The goal of is to provide a non-sectarian source for news about and of concern to anarchists. It is also to provide a location for discussion about such news.
From Prison Planet - by Paul Joseph Watson

Violent anarchists in France who have spent the last week pointlessly smashing shop windows and setting fire to cars have “shot the protest movement in the foot” by demonizing legitimate union demonstrators and allowing the government to crackdown with paramilitary forces, according to a leading French labor expert.

The actions of rioting black-clad youths in cities such as Lyon and Paris have scuppered any chance of derailing government plans to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62, highlighting once again the fact that nihilistic communists who foolishly think they are the vanguard of some potent revolution are in fact the greatest ally of the state.

From CNN

Editor's Note: CNN's Gabe LaMonica recently spoke with Greg Graffin the lead singer of Bad Religion. In addition to being a rock star, Graffin is also teaching evolution at UCLA and this month released a new book. Below is an edited transcript of their conversation.

In his book Anarchy Evolution: Faith, Science, and Bad Religion in a World Without God, Greg Graffin says, “For me, the existence or nonexistence of God is a non-issue.”

He’s a naturalist, the lead singer of the punk rock band Bad Religion.

The notorious punk riot at the El Portal Theater in Los Angles on December 29, 1990 made his band infamous – CNN covered it – but Graffin wasn’t involved in it.

The truth is that the imputed relating of ‘anarchy’ with ‘chaos’ (disorder), by the advocates of hierarchical control points to fundamental flaws in how they are relating ‘hierarchical control’ to ‘organization’ (order).

Hierarchical control based approaches to governance and management assume the simple cause-and-effect relationships that are found in a machine. The assumption is that the trajectory of any effect can be traced backwards in time to identify the responsible causal agent. In this way, if the effect is ‘good’, the hierarchical management system will identify the ‘responsible causal agent’ and reward and promote him. If the effect is ‘bad’, the system will identify the ‘responsible causal agent’ and punish and demote him (or eliminate or incarcerate) him.

The real world, however, is not governed by simple ‘linear’ causal relations. In the real world there are nonlinearities, ... tensions residing in spatial-relations that can inhibit emotive potentials and/or promote them. Earthquakes and avalanches represent the explosive release of tensional energy that has been steadily accruing. Classical physics cannot handle this kind of order/disorder because built into mainstream physics is the assumption that the present depends only on the immediate past.

From Robert Graham Blog

I sent the manuscript for Volume Three of Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas to Black Rose Books in September 2010. I hope it will be published soon. The mock up cover pictured above will hopefully be changed to show that Volume Three goes all the way to 2010, with a short piece on the 2008-2009 revolt in Greece added to the chapter on direct action. Below I reproduce the Preface and the Table of Contents. Volume Three concludes with my Afterward in which I analyze the history, development and evolution of anarchist ideas from the ancient Chinese Daoists to the present day.

Preface to Volume Three

This is the third and final volume of my anthology of anarchist writings from ancient China to the present day. Volume One, subtitled From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE-1939), begins with an ancient Daoist text, “Neither Lord Nor Subject” (300CE), and ends with the positive accomplishments and defeat of the Spanish anarchists in the Spanish Revolution and Civil War (1936-1939). Volume Two, subtitled The Emergence of the New Anarchism (1939-1977), deals with the remarkable resurgence of anarchist ideas and movements following the Second World War, particularly during the 1960s. This final volume canvasses the many different currents in anarchist thought from the 1970s to the present day and another remarkable resurgence in anarchist ideas and action within the context of global justice movements against neoliberalism.

From The Anarchist Library

It is becoming more difficult for anarchist authors to get involved with print publishing. Outrageous ideas and outrageous people have never been easy to publish, and the attention span of the kind of audience that appreciates outrageousness is short (and getting shorter all the time). Bob Black wrote Nightmares of Reason as a follow up to Anarchy after Leftism (over a decade ago, 1997) and it has waited all that time for a publisher to pick it up.

This book is about much more than the introduction would have you believe. It is about Murry Bookchin and his legacy, but the proponents of this legacy are largely silent (other than as obituary writers). It is about the anarchist ‘project’ since the publication of Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unbridgeable Chasm (1995). This polemic has shaped anarchist discourse far more in the past 20 years than the bad behavior of one author (flame wars to the contrary).

Polemicists have only interpreted Anarchism, the point is to change it.

From American Thinker - by Jason Mcnew

It is looking like John Stewart's "Restore Sanity" rally will define sanity rather peculiarly. Code Pink, Anarchists, and pro-abortion groups plan to attend at the Lincoln Memorial on October 30th.

Code Pink posts this on its site: "What is more insane, after all, than unjust war? What is more outrageous than a US foreign policy of democracy at the barrel of a gun? And really, what is saner than peace? So we will be at Jon Stewart's rally on October 30 and will try to use our best inside voices to bring our anti-war message (no promises on the volume, though)."

Anarchist News: "Join the Million Molotov March as we party our way through a veritable sea of mediocre leftists on the 30th!"

From Toronto Mobilize

Community organizer Alex Hundert was arrested this morning at his surety’s home. He has been arrested on an unfounded allegation, and one clearly designed to return Hundert to prison.

“I witnessed the alleged incident, and I’m confident that this charge is unfounded. It is a further attempt to silence and incarcerate my brother,” said Jonah Hundert, who was with Alex at the time. “This most recent attempt to vilify him will not work, and support will continue.”

This arrest is yet another attempt to intimidate and harass Alex and other anti-G20 organizers. The Crown is seeking his detention and attempting to have his bail revoked. This is the fourth time that the Crown has sought his detention in the past five months. This most recent attempt to imprison Alex, and intimidate activists and critics of the government, demonstrates the desperation and heavy handedness of the Crown and the police. The Crown is grasping at straws in an attempt to put Alex in jail for as long as possible.

From Asheville FM

Earlier this month, Warren Wilson College hosted the NC Rising 2 Conference. The focus of the conference was Anarchist Interventions and held workshops on Prisoner Support and Prison Abolition, Friendship, Accountability Processes, Forest Defense, Knowing Your Rights with the Police, and Terrible Freedom.

Panel discussions took place each of the three days of the conference and our audio team was able to capture almost all of it. Below are brief descriptions of the discussions followed by links to the audio content.

From Libcom

A summary of Stirner's ideas and their strong impact on his fellow Young Hegelians. McLellan asserts that Stirner's influence on Marx has been under-estimated and that he "played a very important role in the development of Marx's thought by detaching him from the influence of Feuerbach", his static materialism and his abstract humanism. Stirner's critique of communism (which Marx considered a caricature) also obliged Marx to refine his own definition. Stirner's concept of the "creative ego" is also said to have influenced Marx's concept of "praxis".

From Reddit

I've read a lot of polemics on /r/anarchism recently. Many of them have been well written, some of them (and some of the well-written ones) have been ALL CAPS, and some of them have been what I would describe as horrible, for various reasons.

Here's my polemic.

I don't care what the fuck you do as an anarchist, to be honest. I don't care if you're an insurrectionary anarcho-bro. I don't care if you're a Food Not Bombs advocate who should probably check their dumpster-privilege and rethink charity. I don't care if you're a feminist whose sole form of activism is shouting down macho assholes on Reddit.