Crude Awakening in Essex

uri | cross-posts,environment,frontlines | Thursday, October 21st, 2010

On Saturday 16th October, Climate campaigners gave the Oil Industry a Crude Awakening, taking direct action against the industry for its role in exacerbating climate change, as well as its devastating impact on local communities and environments around the world. Three blocs starting from three different places, one mass action – “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”

Part of the Global Week for Action on Climate Justice.

AAtW comrades on Submedia

uri | cross-posts,mideast,politics | Monday, October 18th, 2010

Check out the interview with Anarchists Against the Wall comrades Sahar Vardi and Joseph Dana on everybody’s favourite anarchist news show – “It’s the End of the World As We Know It and I Feel Fine”! from

Scroll to 6:00 mins for the start of the interview.

Toronto activist Alex Hundert “released” on bail after solitary confinement

uri | frontlines,politics | Friday, October 15th, 2010

This in from G20 activists in Canada


Thursday October 15, Toronto, Mississauga New Credit (Canada) – Less than 24 hours after refusing to sign outrageous bail conditions which included not expressing political views in public and non-associations intended to further isolate him, Alex Hundert was forced to consent to his release.

On the night of Wednesday October 14th, Alex was told by the security manager at the Toronto East Detention Centre that he had to sign the bail conditions or face solitary confinement in “the hole”, without access to phone calls or writing paper. He was put in solitary confinement after an initial confrontation with correction staff where he resisted initial attempts to make him sign. He was denied the right to call his lawyer, and told that if he didn’t sign now, they would
revoke the bail offer and he would be held in solitary confinement until his eventual release from prison.

Coerced into signing these conditions, Alex was thrown out of Toronto East and left to find his own way home to his sureties’ house. The prison authorities forced him into a position where he could potentially be accused of further breaching his bail. Alex is now back on house arrest with an enforced curfew, with non-associations with co-accused and members of SOAR, AWOL, NOII and other community organizers. He also has the additionally imposed restrictions of no
direct or indirect posting to the internet, no assisting, planning, or attending any public meeting or march, and no expressing of views on a political issue.

Over the past week, Alex has experienced a particularly malicious targeting. Last week, the criminal injustice system made the ludicrous finding that Alex had breached his previous ‘no-demonstration’ bail condition by speaking on a panel because he was supposedly engaging in the same kind of “behaviour that he exhibited in meetings leading up to the G20.” Then, he was forced to take a stand to go back to jail by refusing to sign fundamentally unjust and repressive bail conditions.

And now, his right to refuse to accept such a blatant violation of his freedom to express political views and his freedom to associate has been further attacked through coercive and punitive attempts to force his own release.

In a previously published media statement, Alex has stated “They are targeting me because I am part of communities that are effectively organizing across movements. Whether it is the criminalization of anarchists and community organizers like me, or the daily demonization of Indigenous peoples, poor people and migrant communities, we have to show them that our resolve and our solidarity can be stronger than their intimidation and repression.”

Alex’s family, friends and allies are outraged and upset by the harassment and coercion Alex faced after refusing to set a dangerous precedent for our broader movements by choosing not to consent to egregious bail conditions. Outrage has been building across the country as the implications of politically-motivated G20 conspiracy charges become clear. The Crown, the prison, the police and the corporate and colonial interests they represent are clearly afraid of what we think and say, not only what we do.

Rallies in Kitchener-Waterloo, Edmonton, Vancouver, and Toronto on Tuesday echoed with chants of “this is what a demonstration looks like”. We continue to strengthen our resolve, and will fight these trumped-up charges until the end. One hundred conspiracy charges were dropped today against Montreal organizers arrested at gunpoint during a morning raid at the University of Toronto on June 27th. We cannot be silenced or intimidated, our resistance will only increase as we keep organizing for liberation for all people, especially those who daily bear the brunt of police, state, and corporate oppression.

Please stay posted for further updates.

For more information contact Jonah Hundert at

The Plastic Bag – a Mocumentary

uri | environment | Friday, August 27th, 2010

Two new critiques of The Coming Insurrection

uri | anarchy,articles,cross-posts,politics | Monday, August 9th, 2010

The two articles below, criticising the mode of writing and evocative style of The Coming Insurrection, were published in the last two days.

Alex Gorrion — Has the insurrection come yet? My arm is getting tired…

Machete — The Insurrection and Its Double

Recommended reading for anyone who has already looked at the book itself.


uri | mideast,politics | Sunday, August 1st, 2010

Here is a new video by my friend Nirah Shirazipour on the situation in the unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev. The film discusses how the state of Israel is striving to sedentarize this historically nomadic indigenous population by uprooting them from their culture and community, through the denial of basic resource allocation, house demolitions, land appropriation and strategic exposure to industrial pollution.

UNRECOGNIZED from nirah elyza shirazipour on Vimeo.

Toronto: More than 600 arrested

uri | cross-posts,frontlines,politics | Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Breaking news links from Toronto

Daily Spoke nr 11

Call for international suport

Police attacks jail solidarity

cops shooting rubber bullets at peaceful protesters

A strong statement from journalists about police harassment (of journalists and demonstrators)

Free Market at G20

phony script

Tace to the bottom

May This G20 be the last

Follow news at

Appeal for broad political support for the G20 arrestees

uri | cross-posts,frontlines | Monday, June 28th, 2010


The MDC’s Summit Legal Support Project is appealing to the movements it
supports to mobilize a show of political strength and solidarity for the
nearly 500 people arrested in the last four days. The Toronto Police and
the ISU appear to have lost control of their ‘prisoner processing center’,
denying arrestees meaningful and timely access to counsel while beating
and arresting those peacefully protesting their detention outside.

Despite assurances to the contrary, only a handful of people have been
released, including those held for many hours without charge. Arrestees
are given incorrect information about the bail process they will be
subjected to, and friends and family members gather hours early at the
courthouse, located far from the city center and inaccessible via transit.
Our lawyers call in and are told that there is no one available to make
decisions or wait for hours at the detention centre, only to be denied
access to their clients. Almost 500 people are in custody and we know from
experience that the vast majority of those charges will disappear and yet
the cell doors remain shut.

We need to step it up and build a political response. We need many more
voices – especially prominent ones – to say that the abuse and
incompetence at 629 Eastern Avenue must stop. We must demand that all
levels of government take control of the police forces under their
command. We need to ensure that courts and crown attorneys act to enforce
constitutional rights rather than collude in their violation.

Free the Toronto 500!

The Movement Defence Committee

On the Road in Germany, Switzerland and Austria

uri | book | Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

I’m on the start of a tour with the German translation of Anarchy Alive! – so far I’ve had successful talks in Hamburg, Leipzig and Halle. Here is the rest of my itinerary – if you have any friends in German-speaking countries please spread the word!

Freitag, 25.7 Juni | 20.00h | Buchhandlung Schwarze Risse, Gneisenaustraße 2a | Im Rahmen der Linken Buchtage

Samstag, 26.7 Juni, 18 Uhr | L!Z – Libertäres Zentrum Magdeburg, Alt Salbke 144 | |

Frühstücksdiskussion zu den Perspektiven und der Realisierung | gewaltfreier anarchistischer Praxis | Sonntag, 27. Juni, 12 Uhr | Bauhütte/Bürgerbüro Stadtentwicklung, Braunstraße 28

Diskussionsveranstaltung zum Thema »Anarchism and the Politics of Technology« | Montag, 28. Juni, 20 Uhr | UJZ Korn, Kornstraße 28/30 | | |

Mittwoch, 30. Juni, 19.30 Uhr | AZ Wuppertal, Markommannenstr. 3, Elberfeld

Donnerstag, 1. Juli, 20 Uhr | Buchladen Le Sabot, Breite Straße 76 | Eintritt frei | Eine Veranstaltung vom Buchladen Le Sabot und dem Verein zur Förderung politischer Bildung & Kultur e.V.

Dienstag 6.7. | 19.00h | GGS31, General Guisan-Strasse 31
Libertäre Aktion Winterthur

Mittwoch 7.7. | Vortrag 18.30h | VoKü 20.00h | Fabrik 9, Neuengasse 9 | Buchhandlung Schwarzmarkt

Donnerstag 8.7. | 20.00h | Infoladen in der Reitschule, Neubrückstrasse 9
Infoladen Bern

Freitag 9.7. | VoKü 18.30h | Vortrag 19.30h | Kultibeiz in der Kulturfabrik, Zürcherstr. 42 | Antikapitalistisches Kolletiv Zürcher Oberland

Samstag 10.7. | 19.00h | Infoladen Magazin, Inselstrasse 79

Sonntag 11.7. | 16.00h Apéro | 16:30h Vortrag | Autonome Schule Zürich, Hohlstrasse 170 Z kre – kleinste revolutionäre einheit


Montag 12.7. | 20.00h | ROMP, Steinenstrasse 17
Systembruch |

Mittwoch 14.7. | 19.00h Vortrag & VoKü | Juz Between, Bahnhofstr. 49
Infoladen Zündschnur

Montag, 19. Juli, 19 Uhr | Sub, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Kai 66

Dienstag, 20. Juli, 19 Uhr | Druckraum, Redtenbachergasse 3

Toronto G20 update

uri | anarchy,cross-posts,frontlines,politics | Thursday, June 17th, 2010

*please forward widely**


Join our announcements list

and the facebook group




1. Things are getting exciting!
2. Art all the time at the People’s Summit
3. You coming to Toronto in an Affinity Group?
4. Important news from the Legal Team
5. Please donate to the Convergence Centre
6. Dancing interlude! Listen to the new G8 remix


7. Workshop on Independent Media and Alternative Media
8. Convergence Centre Opening Part-ay!
9. Halladay Yes! G20 No!
10. Direct Action Training
11. Know Your Rights Training

*** 12. People’s Summit Final Plenary: the G20 and G8 – All of Your
Questions Answered!***

13. Week of Action!

Just a shout out to all the folks in Toronto and beyond who have been working so hard to make this convergence an exciting one. We have our convergence centre up and running (1266 Queen Street West, at Noble) and people are slowing filtering into town and the buzz is in the town! We all look forward to building stronger relationships and showcasing the strength and creativity in our communities!

Just a reminder for folks that we still need housing for out of town activists. If you can adopt an activist, please go the below links to fill out a form.

• If you need housing, please go here:

• If you can provide housing, please go here:


Art is a vital form of expression we have against the G20. The arts committee has been hard at work making banners and posters. If you want to get involved, you’ll have a chance to help out at the People’s Summit.

We’ll be meeting for the whole weekend at the Community Commons in the HUB Cafeteria to make beautiful art! And learn now!

Here is the breakdown of what is happening (but times are not set):

Saturday June 19:
Morning: hands on screen printing shirts and button making
Afternoon: Silk Screening

Sunday June 20
Morning: Placards
Afternoon: Puppets, Environmental Justice banner making and making hot pink capes and arm bands

If you can donate to the art committee, please bring the following supplies:

— paint brushes
— pink fabric
— green fabric
— staples for staple gun
— paint
— drop cloth
— screen printing inks, squeegees
— stencil/placard material
— markers, chalk, cutters


Many of the actions during the G8/G20 are being organized around or welcome an affinity group structure. We encourage people to form affinity groups with trusted friends, lovers, comrades, etc.

An affinity group is a small group of people, about 3-10 or so, who are interested in similar tactics and have similar levels of comfort. They can be thought of as the basic building block of the larger, decentralized group that we will form during many of the actions. In a demonstration, affinity groups are able to communicate and make decisions quickly and autonomously, and can act with greater efficiency and safety.

We’ve got a month and a half to get ready for this! Let’s gather in the secret, quiet places, and discuss with our trusted buddies what would excite and inspire us. Then, once we share a vision, let us scheme how to create it. Here are some things to think about when preparing as an affinity group:

-Comfort level – what sort of things are you willing or not willing to do?

-Legal preparations – How will you deal with arrests?

-Getting used to working as a group – In the coming weeks, make some time to go adventuring together.

-Have a plan – What sort of roles will your affinity group take on during the events? What are you good at? How will you apply those skills?

-Material preparations – What will you need to bring to do what you need to do? Don’t forget water!

Once you have an affinity group, SOAR wants you to get involved with the planning of autonomous actions, particularly for Sunday, June 27th. In the coming weeks, SOAR will be organizing spokes councils, where representatives from affinity groups can come help plan the details of actions, and to plug in by committing to taking on certain roles as a group. If you are interested in attending such a meeting, drop a line to torontospokes @ And of course, the internet is not a safe place to discuss any specifics of these actions.

All SOAR events celebrate a diversity of tactics, meaning that we support all the many different ways that people choose to resist our common enemies. We will not condemn or attempt to prevent or control actions being taken by others, and will vigorously resist state repression against anyone. That said, respect for diversity of tactics also means not smashing things while part of a child-friendly march.

The Toronto Community Mobilization Network statement on Respect and Solidarity can be found at:


The Legal Team has issued an important communiqué to help activists stay safe while in Toronto. To read the full statement, please go to

Important Legal numbers:
Up to June 18th if you are arrested or approached by police: 416 833 6137 June 18th and afterwards:
If you are arrested or see someone arrested: 416 273 6761
If you want to know about someone who was arrested: 416-273-6781
If you are deaf or hard of hearing: 416 531 0060


If you can donate any items to make the Convergence Centre as useful as possible, please drop them off at 1266 Queen Street West. We need shelves, toilet paper, tables, chairs, cleaning supplies and more.

Amazing new G8 dance song by Maynooth DJ B#!

“Dance Dance Dance – The CLAC vs Lykkie Li

(we recommend you dance while listening)


Workshop: Independent Media and International Solidarity
A workshop with Stefan Christoff
Thursday June 17
Room 2212
OISE, 252 Bloor Street West
A workshop for independent and alternative journalists!
To read the full description, go here:


Convergence Space Party!!!
8pm – 11pm
(just west off Noble)

We’re going to warm up the convergence space! Let’s make the space ours!
We’ve got DJ’s food and a whole lot of fire in our hearts! Think of this
as a housewarming for the movement’s house! Let’s spend time together socializing and dancing before we take to the streets!
When: Thursday, June 17, 2010 8pm
Where: OUR NEW CONVERGENCE SPACE! 1266 Queen Street West (just off of noble)

Things to consider bringing:
- friends, family and loved ones
- a “gift” for the convergence space (shelves, zine’s, office supplies, anything you have, that we might need, that you don’t need)
- a monetary donation to keep us going!

This is a sober space free of drugs and alcohol.
This space is accessible, however the washrooms are not.


Friday June 18
5:30 – 7:30
Front Street and Blue Jays Way (meet on the bridge south of Front)

Do you still love baseball? Do you still hate the G20?

Then join us Friday June 18th, at 5:45pm as we go into ‘extra innings’ to flyer the Rogers Center again!

On June 6th sports fans, upset with the cancellation of the Jays games on the weekend of June 25th talked to thousands of Jays fans about the G20. Now we want to do it again.

We know you’d love to go to the ball game, hear the sounds, see the sights, grab a few hot dogs and watch The Blue Jays host the return of Roy Halladay (currently basking in the glow of a ‘perfect game’).

But the G20 doesn’t want you to. They don’t want anyone in Toronto to have that pleasure. They’d prefer to give bank bailouts, stop taxes on the wealthy, cut women’s access to abortion, spend $1 billion on fences, close day-cares AND, just to add insult to injury, prevent Halladay from coming back to the pitch.

So we know you’re angry. We know you’re upset. And we think a lot of baseball fans are too. As protesters, we rarely get a chance to talk to the folks at the ball game about the issues. This time, we’ve got a good reason to head down and talk about these issues.

But we need your help. If you’re a baseball fan, or you hate the G20 and all they stand for (or both!) then meet us:

Friday, June 18th at 5:45pm
Main Entrance to the Rogers Center (on the bridge!)
1 Blue Jays Way

We bring: Flyers and a dislike of the G20
You bring: A love of baseball


Sports fans against the G20


At the People’s Summit

Saturday June 19 1pm SCC Room G (Ryerson University)
Sunday June 20 10am VIC 202 (Ryerson University)

Facilitators: Andrea Hatala and Terry Douglas

These sessions are intended to prepare and empower folks who are expecting to participate in some or all of the events planned for June 21 – 27, 2010. Topics covered may include preparing for a demo/action, common police tactics, basic legal briefing, working in affinity groups, etc. The sessions will consist of interactive discussions, role-play, and possibly other approaches.


At the People’s Summit

Saturday June 19 3pm SCC room G (Ryerson University)
Sunday June 20 10am VIC 104 (Ryerson University)

Members of the Summit Legal Support Project will prepare people for participation in the protests during the summits of the G8 and G20 in Huntsville and Toronto later in June. People will be informed of what their legal rights are, what preparations have been made for legal support during the demonstrations and what happens if one is arrested at a protest.


The G8/G20 Week of Action – All of Your Questions Answered!
At the People’s Summit

Sunday June 20 3pm Lib 72 – Auditorium (Ryerson University)

The G20 is convening in a week in their closed meetings!!

Come out and find out what is planned for the week ahead from a panel of organizers. Also find out from medics how to protect yourself and from the legal team on yourl egal right to organize and demonstrate.


For more events, please go to

J21, 1pm, Harper’s Attacks on Reproductive Rights at home and abroad, 25
Cecil Street, OCAC

J21, 2pm, Allan Gardens, March: “All Out In Defense of the Rights of All”

J22, Various Times/Locations, creative civic transformations and street
theatre for Gender Justice

J22, Creative Queer Resistance to the G20, 4:30pm Yonge and Queen, Tuesday

J23, 11am, Alexandra Park (Dundas and Bathurst St.) March: “Toxic Tour of

J23, 7pm, Ryerson Student Campus Centre (SCC115), 55 Gould St: People’s
Assembly on Climate Justice: Moving Forward from Cochabamba (Poster)

J24, 11am, Queen’s Park, March: “Canada Can’t Hide Genocide: Indigenous
Day of Action”

J24, 5pm, Toronto Underground Cinema 186 Spadina Ave, “Six Miles Deep”

J24, 8pm, 25 Cecil Street Steelworkers Hall, Forum: “Confront the Invasion!”

25-27 June 2010: DAYS OF ACTION

J25, 2:30pm, Allan Gardens (Carlton Street between Jarvis and Sherbourne
Street) Free the Streets! March. Block Party. Tent City: “Justice for Our

J25, 6:00pm, Forum, Massey Hall: “Shout Out For Global Justice”

J26, 1:00pm, March, Queen’s Park: “People’s First. We Deserve Better”

J26, 1:00pm, March, Queen’s Park: “Get Off the Fence”

J26, Time/Location TBA, Radical Street Party: “Saturday Night Fever.”

J27, Time/Location TBA, Autonomous Direct Actions: “Getting Down to Business”

J27, 1pm, Location TBA, Bike Block action

J27, 2pm, St James Park (on King St. between Jarvis and Church), March:
“Funeral March”

J27, 3:33 PM, Anywhere, Make Believe Tea Party, (Flyer) (Handout)

J27, 5pm, Bruce Mackey Park (Dundas and Wardell), March:

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