Dirty Oilsands - A threat to the new energy economy

Click here to help President Obama prevent the next big oil disaster.

President Obama couldn't prevent the BP Gulf oil spill disaster. But he can prevent the next one in the making: the Keystone XL dirty tar sands oil pipeline. Big Oil wants to build Keystone XL down from Canada through America’s heartland – endangering drinking water and the aquifer that irrigates America’s breadbasket. TAKE ACTION and learn more


Nationwide ad campaign asks:
will President Obama prevent the next oil disaster?

KXL Tb spot

President Obama couldn’t prevent the BP Gulf oil spill disaster.

But he can prevent the next one in the making: the Keystone XL dirty tar sands oil pipeline.

To highlight President Obama’s role at this critical juncture, the No Tar Sands Oil campaign has placed advertisements in key outlets across the country.

Click here to learn more about the campaign and view/listen to the ads.

Oil Sands Blog

Plains Justice Report: Pipeline Emergency Response Plans Dangerously Inadequate

By Plains Justice | Carrie La Seur | Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Today Plains Justice released a first-of-its-kind report showing that TransCanada’s emergency response plan and on-the-ground spill defense preparations for the Keystone pipeline system are inadequate to respond to a serious spill along the thousands of miles of buried pipeline already in place or currently proposed in the northern Great Plains.

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The real deal on the dead ducks

By Jennifer Grant | Wednesday, October 27, 2010

As journalists try to unravel the story of the latest dead ducks incident in the oilsands, one thing becomes increasingly clear: the risks posed by 170 square kilometres of toxic lakes are unmanageable.

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The Spread of Oil Sands

An expanding spiderweb of pipelines is spreading dirty oil sands crude from Canada to refineries, and gas tanks, across the United States.


