'Working people hold the world in the palms of their hands, if only they all could see it.'

Anonymous preachers lament, Liverpool, 1960's

WOW York is a network, a voluntary union of people providing practical support for each other.

WOW York seeks justice, equality and control for ordinary people at work and in the world.

For a brighter now and a better future join with WOW York. It costs nothing but a little time and the rewards could be globe shattering!

How could WOW York help me?

'To each according to their need'

If you work in a place with no Union WOW York can provide you with practical support, from plain advice to independent representation in your workplace.

Maybe you have no 'really big issues' but think that things could better, find out how WOW York could help you. Email wowyork or call 0797 172 1916.

We can help you and your work mates build your own union that meets your needs.

What could I do to help?

'From each according to their ability'

We need workers, thinkers, parents, volunteer reps, comrades, artists, technical geeks, writers, community activists, musicians, students ...

We need everyone who can give a little time to help build a new, vibrant, imaginative, voluntary union that improves today and builds a better future.

The more the merrier... and the stronger! Email wowyork or call 0797 172 1916.

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