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Recent Additions

IFA statement: Solidarity with the Belgrade 6 - June 2010

New presentations by member federations of IAF-IFA - 28 May 2010

IFA communication on the events in Greece in May 2010/Comunicazione di IFA sugli eventi in Grecia nel maggio 2010 (english/italiano) - May 2010

Communication on the events of 5th of May in Athens, by Antiauthoritarian Movement (Assembly of Athens) - 10 May, 2010

IFA communication on the events in Greece in May 2010/Comunicazione di IFA sugli eventi in Grecia nel maggio 2010 (english/italiano) - May 2010

Communiqué de la Fédération Anarchiste contre la répression au Mexique, Comunicado de la Federación Anarquista Francophone contra la represión en México - Statement by FAF against repression in Mexico, April 2010

IFA statement: Solidaridad compañeros serbios/Solidarity with comrades in Serbia - 27 Nov 2009

IFA statement: Solidaridad Amadeu Casellas, Solidarity with Amadeu Casella - 27 Nov 2009

Brazil, Communique from the French-speaking anarchist federation in Solidarity with the FAG/Communiqué FA en soutien à la FAG (Brésil)/Comunicado de Federación Anarquista Francesa en solidaridad con la FAG de Brasil - Oct 2009

ANÁLISIS DE LA CRISIS EN ESPAÑA/Analyse de la crise en Espagne/Analysis of the Crisis in Spain - July 2009

Iran: Pouvoir assassin! Solidarité avec la population iranienne en lutte! Deadly Power! Solidarity with the Iranian peoples’ struggle! - July 2009

France: Motions de 66ème congrès de la Fédération anarchiste Francophone à Besançon, les 30, 31 mai et 1er juin 2009 / Motions of the 66th congress of the French-speaking Anarchist Federation - June 2009

Peru: ¡“Tierra y Libertad” para todos los pueblos del mundo! Solidaridad con las comunidades peruanas en lucha / « Tierra y Libertad » pour tous les peuples du monde ! Solidarité avec les communautés péruviennes en lutte / Solidarity with the Peruvian community in struggle - June 2009

France: 74 Workers Arrested: The State Reveals its True Nature! /l’Etat révèle sa vraie nature ! - May 2009

Reports from IAF-IFA congress in Carrara, Italy - October 2008

France: La manifestation anarchiste Malvenue au Pape / Bad wishes to the Pope demo, Paris/Ploermel - September 2008

Invitation to Roma solidarity demo, Manchester, England - September 2008

Czech-Slovak Anarchist Federation: Against the reform by the time-unlimited general strike - June 2008

Congreso de la Internacional de Federaciones Anarquistas / Introducing the IAF-IFA Congress in Carrara, Italy, 4-6 July 2008 (English, Italian, French, Spanish Portuguese) - June 2008

CONTINUED WARNING about fictional texts, organisations & wikipedia entries from Norway - June 2008


The International of Anarchist Federations / L'Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes (IAF-IFA) is a growing coordination of anarchist federations. It is currently made up of 9 member organisations based in Argentina, Belarus, Britain & Ireland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic & Slovakia, France & Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain & Portugal.

The website contains multi-lingual news and information about the activities of the IAF-IFA, our joint statements and publications, discussion documents, and links to the member organisations. The IAF-IFA international secretariat welcomes contact from anarchist organisations across the world.

The IFA is sometimes mistakenly (but understandably) referred to as the International Federation of Anarchists, or as IFA-IAF