
Welcome to the website for INK, the Independent News Collective, trade association of the radical and alternative press in the UK.

We are reviewing the future of INK. Please contact INK chair Ian Henshall at crisisnewsletter@pro-net.co.uk or newsales@coffee.uk.com if you could help in one of two ways
1. Liven up this website as a one day per week worker, networking among INK members, using your web skills to build up traffic, sell subscriptions and pay your salary. Send in any ideas you have along with your cv.
2. You might want to run this site under license, making an investment of time and money in return for a share of the ownership. This is how we run INK distribution.

INK Subscriptions

Subscribe to INK magazines through this site. Browse the titles at left and use our secure page to send us your order.


Free Magazine...

Free sample copy of Cygnus Review if you subscribe to one or more magazines through this leaflet.

Cygnus review has feature length articles, information, readers' views and reviews of the best new books in the lifestyle, growth, health and ecology sectors. All books reviewed are available by mail order at heavily discounted rates.

...and Free DVDs
Choose one if you are subscribing to one INK magazine, both if you order two or more.

Solutions for Sustainable Living DVD

Full length DVD with reports of positive visions for sustainable living from around the world, featuring ecovillages and self builders. The Brighton earthship, roundhouse building in Spain, and Britain's first fully planned eco-village. Introduction to Vision TV the web-based peer to peer tv channel. Many other reports, features, previews and music videos.


911 Press For Truth DVD

The 911 attacks are often evoked in the media but is the official story correct? This documentary follows four bereaved women, the "Jersey Girls", and their campaign to get the full story. It took 18 months to force Washington to set up the 911 Commission, but their key questions were still ignored: how did known terrorists evade the CIA and FBI, how did they acquire their spectacular flying skills, and how did buildings designed to resist aircraft collision implode at nearly free fall speed?


Plus a FREE CD SINGLE "Universal Hall" by The Waterboys (6'22").

INK Projects

INK also publishes an annual subscription leaflet. Participating INK magazines are advertised on the leaflet and each magazine distributes it. In all 250,000 leaflets are produced.

INK Distribution distributes INK magazines to shops.

Find out about other current INK projects.