New York, August 15th: At least 494 jurisdiction in the United States operate programs similar to the criticized law, SB 1070, of Arizona, which violates civil rights by promoting the detention of individuals through racial profiling. Secure Communities—a program created by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE)—escapes public scrutiny due to the fact that... »

Serving Our Life Sentence In the Shacks

S'bu Zikode and Zodwa Nsibande

August 11, 2010

People all over South Africa have been asking the leaders of Abahlali baseMjondolo as to why the government continues to ignore the demands of the shack dwellers. They have been asking why after all the marches, statements, reports and meetings the Kennedy Road settlement... »


Nick Dyer-Witheford

August 8, 2010

If the cell form of capitalism is the commodity, the cellular form of a society beyond capital is the common. Nick Dyer-Witheford discusses the circulation of commons and the conditions they would create for new collective projects and waves of organising »

Obama Administration Deporting Immigrants At Higher Rates Than Bush

August 5, 2010

A new study shows the Obama administration is deporting undocumented immigrants at a higher rate than under President George W. Bush. According to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at... »

Rampant Racism in the Criminal Justice System

Bill Quigley

July 26, 2010

SOURCE: COUNTERPUNCH The biggest crime in the U.S. criminal justice system is that it is a race-based  institution where African-Americans are directly targeted and punished in a much  more aggressive... »

Bolivia and Ecuador: The State Against Indigenous Peoples

Raul Zibechi

July 22, 2010

“These people are gringos who are coming here with NGOs. Take it somewhere else. These people’s stomachs are full enough”, said the president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, in reference... »

Alberto Acosta on The New Extractivism

July 20, 2010

Originally Published at I spoke with Alberto Acosta, ex-Minister of Energy and Mines, and ex-President of the Constituent Assembly, in his Quito office on July 8, 2010. Jeffery R. Webber:... »

Obama’s Immigration Crackdown Continues

July 20, 2010

Why Obama’s “Secure Communities” Program May be More Dangerous Than Arizona (originally posted at By STEWART J. LAWRENCE It’s one of the Obama administration’s most important and secretive immigration enforcement... »

The New Jim Crow

Michelle Alexander

February 25, 2010

If you take into account prisoners, a large majority of African American men in some urban areas, like Chicago, have been labeled felons for life. These men are part... »

On Black Streets and Public Housing, Bill of Rights is Dead Letter

Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report, Executive Editor

February 11, 2010

“Stop-and-frisk is the race-based law of the land, the American police state in its most elemental, predatory form.” In cities across the nation, police stops of Blacks and Latinos... »