EdwardW's blog

More State Violence: Pigs Assault Students and Workers at CUPE 3903 rally

I was at the rally today and was in the thick of some of the violence inflicted by the pigs. I was fine, though I was punched at one point and a cop almost broke my camera; others suffered much worst. I wasn't there when it first happened but someone from CUPE 3903 posted this account:

"oronto Police Attack Peaceful Protesters, Tues January 27, 2009

Today at 15:38

I am writing this to share with you what really happened at the CUPE 3903 protest against back-to-work legislation at the Ministry of Labour and Queen's Park today. Most major news networks are referring to the events of today as "protesters clash with police" or "one arrested at CUPE 3903 demonstration", and so on.

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Premier to Push Back-to-Work Legislation for CUPE 3903

Complete bs...


Statement by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty

TORONTO, Jan. 24 /CNW/

On Wednesday, I asked Ontario's top labour mediator, Reg Pearson, to make
one final attempt to resolve the ongoing labour dispute at York University.
Since that time Mr. Pearson has met with both sides and worked to resolve the
strike through mediation and discussion.

Earlier today I was advised by Mr. Pearson that there is no reasonable
prospect of a negotiated settlement between York University and CUPE Local
3903. The sides are in a clear deadlock, and despite our best efforts to bring
the sides together, that has not changed.

The strike is also at the point where the academic year is in jeopardy
for York students. In challenging economic times, when we need all our people
at their best, we simply cannot afford to delay the education of 45,000 of our
best and brightest young people.

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CUPE 3903 Rank-and-file Stand Up Against Intimidation By Voting NO

"All Three Units Defeat Forced Ratification

We, the executive of CUPE 3903, are pleased that 1466 of our teaching assistants, graduate assistants and contract faculty have voted against the employers' latest offer in a forced ratification vote. This number represents 799 in Unit 1, 363 in Unit 2, and 304 in Unit 3, for a total of 63% voting NO to this offer. The membership of this union has stood strong against an employer who has done the bare minimum in terms of bargaining and who has refused to recognize our key demands during a strike that has so far lasted 77 days.

This deal has been recognized as one that is not adequate in terms of addressing the priorities as outlined by our members, and we are disappointed that York University's administration felt the need to waste 11 days of bargaining on an offer that they knew our members would reject.

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No Rice Bowl for Anyone: Israeli Apartheid, An Asian Dimension

A year ago, I posted an article about Israel's plan to bar Asian restaurant workers in the country and to replace them with 'Israeli' workers. I thought it'd be timely to bring this issue up again, considering the recent atrocities committed by the Israeli State against the Palestinian people.

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Undergrads in Support of CUPE 3903! - 9:45AM York Front Gates - Nov 10

Reactionary students have organized a strike break/rally against educational workers and fellow students on strike. Please come out in support of the striking workers.

It's 3 AM, finishing up on work, and I know I will be completely exhausted tomorrow, but it's important we all stand in solidarity. See you guys there.

update Looks like the reactionary counter-protest has been postponed to the 17th.

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Students and Workers Across Europe Mobilize Against Neoliberal Education Reform

I haven't had time to keep myself updated on the situation in Europe. A number of neoliberal reforms for education have been proposed in various European countries. Students and workers have come out in opposition in Ireland, Italy (2.5 million occupying universities and on the streets in Rome alone), Greece (300 schools squatted and students and teachers voting on decisions), and Spain (apparently, though I haven't come across any info).






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Please come out to support us at court

Hey everyone. It's been more than four months and 14 of us continue to face ridicules criminal charges for our alleged participation in a supposedly 'violent' sit-in demanding for affordable student housing and an eradication of user-fees (aka tuition fees). The police, specifically campus police, have continued with the harassment and surveillance of student activists.

If anyone happens to be in Toronto and don't have work, please come out to support us. More information at http://linchpin.ca/content/Education/Court-Support-Thur-Aug-21st-845am ...

Aug 21, 2008 - 8:45AM
Old City Hall (Bay and Queen), Court Room 111

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