November 17, 2010

C4SS Media Specialist Position — Updates

For those of you who are interested in what I have been doing at C4SS, here you go!

November 13, 2010

Week of November 7th, 2010

“We Won’t Fly” TSA protest gains momentum for November 24th, 2010

Woman refuses full body scan at airport, handcuffed, ticket ripped up

Threats to liberty stem from growing obesity rate

Lancaster County man tased twice, maced and dies after calling police for help

Unsurprisingly, high ranking Philadelphia police officer arrested

November 5, 2010

October 12th – Present

Libertarian Examiner:

Another Proposition disproves liberal stereotype
Cyberbullying can be prevented with advocacy, not legislation
Freedom of speech in danger
Government declares a war on cybercrime
It is simple, politicians do not relate to youth voters
Left right paradigm does not exist
Pennsylvania's Liquor Control Board wants to "can" Four Loko
Philadelphia Housing Authority spends landlords' money on lobbying and unrelated activities
Philadelphia rally planned just in time for Fed stimulus of $600 billion dollars

Coffee Examiner:

Enticing coffee flavors for the fall season appear in cafés
K-cups are the newest coffee trend
Review of Lore's Espresso & Cappuccino Bar


V for Vendetta movie night tonight!  Remember, remember the 5th of November!

Heading up to Boston tonight for the Students for Liberty regional conference!

I’ve got a wedding on November 20th.

Philadelphia police are ridiculous.

Already thinking about February, definitely the month of liberty with Students for Liberty International Conference, CPAC and Liberty Forum!

October 16, 2010

Week of October 11th, 2010

Stacy, what have you been up to?

  • I went to Peru and Ecuador for two weeks in early September.
  • Started working at FIRE in mid/late September.
  • Drexel hosted the Students for Liberty Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference with 160+ attendees.
  • Student Liberty Front elections, went from being president to secretary.  Phew, the relief!

Upcoming plans?


Both burglars and police break into vehicles in Upper Moreland (Examiner)

Protesters push Obama for marijuana policy reform last weekend (Examiner)

The Rise of the Taser as a Lethal Weapon (LOLA)

Center for a Stateless Society articles that I have neglected to be posting can be found here.

August 27, 2010

Started my own agorist “business!”

Starting out with very few orders — a little discouraging!  Although I think I will be making it big time at Porcfest and other liberty events.

Basically, I buy wholesale oils and then bottle them myself.  I was inspired by my own use of these oils.  You see them being sold on street corners, in ethnic shops, and other varied locations.

They’re not as commercial as perfumes/colognes, but guess what?  Those products are NOT GOOD FOR YOU.  They have alcohol in them, they dry the skin, along with other chemicals included . . . no good!

Lavender essential oil contains a real sprig of the herb!

My body oils are unique and they’re just as strong as perfume.  They contain skin soothing and moisturizing elements.  I sell both natural and essential body oils.  Essentials come straight from the herbs or plant.

Can’t get off your favorite cologne or perfume?  Tell me what you use and I can find it in oil form.  Your favorite scent.  Cheaper, healthier and I can even make it more potent!  Why are you paying $50+ dollars for a bottle of scented poison?

If you go to the online shop, you can use coupon code “bogo1″ — buy one bottle, get the second for a dollar!  And shipping is only a dollar per transaction for this special, so for 9 dollars, TWO BOTTLES!   This is an awesome deal and it will really help me get started!

Do you want to support me and get something out of it?  Order from Shaman Scents.  I guarantee you that you won’t be disappointed.  I was skeptical when I purchased my first body oils in a New Orleans voodoo shop and in a Wiccan shop in my hometown — I paid FOUR TIMES as much as I am
charging and I was SO IMPRESSED and HAPPY with my purchases that I wanted to sell my own and make these products available to you for a cheaper rate!

The soothing effects are wonderful — every morning, I dab on my oil, walk out the door and feel like a billion bucks.  Different scents have different healing properties, create different feelings, but all are equally as special.  I really want to share this with you, the excitement and passion!

Make your order today!

July 31, 2010

Organized my First Conference . . .

I would say it went pretty well!  I’ll upload videos later.  I am starting to find YouTube impractical, upload times are so slow!  Any tips about this?  Should I leave them to upload overnight?

Special thanks to speakers Ross Kenyon, Scott Davis, Darian Worden, Christopher David Pille, and AJ Arias!

July 20, 2010

Remind me to update this thing.


News:  I got an internship with FIRE for Fall.  Also starting to write for the Center for a Stateless Society

Starting to write for Examiner again, I’ll start posting the articles weekly again!

A few more summer conferences to go . . . I remember the days when I worried about my tan in summer!

July 14, 2010


FreedomFest was amazing.  While PorcFest was the “roughin’ it” of freedom and the symbolism of agorism and almost an anarchist commune, FreedomFest showed that libertarians, at least in the current system, can be incredibly lucrative and enjoy “living the life,” if you know what I mean.

Lots of fun, thank to Students for Liberty for the opportunity and scholarship!

This weekend, I’m attending the Campus Freedom Network conference!

July 1, 2010


  • Porcfest 2010 was AMAZING.
  • Been doing a lot of weddings.
  • Articles on a hold . . . recently got the Anarchist Examiner position, so I’m going to start writing there, too.
  • This summer’s events: FreedomFest, Students for Liberty Campus Coordinator Retreat, FIRE/CFN Conference, possible IHS seminar, Student Liberty Front retreat . . . and possibly ending it all with a trip to Costa Rica?

Bare with me!  I’ll be back!

June 10, 2010

Week of June 7th, 2010


BP oil spill “Obama’s Katrina” justified or media frenzy

Cops shut down book buyback service, please show your support

Free George now!