wednesday 2 March: Anarchist Meeting - 3pm - Appleton Tower Room 2.11
Friday/Saturday 4/5 March: Free School - tbc
Saturday 12 March: Extreme Amateurs: capture the flag - tba - tba
Sunday 20 March: Provisional Date for Anarchist Ball - tba - tbc
Friday 25 March: David Rovics Gig
Saturday 26 March: London Demo/Anarchist Field Trip - all day - London Town


Polemic Submissions: polemic@noflag.org.uk
Aunty Cuts Personal Email: auntycuts@gmail.com
Polemic Zine: http://euas.noflag.org.uk/?page_id=62
Our Website: http://euas.noflag.org.uk/
Our Forum(Hail!): http://euashq.freeforums.org/

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16th Feb- Events

EVENTS: This Week At A Glance (also available on our forum: http://euashq.freeforums.org )

Thursday 17th
EUAS Social, 7pm- , Cask&Barrel, West Preston St
Friday 18th
United Propaganda League, 4pm, 100/4 Warrender Park Rd
- Fundraising Gig, 7pm, Forest
Saturday 19th
UKUncut, 12pm, Wellington Statue, Princes St
- EUAS Art&Drawing Group, 3pm, 1/4 West Richmond St
- Radical Library: Gender in Communities event, 5pm, Forest
Sunday 20th
The Take: Anarchist Film Night, 7pm, Banshee Labyrinth
- Free School Meeting, 7pm, Neus' Flat, Lauriston Plance (May need rescheduling?)
Monday 21st
Reading Group: Schumacher "Small Is Beautiful" Chpts 1 & 4 (http://euashq.freeforums.org/e-f-schumacher-small-is-beautiful-t51.html), 2pm, Teviot Foyer
Wednesday 23rd
Security Workshop, 1pm, 2.11 Appleton Tower
Polemic Formatting Workshop, 2pm, 2.11 Appleton Tower
Thursday 24th
"What Is Anarchism (III!)", 6pm, Teviot Committee Rm
Saturday 26th
- Woodcraft Folk Event, 8pm- , Forest

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Events of Wednesday 9th on

Lots of future events were discussed at this weeks meeting. If you wish more information on events/ want to suggest some/ would like to help out, please check out our forum, or come along to one of our meetings. We also have a new calendar of events which is still in the works, but will hopefully be updated weekly in future. It is currently available at the top of this page.
The following is a list of events for the coming week:

Thursday 10th: Anti-Cuts Direct Action Working Group- 5pm- Teviot.
Thursday 10th: Anti-Cuts Multi-Panel Debate- 7pm- David Hume Tower, Faculty Room North.
Thursday 10th: EUAS Social- (approx late beginning due to above) 9pm- Cask & Ale, West Preston Street.
Friday 11th: United Propaganda League- 4pm- 100/4 Warrender Park Road
Friday 11th: Bike Repair Workshop- 2-5pm- 176a Morrison St.
Saturday 13th: EUAS Art Group- 3pm- 1/4 West Richmond St.
Saturday 13th: Anarchist Federation monthly meeting- 5pm- ACE.
Sunday 13th: Free School Meeting- 7pm- Location TBC. (See Forum)
Monday 14th: EUAS Stall- 10.30am-2pm- Outside Main Library.
Monday 14th: EUAS Reading Group- 2-4pm- Teviot. (Reading "What is Social Ecology"- Murray Bookchin; http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/bookchin/socecol.html)
Monday 14th: Scottish Activist Legal Project- 7pm- Chaplaincy.
Thursay 17th: EUAS Social- 7pm- Cask & Barrel, West Preston Street
Thursday 24th: 'What is Anarchism?'- 6pm- Location TBC
Sunday 6th March: AFed Film Day- Teviot. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=199606943384408

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EUAS moves into 2011

Edinburgh University Anarchist Society welcomes you back to 2011. We've had an exciting last month and are ever expanding with new ideas built on community, awareness and resistance. We continue to support the Anti-Cuts Alliance in this time of austerity and cuts and make our voices known in our own zine Polemic, a 4th issue of which is due to come out this week. Our Action Groups are more numerous and populated than ever before, with the new Anarcho-Inklings writing group, Propaganda League art crafts group, Bicycle Workshop, and Food Co-op adding to our old Reading Group and Art and Drawing Group. We've formed our own Library and are now active in online discussion on our Forum. If you have any ideas to add or wish to come along to any of our events, please feel free to turn up to one of our meetings or to contact us by email or by forum.

A list of upcoming events decided at our weekly meetings will be posted here on the website. Anyone and everyone are welcome to come, regardless of political views. We look forward to meeting you.

The Timetable of Events of Interest to the Society

Thursday 3: Egypt Solidarity Demonstration - 11am - Outside Scottish Parliament.
Thursday 3: Social - 7pm - Cask and Barrel, West Preston St.
Friday 4: Architectural Survey - 3pm - Bristo Square.
Friday 4: United Propaganda League - 5pm - 100/4 Warrender Park Road.
Saturday 5: Art Group - 3pm - Meet Nicholson St.
Sunday 6: Film Night 'Land and Freedom'- 7pm - Banshees Labyrinth on Niddry Street.
Monday 7: Stall - 10:30am - Outside Library.
Monday 7: Reading Group - 2pm - Meet outside Teviot.
Monday 7: Loesje meet - 5:30pm - In the Forest Cafe.
Wednesday 9: Computer/Internet Security Workshop - 2pm - Appleton Tower Rm 2.11
Wednesday 9: Meeting - 3pm - Appleton Tower Room 2.11
Thursday 10: Social - 7pm - Cask and Barrel, West Preston St.
Monday 14: Legal Rights of the Protester - 7pm - Chaplaincy..
Friday 25: Critical Mass - 5:30pm - Outside National Gallery

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10/11 Anti-Tuition Fees & Education Cuts Demonstration in London

This is a copy from our 'Recent Events' page outlining a brief overview of the recent demonstration in London. We will be releasing a statement as a society shortly. In the mean time it is worth browsing over this journal of support.

At least 15 members of the Edinburgh University Anarchist Society, joined about 350 other Edinburgh students on a 20 hour round coach trip to London to join the student protest against Education Cuts and Tuition Fees. After leaving at about 11pm and arriving at ULU at 8:30am, we marched with ULU and other Scottish students all way to the start of the rally, there we were joined by students and workers from all over the UK. According to NUS, the demonstration was 52,000 strong. Students caused traffic to come to a standstill and chanted outside Westminster as Nick Clegg attempted to outline the benefits of the Coalition plan to hike up student fees and cut back on all arts, humanities and social science funding in universities. Later on a large contingent protested outside the Tory Headquarters at Milbank. Supported by several thousand students, a breakaway group smashed the front of the building and occupied the premises, hanging flags from the roof and making a statement to the press about the reason for their actions. Unfortunately this culminated in some unnecessary levels of violence, most notably in the throwing of a fire extinguisher from the top of the building. This activity has been widely condemned by the press, though there has largely been outspoken agreement for the peaceful protest and with the intentions of the rioters, if not the actions. The Edinburgh University Anarchist Society will be releasing a statement shortly to clarify where our support and condemnations lie. We were interviewed by a number of press correspondents and made it very clear that the violence is in no way endemic of the anarchist movement nor necessary to the ideal, and reiterated that Anarchism is at heart a constructive ideology.

Statement Released by Edinburgh University Anarchist Society: This statement was released by the society as a whole and is not necessarily representative of individual opinions held within the group. It rather represents the statement we as a society hold to collectively.

Anarchism Is Not Violence

In light of the events at the London anti-cuts demonstration on the 10th  November we, the Edinburgh University Anarchist Society, would like to issue the following statement:

We do not support any of the violence that took place, and do not think that it is at all representative of the anarchist movement. In particular, we fully support the bringing of criminal charges against the individual who dropped a fire extinguisher on the police. The crowd below the building voiced this themselves, with the spontaneous chant of “don't throw shit”.

We do however support the peaceful occupation of buildings as a political statement, and think that the thousands-strong crowd below the building were legitimately voicing their anger at the government's actions.

The march itself was a huge success, attracting 52, 000 students from across the country. We should not let the negative actions of a violent minority detract from this. The turnout was unprecedented, and shows that people are beginning to realise that action must be taken against the injustices inflicted upon them.

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Upcoming Events

As you may know we have a couple of events coming up..

We will be hosting a talk by Professor Michael Northcott of the Divinity school on the subject of Anarchy, Ecology and Ethics. The focus will be on the interrelatedness of these concepts and how they relate to anarchism as a political and social philosophy. It should be a really interesting insight into the humanistic side of anarchism. That'll be at 5pm in Lecture Theatre 1, on Thursday 4th November. Anyone can come along, and we also invite you to an opportunity for discussion and free food at the Southsider pub afterwards.

The day after that, we've booked the Brass Monkey for a showing of the fabulous V for Vendetta film, followed by a talk from one of us and an informal discussion about popular perceptions of anarchism in today's world. After that, we're going to have a bonfire and a bit of a party in someone's garden, to remember the only man ever to enter Parliament with honest intentions, even if they were to blow it up and restore a theocracy! We're meeting at the Brass Monkey at 3pm on Friday 5th November, and everyone, as usual, is welcome.

Please come along, and bring anyone you think might be interested. It is always nice to meet new people interested in what we do. If you'd like to help us publicise, email us and we can send you some flyers to print off and give out.

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New Meeting Place

Just in case anybody hasn't received an email, been on the classroom or been told by one of our lovely selves, the new EUAS meeting time and place is going to be Room 2.12 Appleton Tower. We have this until Christmas, and then the room next door in second semester. The meetings will start around 3pm as usual and you are welcome along at any time until about 5. We will use these meetings for planning, and co-ordinating the activities of the individual focus groups, who can meet informally whenever they agree to.

Our social is going to be every week  on Thursdays at 7pm in the Southsider. Come along and bring friends, we got enough free food last time to end the capitalist food market of a small country, and as such we gave away a great deal of it at the end.

We hope to see you soon.

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All Hail the Classroom!

Thanks to a rather brilliant and technologically advanced member of the society, we now have an online classroom up and running, in which we can discuss things online and privately. It was decided at our weekly planning meeting not to continue to publish our meeting minutes to the website and public mailing list, but instead to post them on the private classroom for members to review, and only to post a bulletin or summary here on the website and on the big mailing list.

Our classroom is to be found at http://euas.mdl.gnomio.com . You need to log in first, and you can do this, as a member, by sending your desired username and password to the main admin, whose details you should have received on the mailing list, and he will get you registered. This is simply to prevent the spambots getting in, as they have done on the main site, though not too obtrusively, as we don't use the comments section. We do not moderate comments on the classroom, and admin staff are simply those who volunteered to help with the maintenance of the site, de-cluttering, tidying and so on. With our increase in membership, we can't engage in conversation over the list any more, and hopefully with the help of the classroom we can reduce our public communication to what we can use to get out there and advertise.

We will keep the website updated and fresh as far as possible, as it has proved to be a great advertising tool for the society and to let other anarchist groups know that we are active.

In summary, our priorities at the moment are:

  • Outreach to other societies that share our aims.
  • Getting Polemic a regular monthly magazine, with varied articles.
  • Organising of speakers and guest lecturers to visit us and share their knowledge.
  • Showing some anarchist films to celebrate the centenary year of the CNT.
  • Doing something fun on the 5th November.

Our meeting venue will also probably have to change from the Forest Cafe, as we are too big a society now. We hope to have our next weekly meeting in the place where it will be permanently, and a special website update and mailing list message will go up when we know the new meeting place. It will still be on Wednesdays at 3, and our socials are hopefully going to be weekly too, on Thursdays at 7pm in the Southsider.

Salud y Libertad

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