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Gymboree remains silent on forced child labor in Uzbekistan's cotton industry. Give them a call today to tell them to speak out against this exploitation!

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term-2024 New Report Offers Evidence that Cocoa Industry Not Addressing Child, Trafficked Labor ILRF, Global Exchange, Green America and Oasis USA September 30, 2010
term-2026 Honduras: Trade Union Leader Assassinated ITUC Press Release September 24, 2010
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term-2024 Hershey's cocoa sourcing held to account ConfectionaryNews.Com September 15, 2010
term-2024 NGOs slam Hershey over cocoa sourcing Just-Food September 14, 2010
term-2032 New Delhi RTE public hearing gives new hope to villagers Hindustan Times September 14, 2010
term-2024 Hershey Dominates US Market, but Lags Behind Competitors in Avoiding Forced Labor, Trafficking and Child Labor ILRF, Global Exchange, Green America and Oasis USA September 13, 2010