M E K A R O - 2010 will be in Trois-Rivières, QC

The seventh meetup for esperanto-speakers in central Canada (MeKaRo) will take place in Trois-Rivières, May 22nd to the 24rth, 2010. Downtown of Trois-Rivières is quite small, so every activity will take place in the same surroundings. The meeting place is the Maison Hertel, which is classified as an historical monument, and is located in the old Trois-Rivières, on 802, des Ursulines. The cost for all activities, excluding those on sunday morning, is 20$ per person, to pay on arrival. A rebate is available for students and unemployed persons; please contact info(a)esperanto.qc.ca for more information. to learn more »

Welcome to esperanto.ca

What is Esperanto ?

Esperanto is a language created in 1887 by a Polish doctor named Zamenhof. The main objective of Esperanto is to serve as a common auxiliary language, fostering more effective and fair international communication. The Esperanto movement also supports linguistic diversity, democracy, human emancipation, and a global culture for peace.

Esperanto is regular and relatively easy to learn, and is currently used by a worldwide community estimated at over one million speakers. Esperanto is employed in world travel, correspondence, cultural exchange, conventions, literature, language instruction, radio broadcasting, and more.

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MEKARO-6 in Toronto : May 16th to May 18th

From May 16th to May 18th 2009, the event MEKARO allowed Esperanto enthusiasts from Ontario, Quebec and beyond to get together and discover the city of Toronto in a friendly setting.

MeKaRo in 2010 is scheduled to be held during Victoria Day long weekend in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.

TAKE7 : PanAmerican Esperanto Congress

The 7th PanAmerican Esperanto Congress (T.A.K.E.) took place in Montreal, from July 12 to 18, 2008.

The theme of the congress was :

Ecosystems, Languages, Cultures :
Diversity for a Sustainable Development in the Americas

More information available on the T.A.K.E. website : http://www.take7.ca

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