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Conspiracy Tour comes to Seattle!

In light of what’s been happening in Seattle, this should be a great opportunity to learn more about state repression through grand juries and ridiculous trials…

Conspiracy Tour
Wayward Cafe (52nd & the Ave/University Way)
$5-15 donation for legal support; no one turned away for lack of funds.

This summer, the Conspiracy Tour is going on a whirlwind, month-long excursion across the continental United States to raise awareness of and solidarity for political activists from Minneapolis, MN who are facing severe state repression. Come join us in raising political support and much-needed legal defense funds for the RNC 8 and Scott DeMuth.

It’s been alleged that the Tour will include a musical puppet show, a scintillating p…resentation on the charges the activists are facing, and various (some would say nefarious) ways you can join the Conspiracy to support targets of state repression. In addition to the usual perks of joining a conspiracy, co-conspirators will be learning ways to strengthen and protect their communities from future incidences of state repression. You know, just in case.

Come find solidarity, strategizing, resistance, and community that the state could only dream of! This will be a roadshow to remember even before you read about it in your FBI file.

Posted in sdiy.

Hollow Earth GRND OPNNG Today / Tomorrow!

Here’s the poster with all of the cool details on our “GRND OPNNG” of the new Hollow Earth Radio space! Come today for two workshops, an art-opening, and a publicly open in-studio with three bands!*



Posted in Announcements.

Crisis in the Borderlands (Crisis en la frontera): Resistance In Arizona

Arctic Circle House (540 26th Ave S)
Sunday, August 15th – 7 PM

(reposted from Arctic Circle Collective)
The situation in Arizona has reached a crisis point. Borderland communities, long
under the pressure of an oppressive and violent border enforcement policy,
have been besieged and attacked by a series of racist new state laws that
seek to undermine the very fabric of our communities.

New AZ State laws have mandated racial profiling (SB 1070), cut off access
to social services for mix-status families (HB 2008) and targeted Raza
Studies programs in high schools (HB 2281)  A new bill on the horizon
proposed by State Senator Russel Pearce wants to get rid of birth-right
citizenship for children of undocumented parents. These kinds of policies,
motivated by deep hatred, seek to criminalize border communities and spread

Come join in a discussion about the history of US border enforcement policy,
the continuing and increasing  raids under Obama and the growing resistance
in Arizona. Learn how you can support border communities in resistance and
help us build a movement for justice, equality and hope in direct opposition
to border militarization, white supremacy and state-sponsored terror.

Crisis en la frontera

Arizona está en crisis.  Las comunidades ubicadas en la frontera, después de
sufrir durante mucho tiempo la presión de una política fronteriza opresiva y
violenta, han sido acosadas y atacadas por una serie de leyes racistas cuyo
propósito es socavar la estructura misma de nuestras comunidades.

La nueva legislación de Arizona exige la discriminación racial (SB 1070),
corta el acceso a los servicios sociales para las familias de status mixto
(HB 2008), y pretende eliminar los programas de Estudios organizados por La
Raza en las escuelas secundarias (HB 2281).  Un nuevo proyecto de ley en el
horizonte, propuesto por el senador estatal Russell Pearce, quiere suprimir
el derecho de ciudadanía por nacimiento para los hijos de padres
indocumentados.  Este tipo de política, motivada por el odio profundo, trata
de criminalizar a las comunidades fronterizas y de sembrar pánico.

Venga y únase a nosotros en una discusión sobre la historia de la política
de vigilancia en la frontera de los EEUU, las continuas y crecientes
incursiones de la administración de Obama y la resistencia cada día más
fuerte en Arizona.  Aprenda cómo usted puede apoyar a las comunidades
fronterizas en su resistencia y ayúdenos a constuir un movimiento por la
justicia, la igualdad y la esperanza en oposición directa a la
militarización de la frontera, la supremacía blanca y el terror patrocinado
por el Estado.

Posted in sdiy.

seattle anarchist book fair – a call out!

the second annual seattle anarchist book fair is less than two weeks away, and a truly excellent mass of northwest radicals will descend upon the vera project.

while the tables & workshop slots are full, the book fair is still OUR space. you don’t need an invitation, but we’d like to give a gentle nudge and maybe a wink at yr capture the black flag, guerilla workshop, double-dutch, marching band, poetry reading, film screening, dance party…. this is yr call-out! the possibilities are endless!

and if you’d like a more traditional way to participate, there are many volunteers needed to pull off a full weekend of radical fun. email or stop by left bank books to sign up.

Posted in sdiy.

My Parade, Femteen and Secret Shoppers 8/7

Saturday, August 7th! 5pm

Early summer show! Monstersorri is back!

My Parade (POC dance party)
Femteen (Bay Area punks, bringing back glamorous)
Secret Shoppers (they’re so 1984)

BBQ seitan before the show. We’ll all go to the F.U.S.S. dance party after!

Posted in sdiy.