Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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  • Berman-silver

    Pollster Nate Silver and Author Ari Berman on "Third Straight Anti-Incumbent Election"

    Candidates are entering the final few days of campaigning in what may turn out to be one of the more interesting midterm elections in recent decades. Most polls are forecasting Republicans will take control of the House, while Democrats are expected to hold on to the Senate, which would result in a rare split Congress. We speak to New York Times pollster and founder Nate Silver, and Ari Berman, political correspondent for The Nation magazine and the author of the new book Herding Donkeys: The Fight to Rebuild the Democratic Party and Reshape American Politics. [includes rush transcript]

  • Arundhati

    Acclaimed Indian Author Arundhati Roy Faces Arrest for Questioning India’s Claim on Kashmir

    The award-winning Indian author Arundhati Roy is facing possible arrest in India on sedition charges after publicly advocating for Kashmir independence and challenging India’s claim that Kashmir is an "integral part of India." If charged and convicted of sedition, Roy could face up to life in prison.

    The interview was conducted Sept. 19, 2010 in London. [includes rush transcript]

  • Adnan-mirza

    Convicted Student Adnan Mirza Maintains Innocence in Latest Case of Alleged FBI Entrapment

    Adnan Mirza, a Pakistani citizen who came to the United States on a student visa, has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison without parole after being convicted of conspiring to provide material support to the Taliban and for unlawfully possessing firearms. While federal officials hailed the verdict, Adnan’s friends and supporters say he is innocent and that he was set up and framed by an undercover FBI informant. We spoke to Adnan last week, one day before his sentencing. [includes rush transcript]



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

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