IWU join rally Against the Cuts

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IWU join rally Against the Cuts

IWU join Belfast rally against cuts to budget

IWU join Belfast rally against cuts to budget

Members of the IWU joined a number of Mid-Ulster Trades Council members on the march against budget cuts in Belfast on Saturday 23 October.

ConDems send Champagne Charlie to Belfast

ConDems send Champagne Charlie to Belfast

The British government sent one of its admirers, Mr Champagne Charlie, along to explain its policy to the working people of the region.


Wicklow branch join hospital protest

Members of the Wicklow branch of the Independent Workers Union joined the protest march against plans by the HSE to close Wicklow hospital.


Too close a partnership

The national executive of the Independent Workers Union (IWU) has urged caution in relation to the emerging details of the relationship between some officials within the HSE and elements of the trade union movement.

Speaking on behalf of the executive, national secretary Noel Murphy said that while there is evidence of an unhealthy and improper connection between certain trade union officials and the HSE, this should not be used to condemn the entire trade union movement.

“Many dedicated trade union members sit on a range of committees and boards with little or no financial reward while others donate their remuneration to union funds”, he said.

“It is regrettable, therefore, that these revelations may besmirch the labour movement in general. It does, though,” he added, “indicate the very damaging impact of twenty years of social partnership and the unacceptably cozy bond that grew between some elements of the labour movement and the state”.


IWU to protest as hospital faces closure

A PUBLIC PROTEST march has been organised at De la Salle College, at 2.30pm in Wicklow town this Sat 9th Oct after the HSE refused to rule out the closure of Wicklow Hospital. Hundreds of people are expected to take to the streets to campaign against any potential closure.

Local IWU organiser Brendan Doyle said;

“Some residents have been living there for more than 30 years yet the faceless  men in the HSE want to close down what these older people call home. What has happened to the rights of Wicklow’s older generation living there and the grateful families who have their relatives looked after there. It’s simply not acceptable to move older people out of their habitual residence to alternative accommodation without this having a detrimental effect on their health. “


IWU national secretary supports Spanish strike

Spanish unions on general strike

Spanish unions on general strike

Spanish unions are building for a national general strike on 29 September to protest the government’s massive austerity program, which would cut public expenditure and investment, and introduce so called ‘ labour market reform’ which makes it easier and cheaper to fire workers

These unions are now contesting a double assault. Banks, traders and speculators, fronted by the IMF, have demanded drastic measures to guaranty their bonds. In May, the governing Socialists forced through a EUR 15 billion (USD 18.5 billion) austerity package comprising huge cuts in public expenditure and investment and a 5% reduction in public sector salaries. The second assault came with a package of labour market ‘reforms’, first initiated by government decree in June and completed by the Parliament on September 9, which make it easier and cheaper for companies to fire workers.

Independent Workers Union national secretary Noel Murphy voiced his support  for their actions and pointed out that; ‘ Irish trade union must surely now take similar action if we are to protect working people in this country


IWU join call for jobs

Harry Hutchinson leads call for jobs
Harry Hutchinson leads call for jobs
Independent Workers Union members joined a protest led by Mid-Ulster Trades Council chairman Harry Hutchinson on Saturday last in Cookstown Co. Tyrone. Mr Hutchinson said that it was a small but important meeting that was launching the campaign to halt the savaging of public sector employment currently being proposed by the British government.

Click on the icons above for more photos from Cookstown


IWU participate in Wicklow protest

IWU join protest in Wicklow

IWU join protest in Wicklow

On Sunday 12 September members of the IWU participated in a demonstration at a beach in Co Wicklow demanding public access for all. Participants in the protest climbed over the fence erected by a private individual who is trying to deny access to the people.

More on this story shortly.


IWU condemn ‘Workfare’

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