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Ahimsazine Is Re:Animated

We are in the process of reviving Ahimsazine to become an effective voice for peace and social justice, which we feel can best be brought about by pacifism and anarchist nonauthoritarianism. Ahimsazine is an internet organized network zine which advocates peace and nonviolence through social organization and without government politics or authoritarian discipline. We wish for a world devoid of the rule of political power, governance and comand. As a means to this end we organize our efforts through autonomous effort and consensus as a network. Ahimsazine is independent of all sectarian causes and seeks to implement ways of peace as a cause for all humanity, unity beyond barriers, a voice for anarcho-pacifism. We are seeking solidarity with all who aspire for peace, justice and freedom. Come join us, send us your stories, print out and distribute Ahimsazine through you own networks, help build a network of unfettered social action toward a society worth living in.

Also visit our Discussion Group
And our page on Facebook

To make progress on the issues of peace, justice and freedom; our most important resource is our ability to practice nonviolence. We are inspired to live in peace amoungst all and to abide in the truth of our conscience in the guidence of our endeavors. No law, government or political power has greater strength of will nor profound foundation in ethics than the life spirit within.

Ahimsazine #7 Now Available
Download to Read (121kb pdf file)
Download as a Printable Format (115kb pdf file)

Ahimsa Organization
We promote peace and freedom as a process of social change and action which is resident in the free spirit of the individual and decentrlized social networks. We know that social peace cannot come from political organizations, governments or religion, but that it is a function of the way we live our lives and how we work and play together. We are wishing to contact people who are actively involved in peace issues and could distribute Ahimsazine or who would be interested in writing and editing and building a free network for peace. Contact Us


Oppose the War on Terrorism!

End the War in Iraq
United For Peace and Justice

Resources, Links, Information, Opinion

Courage to RefuseI - Isreali Soldiers refuse to fight in the Gaza and in the West Bank.
WAND - empowers women to act politically to reduce violence and militarism.

Current Labour Solidarity Issues
Act NOW!
- Canada: Union resists as Telus promotes race to the bottom
- Eritrea: Demand Freedom for Imprisoned Trade Unionists!
- Israel: Stop harassment of Palestinian trade unionist
- UK: T-Mobile - stop union-busting, start negotiating

School Of Americas Watch
The US Army School of Americas, based in Fort Benning, Georgia, trains Latin American soldiers in combat, counter-insurgency, and counter-narcotics. Graduates of the SOA have been responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses in Latin America. The SOA's nearly 60,000 graduates have participated in human rights abuses that include the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero and the El Mozote Massacre of 900 civilians.

SOA Watch is an independent organization that seeks to close the US Army School of the Americas through vigils and fasts, demonstrations and nonviolent protest, as well as media and legislative work.

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