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Working America is the nation’s fastest growing organization for working families. Over 3 million members fight for good jobs and a just economy. Join the movement now:

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End Outsourcing
Urge your senators to support the Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act (S. 3816) and help end outsourcing.

Voting Record
Across the country, the No. 1 issue facing Americans is the jobs crisis. Click here to see where your elected officials stand.

Main Street
Check out the news and opinions at our new blog--because the economy isn't happening somewhere over there. It's happening to all of us, every day.

Read Our Blog

Member Discounts and Services

As a member of Working America, you have access to special benefits through our association with the AFL-CIO and its Union Plus programs. Our members can participate in the following programs and services:


Union Plus Health Savings
Union Plus Legal Service
Working America credit card

Member Quotes

place“I joined Working America because it was the easiest, most convenient and powerful way to get involved in the political and social issues that define our country. Getting information not only on what’s going on but how I can help is invaluable to me...”


Mark Ivankovits
Allentown, Pennsylvania



National Office: 815 16th St., N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20006 • 202-637-5137 •

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