Fire to the Prisons #10


For Life//Not Survival
Winter 2010-11

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What is the point?
Pg. 2

Justice: A Dead Word
Pg. 4

Insanity is Only Appropriate -A. Lunatic
Pg. 11

Take your mark, get ready, ablate: 3 positions against prison -August O’Clairre
Pg. 18

Chronology of Prisoner Resistance
Pg. 25

Anti-G20 Resistance in Toronto -Zig-Zag
Pg. 31

Oakland Disgraced. Tensions Re-Ignite: An interview with a Bay Area Resident
Pg. 37

Pg. 40

Barefoot Bandit
Pg. 57  read more »

For a Safer World


by Sali Marcella Grace

download at: (13.8 mb)

a guide to local groups, online resources, zines, books and films on trauma, survivor support, communication, mental health, community accountability, anti-sexism, addiction, and conflict mediation.

para un mundo mas sano und quid a los grupos locales, recursos de internet, "zines"/ revistas, libros y peliculas sobre la trauma, el apoyo de sobrevivientes, la comunication, la salud mental, la resonsibilidad comunal, anti-sexismo, la adiccion y la mediacion de conflictos

Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective 2010 Zine Catalog


This is the 2010 zine catalog of the Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective, updated fall 2010.

LockedOut 2010


2010 edition of LockedOut, a resource list for queer prisoners.

ella lucho por la vida -- she fought for life


by Sali Marcella Grace

Download at: (17.6 mb)

Guerrilla Gardening -- Beneath the Concrete


The world bank turned upside down

Art & Science of Billboard Improvement, The 2nd ed.

Art & Science of Billboard Improvement 2nd edition

Everything you wanted to know about how to rearrange that offensive advertisement.

Lucy Parsons: A Thousand Rioters


“Of all the modern delusions, the ballot has certainly been the greatest. The fact is money and not votes is what rules the people.” -Lucy Parsons

Lucy Parsons political life spans over 60 years within the Anarchist and Labor movements. Her writing and oratorical skills had so much influence, that a Chicago police officer called her “More dangerous than a thousand rioters.” Despite this influence, she has often been overlooked, even by Emma Goldman, often within the shadow of her white husband Albert Parsons. This booklet contains six of her texts:  read more »

Pink and Black Attack #6


This is the sixth issue of Pink and Black Attack, an anti-assimilationist queer anarchist periodical.

Download at: (14.4 mb)

I Will Not Crawl: excerpts from Robert F. Williams on Black struggle and armed self-defense in Monroe, NC


This publication offers a brief biographical sketch of an incredible man named Robert F. Williams, along with several chapters excerpted from his famous 1962 book Negroes with Guns. Though less well known than more urban groups like the Black Panthers, the words and actions of Monroe, NC’s militant NAACP chapter were tremendously influential on later organizations that advocated self-determination, autonomy, equality, and self-defense.  read more »

Build Your Own Yurt


Go here for more How To's on building a Yurt!

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ACAB #4 Anti-Prison Zine from Guelph, Ontario


Here is the latest issue of ACAB News #4, the Guelph ABC periodical. It is a mostly local zine about repression and struggle against prison.

ACAB 4 August 2010


- RBC Bank Arson in Ottawa
- Ottawa Movement Defense
- Support Political Prisoners of the G20
- Free Kelly
- Police Infiltration Report
- Free our Friends: Community Update on G20
- Detained: Holly’s Story
- Fierce & Fabulous 3 update
- Struggle Against Prison Action Reports
- Anti-Prison Demo Shut Down
- Prisoner Justice Day August 10th  read more »

Age of Conspiracy, The

The Age of Conspiracy

Looking back over the past decade, it appears that North American law enforcement agencies are increasingly utilizing conspiracy charges to target anarchists and others involved in radical communities. We’ve composed a review of recent conspiracy cases in hopes of analyzing this.

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