
New blog

Exactly that. Click here

Posted on 27/09/10

Summer 2010 Photos

Finally - a photographic document of our summer exploits. Click here to view it.

Posted on 14/09/10


Chumbawamba is having a break from doing gigs until the summer of 2011. That's all gigs - benefits, private parties, tours, festival appearances, one-off concerts - the lot.

We'll be back next summer though - if anyone still wants us!


Posted on 01/09/10


Songs from our performance at WOMAD will be featured on Radio 3's World on 3 on Friday 23rd, together with a live interview. The programme starts at 11.15pm - a mere 2 hours after our performance!

Posted on 14/07/10

Larmer Tree Festival

Now then, as well as our Saturday afternoon performance in the ARC, Boff and Jude have also been invited to give a talk on the engaging topic - How To Survive For Three Decades in the Music Industry Without Turning Into the Rolling Stones.This is at 2 o'clock at Club Larmer.

Posted on 14/07/10

New Photos

Endlich! Photos from the May tour of selected countries in Europe. The usual suspects feature: Jude and Lou continue their trend for wearing matching outfits, in-van activity features the usual handicrafts, laptops abound, there are pictures of food, hotel rooms, landscapes and odd architecture. A delight! See it here.

Posted on 05/07/10

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