• Apply for the Co-op Management Certificate Program

    Program Start Date: October 22nd, 2010
    Application Deadline:
    October 22nd, 2010

    The Co-operative Management Certificate Program is the only hands-on management program in Canada specifically designed for people working for, governing or developing co-operatives and credit unions. Students will learn through a combination of online modules, webinars, and two-day intensive sessions held at the Schulich School at York University. Apply today! 

  • Sign the Province-wide Petition

    We need your support to put Ontario’s co-operatives and credit unions on the forefront of the government’s agenda!

    After 6 years of educating MPPs on the co-operative model of business enterprise, the successes and challenges facing Ontario co-operatives, and asking government to establish a provincial Co-operatives Secretariat, On Co-op is now requesting the support of the entire co-operative sector in Ontario with its latest advocacy effort… a Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

    Get a copy of the petition and start gathering signatures!

  • The New e-Directory

    Want to find a co-op? Check in On Co-op's redesigned e-directory.

    On Co-op maintains a listing of all the co-ops currently operating in Ontario, so anyone can search through and find what they're looking for. The e-directory can be accessed by clicking on the image to the right, or on the permenant "Find a Co-op" link at the bottom right of all our pages.

  • Co-ops Are Cool!

    Want to find out more about the great things co-ops do?

    Did you know that mornings are 28% more chipper because of co-ops? Or that co-ops make the world smell nicer? For more quirky, interesting facts about co-ops, check out the Co-ops Are Cool website, created by The Co-operators.


New Round of Government Funding for Innovative Co-ops in 2011.

The Canadian Co-operative Association is accepting the most recent round of applications for the Co-operative Development Initiative’s Innovative Co-op Project (ICP) funding.

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Seminar: The Power of the Co-operative Model

The Economic Club presents...

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Find a Co-op

The On Co-op eDirectory is a comprehensive listing of Ontario based Co-operatives, Credit Unions and Caisse Populaires.
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At On Co-op, we make it our mission to provide information that leads, cultivates and connects to the co-operative sector.